Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2307334-The-Experiment
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2307334
Round 4 contest for Oct. Nano Prep 2023
Vertragus stood one centimeter tall, looking at the dimensional portal on Lillitopia. His people were the same size as him, and identical to humans, but couldn’t breed with them because of their differing DNA structure. The shuttle cruiser powering the portal was the only thing left behind by the cadets after passing through the portal to return home. They had been stranded on Lillitopia, but the scientific know-how of Vertragus allowed him to construct the portal so the cadets could return home.

“They’re gone,” Vertragus said to Stringer, one of his apprentices. “That nova bomb was programmed to go off in ten years time, so we need to figure out a way to evacuate. With so many of us, we’ll barely have enough time.”

“Where else can we go?” Stringer asked. “The Imperium won’t help us, we’re on our own.”

“There is an analog of Earth where no life evolved, we can make that our new home world.”

Ten years later…

All of the miniaturized criminals from Lillitopia were on their new world. It occupies the same coordinates as Earth, but in a parallel reality.

The top people in the Lillitopian military gazed at a large monitor and viewed Earth. It was as big as the movie screen in a theater to the Lillitopians.

A time vehicle arrived, on the same miniaturized scale as the Lillitopians. Mage, a Lieutenant of Vertragus, disembarked, and addressed Vertragus. “I’ve discovered things about our future here that will astound you!”

They marched into a large room where a monitor dominated one side of the wall.

“We are all immortal, with no need for food or water. We exist outside the history of the people of Earth, so we can make changes to their history without affecting our own. We must bring a woman from an analog of Earth, and interact with her. I can’t reveal the specifics of what will happen, because I would be interfering with the sequence of events.”

“We can summon people from an analog of Earth, and bring them here.” Vertragus told the others. “If they cause problems, we can reduce them down to our scale with the neutrino dissimilator we replicated from the shuttle cruiser.”

“We’ve only got one neutrino dissimilator, Vertragus!” Stringer warned. “We’re stuck at this size because of our size inhibitors, but if we bring humans down to our scale, they can hijack the shrink ray and restore themselves back to normal and overpower us!”

“The neutrino dissimilator can be repaired,” said Vertragus.

Mage adjusted a series of buttons on the control panel, and an image of a prison cell popped up on the monitor. Two young women, about eighteen years old, were sitting in the cell. The cute blonde was on her bed, while the thick yet not obese cute brunette sat at the table.

“That’s Courtney Curtis, the brunette. She is the key to completing a temporal experiment that will allow us to alter history without generating an alternate timeline. The Imperium can’t even do that! Later today, she and her cellmate will be on a boat heading to a women’s island prison in the Bahamas. We can use our technology to bring them here.”

Some of those in the room felt it was a bad idea to bring a normal sized human to Lillitopia, but in the end, hubris won out. The desire to succeed in an experiment where the Imperium had failed gave them motivation to one up the government they came from. All of them were criminals who were sentenced to be miniaturized and brought to a planet where they would live in anarchy among their own kind.

When the cadets had arrived, one of them had fired a nova bomb into the star their original planet orbited, giving them ten years to evacuate. The Imperium had no concerns about their well being, and offered no additional assistance.

Vertragus proceeded with the experiment to bring Courtney Curtis to their civilization.
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