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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · History · #2306197
In 1428, Jean of Domremy meets one company captain. How her and his destiny changes?
* Some of the settings in this story have been added or changed by the author.

* Some of the names of people, places, and companies that appear here are mostly fabricated and have nothing to do with the actual names of people and places.

She(Jean D'arc) was the most marvelous example of the miracle that faith and will can accomplish.
-Histoire de la France(1947), Andre Maurois(1885.07.26 - 1967.10.09).

Late season in the Hundred Years' War, One dawn- morning in 1428. Domremy villiage, France.
This small villiage is located in Vosges mountain range, Southwest France effected by the Hundred Years' War.
While the sunlight go through stained glasses and show shining color everywhere in this small cathedral, one tall and long black haired young girl ware typical shepherdess clothes kneelt and deep prays to below the portrait of Jesus and Mother Maria which hang above the altar.
In 1425, only 13 years-old her heard the voice of God with St.Micael, Saint Margarita and Katarina. "Save France."
At first time, she refused with embrass but this voice continued. Now 16 years-old her finally decides to die a martyr's death with the voice of God.
When she finished long long pray left the cathedral, sees the villiage is moving busy. She hears what villiage people saying like this.

"C'est une entreprise commerciale vient pour longtemps!(It's a business group comes for a long time!)"
"...mais c'est petit.(But it's small.)"
"Ne vous souciez pas des grands ou des petits. Nous pouvons acheter les necessites quotidiennes.(Don't worry about big or small. We can buy the daily necessities.)"
"Ils ont une compagnie libre.(They have one free company.)"
"Une compagnie libre?(One free company?)"
"Il y a aussi petit.(There's also small.)"
"Ils ont l'embleme du tonnerre.(They have the thunder emblem.)"

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 00. Pliot: Accidental encounter.

That small business group and company who looks like to protect are located inside the square of Domremy village and outside the plain each other. Also the company stays caugh with river Meuse.
After they stays into the village, village head of Domremy villiage seems like 50- 60s hurrily runs to the company camp and ask to young company leader.
"Ah... ...Monsieur, Voudriez-vous nous sauver de l'armee de Bourgogne?(Ah...... Sir, Would you like to save us from the Burgundy army?)"
"Bien sur, nous pouvons vous proteger mais que nous donnerez-vous?(Of course, we can protect you, but what will you give us?)
"Ah... C'est...(Ah... It's...)"
"Nous savons que nous ne pouvons pas sortir de ce petit village de montagne.(We know we can't get out of this small mountain village.)"
This villiage head shows little sweat to my half serious answer.
Nothing to come out at this mountain farmers' village. If we sack, it makes our image fall. And then English and Burgundy armies are sacking around cheerfully.

Read the books several times and watched related documentaries, it beyond my expecting much.
By effect from the Hundred Years' War, this villiage people divided two parties and fought with each other like any other French villiages. Even evacuated to the neighborhood villiages.... Through acrossing Russia and Northen Europe and finally when enter to France, we watched these cases so many times.
If Burgundy army come here, will evacuate people possible by our force?
Even wicked guys are sacking refugees' luggages.... Besides we earned from some captived knights' ransom so many times but they acrossed the line already...

As we knew, Flandre merchants had instigated but if Edward 3rd of England didn't crave to France so many reasons, the Hundred Years' War didn't start.
Go to this point, France divided two big parties. Burgundy party which sponserd by England gathered around duck of Burgundy, Philippe le Bon(1396.7.31 - 1467.6.15) and opposed against Armagnac party on late season of the Hundred Years' War. Armagnac party opposed against with Burgundy party on the Hundred Years' War. Count of Armagnac became a boss to his party and supported Prince Charles as called Prince party.
However, even if French people hate English domination, alredy duck of Bedford John surrounded Orleans and duck of Orleans Charles became English prisoner. Armagnac party have no army to recapture Orleans.

