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Rated: E · Assignment · Educational · #2235264
Triggers and Emotions
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How did lesson one and two affect my work:

In lesson one, the story evolved around a mentally disabled young man whose mother passes away. He is left to fend for himself. He is sad and worried. He has no one else to rely on. Loneliness and hopelessness prevail. His food is gone and the coffers empty except for condiments. His starving and rumbling stomach wants food. And then he sees a yummy spider. The story ends in revulsion.

In story two, we have father and daughter. The father is a crusty man who shows no compassion or even a tiny bit of caring for his daughter. She is fresh out of college. Ready to start her career. All dad wants is her servitude by bringing him beers and making his dinner. She is stressed and angry at him for many reasons, but he recently took her saved money. Her hopelessness and built up agitation emotionally takes over and she looses her self in anger. There is a brief calm after the storm. And then shock comes in the end.

The reactions to the following words when shown.

!) Shock -- can be construed as appalled, or surprised. Example: Mary's eyes widened, unable to tear her eyes away from the horrid sight.

2) Revulsion -- Recoil, disturbing. Example: Mary gagged seeing all the blood.

3) Disgust -- Distaste, dislike. Example: Mary shook or head and rolled her eyes at the way he ate his food.

4) Sad -- pitiful, hapless. Example: Mary's face lacked the sunny disposition she usually displayed since her dog died.

5) Anger -- Very mad or annoyed. Example: Something swelled up in Andy who was looking for a fight.

6) Agitation -- push buttons and stir up. Example: Andy clenched his fists when Joe walked by with Jane.

7) Worry -- uneasiness Example: Mary paced the floor waiting for Andy.

8) Stressed -- tension, anxiety. Example: Overwork threw Andy into panic mode.

9) Loneliness -- empty, outcast. Example: Mary ordered one coffee and sat in the corner staring out at emptiness.

10) Hopeless -- giving up. Example: Mary went home knowing he'd never show up.

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