Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2320871-Gifts-from-beyond
Rated: E · Prose · Educational · #2320871
my mom is here I think for sure
Today I had a little visitor and I am really sure it was my MOM
People think I am crazy and I think not
I mean a few weeks back she sent a gospel song as a reminder that I will be okay
She was not here though just watching from on high
She came for a visit today which is completely different
She showed up in all her passionate Mom form and fashion
Which for her is not drastic at all
She made a fire really fry and not want to die
She cracked and burnt my glass candle holder I do think
She was knocking stuff off my tv stand and turned off my phone
I really think it was her like for real in the spirit
She is getting on my nerves a little which I kinda miss again that is her
I needed a Mom today and am grateful that God let her show up today in some form
She is still here in her own way today she made herself known
Everyone else had hear or seen her on a personal level but me until today
I am glad she wanted to show up today for me for whatever the reason
If bonds can move beyond space and time than clearly her's has
If bond's can last and remain on the other side hers has
I think my Mom visited today somehow and that is OK as long as it's only once in a while.
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