"Nous resterons quelques jours. ... et pensez-y. Si vous nous donnez un bon prix, vous protegerez vous et votre village.(We will stay for a few days.... And think about it. If you give us a good price, you will protect you and your village.)
Little threat to answer, villiage head's face is becoming pale and running out company camp quickly. One woman adjutant beside watches from the beginning makes little frown and say to me.

"Je l'ai regarde pour la premiere fois, mais cette fois-ci, j'avais l'air un peu dur.(I looked at it for the first time, but this time it's a little harsh.)
"Je sais mais ca ne joue pas comme tu le savais.(I know, but it doesn't play out the way you knew it would.)"
"Je sais cela.(I know that.)"
"La bonne chose est que quelqu'un qui cherche ce village puisse en deplacer un autre?(The good thing is that someone looking for this village can move another one?)"
"Si tout va bien, ce sera bon pour ce village.(If all goes well, it will be good for this village.)"
"Mais quel est le nom de ce village?(But what is the name of this village?)"
"C'est Domremy.(It's Domremy.)"


"Quoi!? Une compagnie libre?(What!? One free company?)"
"C'est vrai, monsieur. Une entreprise gratuite etait stationnee autour Domremy?(Right, Sir. One free company was parked around Domremy?)"
"Ce village soutient le jeune...(This village supports the young...)" Writhed one aristocrat orders finally.
"C'est vrai que s'ils sont l'armee croissante d'Enermy, arretez ca. Preparez-vous a vous battre!(It's true that if they're enermy's growing army, stop it. Get ready to fight!)

Accordint to scouts, couldn't confirm their size but knew that at least some thousand company group stays around Domremy villiage.
Looks like that company have well-armed soldiers and artilleries... so it can be possible to small battle. If this kind of company guys go to English, long-term war goes more long.
Let's show bitter taste to that company captain who know nothing or employ them.


For Jean, it's easy to find the company camp.
While the business group sell somthing in the village, this company group is located outside plain and river Meuse beside. During they're cutting trees in the forest and making camp, their camp size is transcend then Jean imagined.
How am I going to this company camp... Accidentally one company soldier find Jean and ask carefully. So Jean afraids inside but tells to her bussiness calmly. That soldier makes surprised expression little but soon takes with Jean to the head of company.

"Excusez-moi, monsieur le chef. J'ai emmene cette jeune femme qui cherche Monsieur le chef!(Excuse me, Mr. Chief. I took this young woman who is looking for Mr. Chief!)"
At the tent entrance, one soldier takes with Jean speaks in a modest way, and then all head members turns and watches that soldier and Jean. Seem like the meeting is over at just in time and Jean can see one man and woman who looks like captaine and adjutant. One woman seems like a adjutant tells to the soldier.

"Nous ne savons pas ce qui se passe mais ecoutons attentivement son histoire. Est-ce que c'est bon, L?(We don't know what's going on, but let's listen carefully to her story. Is that good, L?)"

elle? aile(wing)?
While Jean shows curious looks about this company captain's name and young impression, the company captain nods to adjutant's saying and orders the soldier return to his position. So only Jean lefts in the tent. The company captain makes hard looks and tones and asks to Jean.

"Quel est ton nom?(What is your name?)"
"Jean... Tout le monde m'appelle Jean.(Jean... Everyone calls me Jean.)" At very short time, the company captine makes very surprised looks when Jean says her name but his interrogation continues.
"Que fais-tu ici?(What are you doing here?)"
"Parce que c'est une chose importante.(Because it's an important thing.)"
"Chose importante....(Important thing....)" One woman adjutant says.
"C'etait de la recommandation des anges.(It was the angels' command.)"
"Ah... ange... attendez, Quel age avez-vous?(Ah... angel... wait, how old are you?)"
"....Pourquoi me poser des questions a ce sujet?(....Why ask me about this?)"
Well, you can be on guard. Maybe you think before go to here, must go to Robert de Baudricourt of Vaucouleurs first.
Now because we're at Domremy villiage in 1428, this young girl's age is very important.

