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by reaper
Rated: GC · Fiction · Adult · #2077150
said the spider to the fly. witch bewitches prostitute into adult baby

Come in

To my parlour said the spider to the fly.

The girl, took in a deep breath as the lift doors opened onto the penthouse floor. She was here to sell her body for sex. It was not the first time but it would be her last.

She was dressed casually to the untrained eye. Hair done up as if she was just another girl looking for a good time in Vegas.

Hello…” I greeted her politely

You’re a girl” she stated the obvious. Though it was clear I was not what she had been told to expect.

Is that going to be a problem?” I asked as the lift door closed behind her.

The girl glanced at the closed door and I read in her eyes the thought of leaving even as she answered me “no… it just costs extra for a three sum”

Oh it will just be me I confirmed… but as you can see money isn’t a problem” the fact that she had to use a privet key in the elevator to get it to even open on this floor. Told her I wasn’t going to be the average business guy cheating on his wife.

Still her eyes took in the penthouse entry room with a hint of envy.

She did her best then to get back to the task at hand. “Well then, what’s it going to be?”

Her body language changed, this was her skill set. She was a professional, I was her client, she gave every signal that she would “jump my bones” right here if I so wished it.

I think we will move into the bed room” I dint command, I dint suggest. I just opened the double doors that separated the lift room from the suite.

The main living arear was spectacular it had all the things you would expect from the penthouse suite, huge plasma TV, complete with all the features any techno nerd could ask for, cocktail bar, the best décor money could buy. And oh yes an outside wall made totally out of glass that looked out at the Las Vegas strip fully lit. It took the steward half an hour to show me half the things in this room alone. Yet as I crossed it to the guest bed room. (Yes theirs a guest bedroom as well as a staff bedroom for any personal staff I bring with me.)

Halfway across the room I turned to her “Have you been in the penthouse before?” I asked, curious to see if she would lie to me.

She dint look around. Her eyes dint leave my body. “Once or twice” she was considered the best, so it dint surprise me that she could lie strait to my face and not show it.

Well then no need for the tore” I turned once more heading for the bed room.

As I watched her in the reflection of the big glass windows. I saw her take in the room for the first time “though that was before they renovated… I heard you ordered lots of changes done before you came”

I dint turn around this time. Instead I stopped as if I to had just noticed the beautiful room in which we stood “if you can’t take home with you make a little home were ever you are… or something like that” I continued walking.


I don’t know what to think about this rich bitch. At first I thought she was the big man’s bimbo, I mean her boobs are huge. But then she tells me she my client, that’s cool it’s not like I’ve never done a girl before. So long as I get paid.

Then she does this whole stick about buying the casino, remodelling the penthouse for her personal use, “money is not a problem” no shit if I had even 1% of what this bitch was worth I wouldn’t need to suck dick every night…. Lest I don’t have to suck a dick to night…. God I hope she doesn’t have a dick…. Na she all girl. I can tell by her expressive perfume that probably cost more than I made in a year. But its really good perfume, I mean wow she smells great, I gotta swipe me a bottle… no stay focused… fucker and walk away, that kind of money makes people disappear into the desert. Man she smells good…


Buy now she had been around me long enough that she should have started feeling the effects. As so many before her.

Was it my money, no. when this girl had arrived she had despised me because of my money.

Was it my beauty, maybe? This girl was no stranger to a woman’s bed.

No it was my sent, one whiff and you start seeing things my way.

Give me 3 minutes alone with anyone with a sense of smell and their eating out of my hand falling over themselves to give me what I want.

I stopped at the door, gracefully turning to look directly at her. As I looked into her eyes I saw not a hypnotised blank stare. Nor a love sick admirer. This was the same girl I had been assured was the best prostitute in this casinos service.

What’s your name… um sorry you don’t have to answer that” the girl dint know why she want to know. Only that it seemed important.

I smiled at her “we will get to that” I said opening the door “for now I want to undress you”

The door opened onto a decent size room that had its own bathroom “Jacquie room” and balcony. In the centre of the room was a huge bed. That 4 adults could share with room to spare.

Now come stand hear so I can get a look at you” I gestured to a spot on the floor halfway between the bed and the walk-in closet.

She moved with grace and purpose to the spot I had indicated

As I walked around her I looked at her she looked at me her eyes following me in the balcony glass door reflection.

I cycled her three times taking in her: hair, legs, face, hips, waist, hands, arms, back, stomach, breast and finally crotch and butt.

Then deciding she was suitable I removed her jacket, throwing it onto the floor. She did not flinch, there was the faintest trace of a smile on her lips.

You wanted to know my name” I broke the silence.

She looked directly at me and not trusting her voice nodded.

You can know my name when I know yours”

Oh its Brit…” she had probably wanted to say Britany. That was the name the casino gave me, her working name “Emily… you can call me Emily”

I striped Emily of her earrings. Gold with real diamonds. Being the best paid.

