Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2264658-The-Dance
by Stoby
Rated: GC · Fiction · Adult · #2264658
Fantasy come to life
It was supposed to be a conference for work. It ended up however being a time of confusing excitement that will be a source of pleasure for years to come.

The hotel was booked solid and Robert the conference coffee buddy who always seem to find her at every one with a coffee and smile suggested another quieter one where he was staying. This one was more intimate, quiet and unique but just a close to the conference center. There was something about Robert that always disarmed her, he felt safe and always seemed to have best interests in mind so she decided to book a room there.

It was six months out but these things approach fast it seems and between work and family life it was here in no time. Robert had been reaching out more than in the past but this was the one conference of the year they both enjoyed so she put it off as excitement and nothing else. If they worked in an office together they probably would be seen as work wife and work husband but they were on opposite sides of the country and have been grabbing coffee at these things for so long they were like old slippers. Put them on and you are instantly comfy and cozy. Yes he was ruggedly handsome and yes she had thought about him but that was years ago. Time has a way of making us realize fantasies are best left unrealized.

The day before check in at the hotel Robert send an odd email, the details were specific and vague at the same time; bring those red heels, and the dress and perfume are for dinner Friday night. That was it. Now the red heels were his favorite she knew that much. He always commented when she wore them and she always seemed to wear them. They were that rare balance of sexy, slutty and office worthy heels, depending on what they were worn with. Though she always seemed to lean office, she knew he saw them as sexy/slutty. That was a tease she was willing to give him.

Thursday came and the house seemed to be full of energy, everyone leaving for work and school and no one realizing she was leaving for the conference that afternoon. Quiet and alone after the morning rush was over she packed everything needed for the conference but lingered when grabbing the heels. Why make a point to mention these shoes when he knows I always wear them? Then her mind drifted toward Robert. He was her companion at so many conferences she forgot when and how they met. She had danced, drank and eaten with him. Hell there was that time the ended up at the strip club after too many tequila shots. But still, though there was an unspoken desire they were married and had families and knew nothing could happen.

The text woke her up, the car company would be there in 15 mins. Time to finish and grab the itinerary. The car ride was quiet, even the airport process seemed to go by quietly and effortlessly. The daze was dreamlike, going through the motions she ended up in the lobby of the hotel she was staying at. This woke her up but once checked in she realized how tired she was. She grabbed the rooms keys, found her room, dropped her bags and fell onto the bed and had the deepest sleep in as long as she could remember.

She awoke with the confusion of a hard deep sleep, the kind your body forced to to have when it knows you need it. But now awake she saw the garment bag with a note pinned to it. It was an itinerary; breakfast then message then manicure and pedicure and hair? At the bottom it read, enjoy your day and I will see you for dinner-R. P.S. don’t open the bag until after your bath.

Bath? There was no bath on the list! Ugh, Robert she thought. He was being his playful self. After checking her phone and seeing her family didn’t miss her she decided, what the hell, let me enjoy my day. Breakfast was first and was in a quiet dining room. It was now that she realized this was more like a big bed and breakfast place and not a hotel. The staff were attentive and the other guests all seemed to smile when they saw her and the eggs Benedict were the best she’d ever had. The waitress approached and said your day will begin in a few minutes, Tina will be your guide today.

Day? Tina? What was going on? Confused but feeling the most calm she’d felt if forever she went with it. The conference started tomorrow, Robert planned a day for her and she had nothing to worry about.

When Tina arrived she came to the sudden realization that she didn’t know what time it was. She wasn’t wearing her watch, her phone was in her room and there were no clocks anywhere. Tina was that kind of woman though beautiful, you were not jealous of even though your husband would lust after her part of you did to. To a explained where they were going, there were walking after all, and that the message is a process that does not start on a table. There was a locker room where she was told to disrobe, then walked to a sauna hot tube rooms where she was instructed to sit naked until someone came for her.

Dreaming she though, I am dreaming. How else could you explain how a normally shy and introverted woman would end up naked in a hot tub waiting for a gorgeous 20 soMething to get her? As if on cue, Tina was back and said it’s time for the message. There was no robe or towel offered and she noticed she did t care. She walked naked behind Tina and never felt more comfortable. The room they entered was small and cozy. Warmth came from somewhere but before she could look for it Tina told her to lie face down on the table. Never being one to enjoy a strangers touch, she did as told. Feeling in like she could sleep then and there she almost did until the oil was poured on her back.