"Vous avez dit que vous aviez une chose importante. Cependant, il est general de demander votre nom et votre age.(You said you had one important thing. However, it is general to ask for your name and age.)"
"….six ...seize... peut-etre...(....six... sixteen... Maybe...)"
"Entendu des voix d'ange a la premiere fois?(Heard angel voices the first time?)"
"Il y a quelques annees... peut-etre 2 ou 3 ans... Toujours pareil, "Sauver la France"...(A few years ago... maybe 2 or 3 years... Always the same, "Save France"...)"
"Jusqu'a maintenant?(Until now?)"
"....Oui. J'espere que je dois aller a Reims.(....Yes. I hope I have to go to Reims.)"
Reims... Convinced enough but not convinced.
And then instead of the company capitain shows complexed looks, one woman adjutant asks Jean.

"Alors vous allez prendre une epee comme commande des anges?(So you're going to take a sword as a command from the angels?)"
"Peut etre que.... je le ferais...(Maybe that.... I would...)"
Even she was born in one of same Catholic religion countries, it looks like a fabulous answer. And she nods to what I say.

"Si vous me demandez mon avis, s'opposer.(If you ask me for my opinion, object.)"
"Avez-vous tue des gens? La guerre ne peut rendre personne grand. La guerre est une chose idoit. Avez-vous vu une vraie guerre?(Did you kill people? War can't make anyone great. War is an idol thing. Have you seen a real war?)
"Mais... Dieu...(But... God...)"
"Des choses douces que des gens inexperimentes. Vous ne savez pas comment la guerre est horrible. La vraie guerre est l'enfer. Ange? Est-ce que demon porte le tissu d'Angel?(Sweet things than inexperienced people. You don't know how horrible war is. Real war is hell. Angel? Does demon wear Angel's cloth?)"
Know that values of this era is very different than 22c, but I want to stop her.
Because I experienced a silmiar case before, I can assume this young girl will so much hurt.
One episode: Teared for dead enermy soldier and closed his eyes in the battle as hell and felt sad in the war's horror is well-known story. Even through in 22c, even that kind of episodes become known to Korea as long distance from France.
According to some texts, she only holded on the flag but didn't hold a sword. Exactly we don't know but she was used from the begining to the end. Also descendants uses her politically and purpose to gather democrasy through modern and present age, 20c, 21c and 22c.
Ah, mass media. Specially Ruler Jean from Japanese Type Moon was amazing.

"...et nous ne soutenons ni la Bourgogne ni l'Armagnac.(...and we don't support Burgundy or Armagnac.)"
Hide sympathize with her and says but she can't accept it either.
So tell her our guidelines tidy, Jean makes very surprise look and begins to argue. But suddenly the villiage starts to noisy and other soldier runs into our tent.

"Qu'est-ce que cela se passe?(What's going on?)" Almost same time, the company captain and adjutant says to a soldier runs to them.
"Une armee sous les armes s'approche de nous!(An armed one is approaching!")
"Combien?(How many?)"
"Je n'ai pas confirme mais j'avais l'air 2 fois plus que nous.(I didn't confirm but looked like 2 times more than us.)"
"Bourgogne ou Armagnac?(Burgundy or Armagnac?)"
"Parce que c'est longue distance. n'a pas verifie. Pardon!(Because it's long distance. didn't check. Sorry, sir!)"
"Urgence! Dites aux entreprises commerciales et evacuez les villageois vers un endroit sur! Tout sous les bras!(Urgency! Tell the commercial company and evacuate the villagers to a safe place! Everything under your arms!)"
"Deja fait, Monsieur!(Already done, sir!)"
Since Jean surprises to hear between that soldier ruturns to his position soon and the company capatin, before the company captain goes out his tent to wares his armor with woman adjutant, tells to Jean.

"Jean, Regarde ce qu'est la vraie guerre. C'est tres different de la chasse aux animaux.(Jean, Look at what real war is. This is very different from hunting animals.)"

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 01. C'est la guerre...(It's war....)