Remove your shoes” she pouted a little at not getting my name but still did as I asked “don’t worry Emily. I will never lie to you… now lay down on the bed so I can remove your jeans”

Emily did so and her jeans were added to the pile on the floor leaving her in a shirt, stockings and bra.

I ran my hand over her thighs as I pulled down her stockings. She arched her back to make it easier for me

Good girl” I whispered “now sit up”

Emily did so as her stockings were added to the pile.

Now your shirt and bra” crossing her hands over her chest in a practiced move she removed her shirt adding it to the pile. She was about to unclasp her bra when I said “let me” she stopped instantly.

I moved close to her my head over her left shoulder as my arms wrapped around her to reach the clasp. I heard her intake of breath as she smelt me proper for the first time.

Wow” Emily said as I added her bra to the pile “don’t take this the wrong way but you smell like. I don’t know but it’s really nice”

Thank you… Emily” I picked up the pile of clothe “why don’t you just sit there while I go throw these out… you don’t mind do you?”

The earrings were purposely displayed on top of the pile. Yet Emily dint even hesitate “that’s fine… then will you tell me your name?”

Of coerce baby… I’ll be right back you make yourself comfortable.” I nodded to the large chest of draws that served as a bed side table “I’m shore you will find what you need in their”

Then I turned and left the room.


The moment the rich woman had left the room Emily had crossed to the draws. She was not surprised at its continence. Though she knew she should have been. She was not worried or annoyed at the very real possibility that her two thousand dollar earing were being thrown out along with her work uniform, as it were.

She did wonder if she was ever going to learn the rich woman’s name and why she had been so trusting to tell her, her real name.

Emily shrugged it off. The rich lady would be back soon and she dint want to disappoint her.


The cloths were deposited into a garbage bag and place into the shoot that would take it into the bowls of the building to be disposed of. The only things I kept were the earing as I dint really want to destroy them. Emily could have them back later if she wanted them.

I glanced at my watch, I had paid her handler for the hour. Now I realised I would need at least the whole night so I sent off a text to the front desk to inform them that we were not to be disturbed.

They replied instantly that my request had been granted and my account charged. The figure was quite substantial but not more than I expected.

So I retuned the phone to its hidden holster and returned to the bedroom.

Emily had of course gotten comfortable as I had hoped. If she had gotten any more comfortably she would have been asleep.

As it was Emily was laying on the bed facing the door. Head resting on her arms as her legs swayed sexily behind her.

So have you figured out my name?” I asked as I walked around the bed examining her once more.

Emily giggled “yes… mummy”

I was standing behind her now. She dint move as I kicked off my own shoes and walked across the bed to sit down next to her.

That’s my girl… what gave it away? Was it the diapers” I ran my hand over her diapered rear. Filling the room with the scent of fresh baby powder.

No it was your smell” Emily rolled over to look at me “you smell like breast milk”

Who’s a clever baby” I stroked a strand of her black hair back behind her ear.

Emily nuzzled my hand “why do you smell so nice… and why can’t I resist you?”

Oh there’s a boring scientific explanation but the truth is you can resist me if you want to. I have no real power over you… yet”

Then why… mummy” she smiled at the word “can’t I stop thinking about you?”

My sent is all over this place, all over you, if you can smell me you will think of me”

Pheromones” Emily guessed

Correct… now comes the point of no return… you can leave or you can stay” I took back my hand showing her the earrings in my other hand “take these, find some cloths in the closet and run… you will still be payed, your life will go on and you will forget me”

Emily considered my words, she would consider jumping of a bridge if I said it.

Or… or you can go across the main room into the main bed room where I will be waiting for you” I hefted my breast “with your dinner… do not decide now wile I am hear. Decide when you can no longer, hear, see, smell or taste me on your tongue”

Then I reached down and kissed her.


Emily’s head was spinning long after the kiss, long after mummy…the rich girl had left the room. She passed back and forth between the doors to the closet were cloths and her diamond earrings were and the door to the main room.

She looked down at her diaper crinkling in time with her pacing “I know what I want… I know what I want… I know what I want… I know what I want… I know what I want… I know what I want… I know what I want…”

Frustrated Emily sat back down on the bed witch steered up the smell of baby powder.

Emily stomach growled at her

Dame it all I want my mummy” Emily declared getting up and running out of the guest room, across the main room to the master bed room. She dint knock.


Emily flew into the room still wearing nothing but her diaper “mummy” she called searching the room for me.

Over hear” I really didn’t need to call out she was already heading my way. She got half way across the room before I could speak again “stop right their young lady”

Emily stopped as fast as she had entered. I was sitting up in bed, leaning against the head board. She had made it to the end of the bed.