That warmth oil felt better in ways than should imagine, and the way Tina moved across her body was magical. The pain and warmth and relaxation all seems to explode from her finger tips and it was a feeling she wanted to stop and have more of at the same time. Finally Tina said she was done and pointed to a robe. Put this on and someone will be here for you. It was almost post orgasm type feeling. Her body had never felt like this before, sore and alive at the same time.

The next stops were a blur and in similar fashion the first one. Finally she was walked to her room where the attendant said, your bath awaits.

The room was the same and the bag was there, but her heels were at the bottom and another note was attached. This one read ‘enjoy your bath and where just this dress heels and mask for dinner’ R

Now this was pushing it, being told what exactly to wear? Well that would wait, there was a bath to take.

And what a bath it was. She hadn’t noticed the claw foot tub last night. But here it was, out of a novel. Full and topped with flowers that with the steam filled the room with a natural perfume. Perfume, wasn’t there something about that she though? Oh well she would think more about that after the bath, which once in felt like the warmest most comfortable hug you could have. Her body was alive today. Everything seemed to feel better, smell better, look better. Especially her.

The knock on the door told her she had fallen asleep or maybe just dozed off. The voice said dinner in 30 minutes in the dinning room. Remembering the lack of watch and clocks she wondered if it was really that late. The day moved so quickly and she did not have to think of where or what to do that yes, it could be dinner time.

Drying off she saw herself in the mirror and couldn’t help wonder if she was really glowing or if she only felt that way. But once in the room she saw the dress now, the attendant had taken it out. And the perfume was next to it with another note ‘ when you smell the lavender you are ready ‘.

What the hell did that mean and Robert might be going too far. Thinking of him she checked her phone, nothing. From him or her family. Did no one care about her?

She stared at the dress for what seemed like an hour before deciding to get ready. For some reason she sprayed the perfume on herself like she had done this everyday, though she was not a perfume person. The dress seemed to fit like it was made for her, she had never felt nor comfortable and sexy in a dress before. Being a mom didn’t lend itself often to sexy dress wearing. And though she wanted to she did not wear anything under it as instructed. Next we’re the heels and finally the mask, looking at herself in the mirror she was taken aback, she would never have guessed that was her if she was shown a picture of herself like that.

The knocking at the door, like had happen so often recently snapped her awake. Follow me for dinner miss came the voice. Once last look in the mirror and damn she thought, I look hot!

The attendant was wearing a mask too, the kind of Mardi Gras mask that covers the eyes only. The attendant kept glancing back and smiling at her. The comment about how good she looked when she stepped out of her room made sense. It was hard to tell if it was a teenage boy or girl but who ever it was, she was really being checked out by them.

The walk had not seemed this long and everyone she past had a mask on and stared at her. It seemed like the stares were lustful but it was hard to tell because of the masks. Finally in the dinning room she was shown to her table where Robert waited. He was dressed in a suit that fit him almost too well. He had never looked this good and she couldn’t even see his whole face.

He stood up grabbed her hand and twirled her around saying, I want to take it all in. As she twirled she again realized she was being watched. But it didn’t bother her. She felt alive and sexy.

She had questions for him he said and would answer in due time but for now he wanted to know how her day went. As she explained her day they ate food and had wine that seemed to appear. She never had to ask for anything.

Then, dinner was over and everyone was walking into another room. Robert stood up and asked ‘care to dance?’ And while she hated dancing usually for now, it felt right.

Robert seemed to not answer any question about the dress, how did he know her size and that it would go with the shoes and that she would wear it with nothing underneath. But in that room, she’s didn’t care. They slow danced and she felt naked in his arms. Music came from somewhere and a spot light seemed to shine on them from somewhere.

They continued to dance and it felt like the world melted away and she was under this warm light and it was her and, now Robert was behind her kissing her neck. It felt right, and she didn’t want it to stop, and she didn’t stop him when his arms wandered across her body. She had long wanted this but never thought it would happen.

But what was happening, the room seemed to be just them. There was music they were moving to and while she felt his body he seemed to be concentrating on her more. The warmth of the room suddenly envolped her as did the smell of lavender. It was at than moment that she realized her dress had fallen to her feet and while she could sense other people in the room and could their dull murmurs she didn’t care. Robert was kissing her neck and caressing her naked body a moving his hands slowly down until he reached where she wanted and need him to be.
© Copyright 2022 Stoby (stoby at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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