When we changed to heavy armor and took all weapons, hurry to arrange our battle formation. Because it's afteroon,
"Sir, permission to attack!"
"Good, Unaware of anything, we attack when they come into range.
2nd column, as usual, deploy the shield soldiers first, and the crossbowmen back."
"Shield soldiers and spearmen forward! Crossbowmen behind!"
At the commands of the captain, they formed sequential formations with shieldmen protecting the spearmen and archers. Then the archer began to shoot arrows, and of course, the opponent who was sailing towards him was also hit by a few arrows, and then the shield soldier hurriedly advanced, and the archer fired his arrows.

"Do they have Genoese crossbowmen?"
"We don't know yet."
With a thud, an arrow slammed into the shield.
The shield made of wood and reinforced with leather, was impenetrable. But the impact of the arrows was clearly felt in the back.
Their fire was denser than expected, but in the future, it doesn't often end as firefight. In the Middle Ages, much less. And the vast majority of our archers are British longbowmen.

"Coming to close!"
"Crossbowmen, retreat. When the cavalry comes, spearmen knocks them down. I want to save the gunners and artillery until the end."
One woman adjutant nods to captain's saying.
No matter how much we set up a wooden fence in front of the camp to prevent horses, it was an emergency installation before the official installation, so it would be quickly breached. And as expected, the enemy cavalry struggled a little on the wooden fence, but managed to break through, And rush into the range of the spearmen.
A moment later, the screams and shouts of the horses erupted from the center lines, calmly showing the results of the reckless charge.

"As always the knights will be captured alive. They costs a lot."
"Don't worry about that." Following one woman adjutant's order, adjutants and men moved in unison. Seeing this, the captain gave the following instructions:
"When the knights are captured, the formantion spread out in the shape of 凹. Musketeers prepared in two rows from each wing. The tips of the wings provide cover for the musketeers. Artillery deploys in rearguard, but still in standby."
In an instant, the infantry and cavalry who were charging into the free company's formation were instantly annihilated. And then the opponents suspected that this was a trap.
On the surface, this free company looked like mercenaries, but they were about to be eaten. And this thought slowed the pace of those who came as they ran and instilled fear in them. But the guards pressed on, and when they came into range, fire erupted from the broad wings of the smoothbore and musket gunners who were waiting, and the deads quickly began to mount.


"Retreat! Retreat!"
"Why we retreat! Keep the formation, Keep it!"
"Already wrong, it's best to retreat."
This aristocrat screamed and cried as his army melted away in an instant under the free company's attack, but his subordinates who were aware of the situation recommended a retreat. It was too late.
However, the free company was already surrounded by a band of aristocrat. This aristocrat were killed instantly by a blind bullet or arrow. He was falling from his horses and to the ground.


As the sun slowly began to set, it began to obscure the devastating battlefield. And the plains around Domremy village were in shambles.
Fearing that there might be any enemies or reinforcements left, I ordered the scouts to scout the area before nightfall, and to retrieve the loot as quickly as possible. However, the groans of the wounded who were being taken to the battlefield and camp to be treated diminished over time must have been vividly felt, even if you were not a person with a clear ear.

The next morning, the remnants of the battlefield still remained, and when she saw an orange liquid oozing from between the shattered bone fragments, Jean was nauseated in the nearby woods.
After a brief pat on the back of Jean who was nauseous for a long time, the captain said after receiving the report.

"It's real."
With the captain watching from the side, Jean couldn't stop nauseating, vomiting until tears welled up in her eyes before she could see the battlefield again.
They died horribly, and no one even recovered their bodies. Rather than being properly buried, the corpses were left on the battlefield. And instead of the shroud, the marauders looted their underwear, weapons, flags, and even personal belongings.
Jean kneels down as it is.

"God... forgive me. Forgive my disbelif... my weak mind..."
Tears coming to Jean's eyes.
After screaming like that for a while, Jean lifted her head and looked at the captain beside her. And the captain looked at Jean and said:

"Going to the war?"
"Still I don't know much about you. But if you stand on the battlefield, don't return to good in the future."

