Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2320852-Between-Life-and-Death
Rated: E · Article · Other · #2320852
Life is a journey
Between life and death, I struggle every day. When my family members fall ill and I belong to a poor family, I desperately want to help, but I'm powerless. I struggle every day to earn extra money, but it's never enough. I'm torn apart by the desire to cry out in despair, yet I must stay strong to support my family.

Each day brings a new battle, a new anguish. When my loved ones cry out in pain, they pray to Allah for release, for an end to their suffering. And I, too, pray to Allah, pleading for mercy, for a miracle to ease their pain. But the medical treatment is exorbitantly expensive, and I'm trapped in a cycle of debt, forced to take on loans I can barely repay.

And then, the unthinkable happens. My loved one slips away, leaving me alone, bereft, and wondering why they had to leave me behind. The pain is suffocating, crushing me beneath its weight.

In this darkest of moments, I'm consumed by grief, my heart shattered into a million pieces. I'm lost, searching for answers that never come, struggling to find the strength to carry on."

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