I see you have made your choice… but now we need to seal my control over you. This is your last chance to leave”

Emily answered with a stomach growl

I chuckled “very well” I untucked my right breast from my dress “lay your head in my lap and I will breast feed you my milk and you will be my baby forever.”

Emily came forward slowly laying her head in my lap. She licked her lips as I lowered my breast over her face. I had to be careful my breast was quite large right now as I had not milked them in preparation for this moment.

Drink up baby”

Her mouth found my nipple and she began suckling in ernes

You must drink it all, or mummy will be saw”


Emily belched loudly as her mummy burped her “who’s my clever girl”

Emily smiled she was really full almost painfully full and yet she was thinking about her mummy’s breast and the lovely breast milk that they made.

Ok Emily… I want you to tell me what you are?” I sat Emily down facing me

I’m a baby”

Whose baby are you’

Mummy’s… I mean yours…”

Ok last question” Emily razed her eyes from my breast to look me in the eye “if mummy tells you to do something. Will you do it?”

Yep…” Emily giggled

Ok baby… forget you toilet training, forget your potty training, and forget all about modesty,”

Mummy what’s toilet mean… how can I forget if I don’t know” Emily wined

That’s ok don’t worry about it… oh look baby has made a mess in her diaper just for mummy”

Emily glanced down and began to sniffle “I dint mean too…”

Shush sshh, its ok baby you dint do anything wrong.” Emily nodded “well when you’re done tell me and we can go get you into the bath…k”

Ok mummy”

Till then why don’t we talk about you?”

About me?”

Yes… I know your name and that you’re my big …baby…girl” I gently squeezed her shoulders reassuringly “but I don’t know if you have any other family… or friends that will come looking for you.”

Oh no mummy I dint have any one like that… it was just me and I had my work so there was no time or need for a boyfriend”

It’s lonely at the top” I knew the type.

I was always pretty… so when I out grew my home town…”

Out grew?” I razed an eye brow at that.

Ok… when my parents kicked me out for being a slut, that was about two years ago now”

I’m sorry to hear that”

No its ok I’m over it… any way, I moved to the big city and I needed a job and I liked sex so it kind of made sense to be paid for it… I was really good at it too”

I bet you were”

I was well paid at first, but soon my handler saw my potential and I started getting better clients, some of them had strange tastes but I dint care so long as it dint hurt too much or leave any scars…”

And so long as you got paid”

Well yare… the money, the gifts… I was well taken care of but I was… am a realist I know beauty fades so I have been taking online courses and putting money away for collage… my plan was to get out of the game in a year or two… I knew it wasn’t going to be easy”

Anything worth doing never is… but now?”

Now none of that maters, you are my mummy, only what you want maters”

That’s sweet honey… but unless I missed my guess that smell is coming from you”

Emily blushed “oh sorry I seemed to have made a stinky”

That’s alright let’s get you into the bath, then once you’re all clean we can find you a clean diaper and get you ready for bed”

That’s sound good, I don’t like this feeling”

I know but look at it this way, you’re on a breast milk only diet now so we won’t have too many of these” Emily face to on a dreamy like state. “Bath now young lady”


Anther my bath I did feel better. Mummy washed me while I had fun playing with my bath toys. Then like she said we found a ticker diaper and some fluffy pink baby pajamas. In my nursery, yep I’ve got my own nursery with my own, cloths, toys, crib and stuff.

You like did all this for me?” I ran around the room, trying to see it all.

Yes Emily, now come lay down in your crib”

I did as I was told. Letting mummy tuck me in “but I’m not sleepy”

Oh, well why don’t I, tell my baby girl a story.”

Yes please” I had never had a bed time story before.

Once upon a time there was a prostitute named Emily…”

That’s me” I said, but mummy dint like interruption so she put a pacifier in my mouth.

Suck on this but don’t make too much noise or you won’t be able to hear the rest of the story” I felt like Maggie from the Simson’s but that was ok mummy was telling me a story.

Were was I… oh yes… so one day Emily was called to go up to the heist point of the casino, she thought it was just like any other day. But when the elevator opened there was a witch waiting for her…” mummy was a witch I hope she’s a good witch. “And the witch cast a spell on her. To make her happy…” I knew she was a good witch “a happy baby… they had fun playing dress up… and the witch gave her a choice… stay with me forever or go home… well Emily dint think it thru very well and decided to stay with the witch though she knew she would be a baby forever” mummy smiled at me and I surged. I had kind of rushed into this without thinking it all the way thru but I was pretty shore I chose right. “So the witch feed Emily a magic potion from her breast and Emily was forever doomed to be the witches play thing… I mean baby” play thing I liked the sound of that “the witch bathed her and put her to bed telling the poor girl her story… and then they lived happily ever after… good night Emily see you in the morning”

I was asleep before she left the room but not before I felt her kiss me goodnight on the forehead.

The end of part one of one (unless I make a part two)



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