As you listen from the angel's command, this is the Abrahamic religion's problem.
Through uncertain revelations and prophets, they easily incite people, brainwash them, and gladly drive them to death. In a drug-like ecstasy, they rejoice and rush toward death.
And the "Resurrection" and "Messiah(saviour)" doctrines created by Saul of Tarsus as the leader of the Jewish Greek party and the self-proclaimed "apostle," and his successors. How many people are deceived and taken advantage of by this doctrine?
In particular, Saul's conversion is held up by Christians. Even this is unclear. It is not clear whether the vision is genuine. Because there is only Saul's testimony and no testimony from the other side. And if we look closely at the author's preaching in the Bible and the Apocrypha, it is not the pure preaching of Jesus to the Roman world as Christians say. It's more like the work of an ambitious man who wants to usurp the new power of the future. The Jerusalem council which had an allergic reaction to Saul's teaching is understandable.

Beside that a woman saint....
One of the reasons Jean D'arc was burned in our history was that she called herself as a woman saint.
In order to be canonized as a woman saint or saint in the Catholic Church, a petition must be made to the bishop after the death of the person, and the bishop must submit documents to the congregation for canonization, which must be reviewed and meet three criteria. In other words, one of the three must be martyrs, those who have performed heroic deeds, and those who are worthy of the fame of a saint. Also, as of now, at least three miracles need to be proven...... The miraculous examination is literally incredibly demanding.
Of course, some cases where the approval of the Pope exempts them from the examination of miracles.
Still, at the time, Jean called herself a woman saint. Because of this, she was in trouble even in her lifetime, and it was one of the causes of Charles VII's upheaval.

When I explained that, Jean said confusedly:
"So.... When I go to the war, don't say angle story?"
"Right. I'm not sure if it's an angel or a demon, and it could be a reason to blame."
Watches records of that time that Jean may had a brilliant military prowess, but don't had no political acumen. I expected it, but it's a headache.
And before she went to war, she doesn't have little knowledge of theology or canon law. I didn't understand where the statement that embarrassed the inquisitor at trial. Was it really God's help...

"Told at home?"
"Long time ago."
Well, it's been 2-3 years, so it's not weird. Besides, the village chief I threatened a little bit was her father...
And... Now that I had met Jean D'arc. When I saw the appearance of a rural girl who was still naive, think of the betrayal of Charles VII in our history.

I sigh involuntarily.
This is the only way to save this young lady from the king and the nobles. Besides, me and my company have not chosen Burgundy or Armagnac either. But if it is her will to save this country, France, we will fight against anytime.
According to history, she rushed to Orleans and joined the French army for the first time is 1429. That's next year so we could face each other as early as a year.
...If she meets us as enemy, I'll have a lot of trouble...

Beware of this one thing. Oh, man.
Just look at what price you are selling your will. If you have nothing else to do, don't sell your will cheaply.
-Discourses, Epictetus(c, 55~ c.135)

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 02. Join.

"A few days later, we will leave.
Of course, choice is yours but come to us before leave."
With that, the captain leave from Jean who watched silently.


After 1 weeks later, dawn- morning. This free company disband their camp and prepare to moving.
In addition to treating the wounded, clearing up casualties, sorting out keepsakes and loot, checking supplies and finances, they also had to keep scouting and checking for any reinforcements were coming.
However, the free company crew's ability to demolish and clean up the camp and facilities was very quick, a testament to their considerable skill. In addition, the trading group was being cleared plaza in a rapid pace and they were going to join outside of Domremy villiage.
Finally, heavy equipment including bombards was loaded onto horseback carts. But they were so heavy that many people had to be mobilized.

The captain who had been watching with a woman adjutant saw the girl who had come with a package in her arms was a little scruffy and tired.
"I've been praying hard."
"But you don't seem convinced."
The captain quietly stroked the girl's head as she bowed quietly. A slight redness rose from her bowed face, but nobody saw it.
After stroking the girl's head, the captain turned and looked at the slowly rising sun with a woman adjutant.

