Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2224330-Only-Time-Will-Tell
Rated: E · Poetry · Fantasy · #2224330
A cleaning woman and a doctor travel through time.
Connie Clifford then fell through time;
it was the Red Roof’s steps she climbed.
They intersected wormhole space;
stunned Connie left without a trace.

Time travel was what she now knew;
past dying stars Miss Clifford flew.
Poor cleaning woman on time’s ride;
space seemed so vast from the inside.

A Doctor joined her on her trip;
(the wormhole was a roomy ship.)
A nice companion with white hair;
she tried to clean—he’d turn and stare.

Seems doctor was at Red Roof Inn;
while in his room, he felt it spin.
A pen and notebook did appear
for him to note the month and year.

Thus white-haired doc with pen in hand,
(Miss Clifford with no place to stand,)
rode merrily in time vortex
each wondering what year was next.

20 Lines
Writer’s Cramp
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