"You'll find out later, but I'm not company captain as like this. However I ended up here and I've been thinking a lot about accepting you."
At the captain's words, the girl looked a little surprised and a woman adjutant nodded.

It's sympathy. Right, sympathy.
There was some deliberation about whether or not to let history flow, but I decided to think about the time when I fell here in the Middle Ages as I did.
I've already changed a lot of history on the other side. So according to the original history, when I came here to Domremy villiage to check it out, I should have killed her. But I couldn't do that. As the number of people following me increased as before, I couldn't help but care about them.

...Charles VII, no, the Dauphin now trembling in the Chinon castle.
It's easy to think that a noble person who has risen to a high position through the efforts of others has achieved success on their own strengths. Did I mention that oblivion is a prince's virtue?

This girl, Jean come under me is same.
Thanks to my knowledge of the future and experiences, managed to survive until now.
Jean, one of my adjutant will work with my comrades to help us survive this war.
Like Iris before, teaches knowledge to Jean including literacy, politics, and history and changes her future. And Jean will bring us victory.
Isn't this a fair deal for each other?

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 03. On the moving.

Shortly thereafter, a small company group called "Lightning" is stationed on the outside of one village.
On one side of the camp, Adriana teaches fencing to Jean with wooden swords.(* It doesn't matter if it's one-handed or two-handed). As she was teaching basic swordsmanship. L decided to take a few lessons with Adriana in their spare time.

"... I wanted to ask you something,"panting Jean asks to Adriana as Jean continues to slash and slice training with her wooden sword.
"What is it?"
"I've been curious since I first saw it... Why do you move it with the business group? It's going to be uncomfortable..."
"That's what I asked when I first met L."
"Do you know why?"
"Now I know. First of all, the livelihood of our company members."
"What means a matter of livelihood...?"
"Simply say It's a supply issue. Gunpowder, arrows, spears, and armor all cost money. And we need daily necessities.
Because we had no choice to make a business group and take it with us. At first, me and other members who didn't know why he was making such thing..."
"What's next?"
"Occupational issues. Those who have withdrawn from our company for one reason or another are taken from the business group. Those who have talent for buying and selling goods become merchants and then those with other talent are redeployed through the business group.
And the last one is..."
"And the last one is...?"
"It's a secret, but maybe you'll see it soon," Adriana says and Jean looks a little disappointed but expectant.


"What's the situation in Orleans?" L asks Christian Drew, one of the captains of the Company and Christian replys with a hint of admiration.
"According to Rumors from around town, Orleans has managed to hold out against the defenses of the English and the Burgundians.
As expected Marshal Andre de Laval-Montmorency, seigneur de Loheac(c. 1408 - 1485) is doing his job well.
"But how long Marshal can defense it if he doesn't have any support. I'm sure Marshal Loheac knows about that.
What about our Dauphin in Chinon castle?"
"According to Rumors, he is lucky that he didn't go crazy while looking for a savior for himself. Well, there's a birth problem holding back."
"When Orleans falls, English and Burgundy army right in front of him. If I were Dauphin, try to send a little support..."
"... If you get it wrong, could lose all your elite troops."
"That's why he hesitants to let support army go.
But even if this country becomes a Burgundy world, the English and the Burgundy party will have to fight anyway."
"Even if I were French, want to be ruled by the King of France and I would not be ruled by English people."
"... So looking for which earl of England?"
"If that Earl is in England or France, I think we might be able to lessen the fallout a bit. We can also connect with the Duke of Burgundy or other high-ranking people.
Even if we don't take any sides, it's nice to have multiple lines to reach."
"Yes, I see," Christian nods convincingly, and L continues.
"What about the prisoners we captured in the last battle?"
"Yes, we've removed those who want to be on our side and cleaned up the useless. Except, of course, for those who are ransome."
"Did you know who attacked us in Domremy?"
"Absolutely. During the interrogation, we learned that they were the junior subordinates of lordship Philippe of Burgundy, but they looked down on us and attacked for the purpose of making an exploit. But he didn't contact his superiors to get the exploit. Besides, Domremy is a supporter of Dauphin."
"But he didn't think he'd be eaten, and that's why reinforcements didn't come. Of course Burgundy didn't know about this."
"That's what happened. But where are we headed? Is it Calais?"
"It's not Calais. Not even Reims. That's why I'm discussing it with you, Adriana, and the others." Christian nods at L's words.
"That's true, but I have a question."
"What is it?"
"This is the story of a young lady named Jean who captain received from Domremy a few days ago. Right now, the captain and commanding officer Adriana are working hard to teach from basics."
"You wonder why I accepted her."
"Yes, Captain could rejected her. Even she is 16-year-old girl."
"That's right. I could have refused, but want to teach her. I don't know how far that lady can go."
"How far can she go?"
"Maybe she'll be the "Goddess of Victory" for us. To survive in the future." At this, Christian had a look of "Hey, no way~".

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 04. Breaking the Bad Relationship

"Dxxn, that xxxx... Where did get such an expensive thing..."
"Captain Guy, we must retreat! If we continue like this, our troops will collapse."
"Falling apart? Falling apart? We need to push a little harder- he can't hold out forever-"
The company captain who was called Guy at the adjutant's word to retreat but he continues to give orders to attack with shouting whales.

"... ..." On the other hand, L's expression as unusual. Adriana watching from the side was similar but she speaks to L first.
"He seems like to have a connection with you."
"If you say I had, you know. I met him when first started this job, before I met Adriana.
Guy Jagedenstern. Don't forget his name."
""The Star-Chaser.""
"I didn't know Adriana had learned the Holy Roman Empire language?" Adriana replys with a faint smile at L's slightly surprised tone.
"A little bit. May I ask what was happened?"
"Once our four members formed a small company group.
The captain and his lieutenant, and the company group he and I had created were making results anyway around Northern Europe and Russia.
But one day, he suddenly informed me that I had been fired. I tried to ask the captain, but he blocked me, so I had no choice to quit.
Later, I found out that he was scheming without the captain."
"What could have been the cause?"
"A love triangle. The captain and him had a crush on the adjutant and the adjutant knew that. Suddenly, I interrupted, and without my knowledge, the adjutant's gaze was on me.
If in any form... No, I was too preoccupied with survival at the time to listen. But he noticed...
... Later, I heard that the captain had dismissed him and disbanded his company group. And then hid somewhere in Europe with his adjutant. I guess he wouldn't be happy to see me..."
"But we're still on the defensive..." Adriana's expression changes slightly bitter, and L shakes his head.
"...can't unlock line. I reduced it a lot in the early stage by deploying and bombarding it with a lot of shock, but still a lot of them over there. And he's got experience.
But he can't go on the offensive forever. The question is, can we hold out until then..."
"... It would be nice if our company is bigger...."
"Then a turning maneuver would be possible..." Adriana nods.


"Oh~ Is there such a company group?"
"I heard there was. Unlike the other company groups, they move with their small business group."
"It's funny. What's their name?"
"In French, they say "Tonnerre". In English, it translates to Thunder."
"The Thunder company group... I'd like to meet them."
"I'd like to meet them, too. Who is leading such a company group."
At the head of the moving English army, two men who appears as aristocrats are talking about this and that as they ride their horses. But their stories and marches were interrupted by the return of the scouts.

"Report. We found that on the plain beyond the little hills, two company groups are fighting."
"A battle between company groups..."
"...Tell us more about the situation."
"First, company group with lightning flags stationed outside the village began to fight with other company groups in no question-and-answer sessions. Naturally, the company group with lightning Banner fought back.
From what we've observed, the Lightning Banner company group is doing a good job of fending off the onslaught of other company group. Until now."
"Oh..." The scout's words made one of the two nobles look interested, and the other young nobleman looked amused. Because it had related with what they had just said. So the other nobleman said to one nobleman first.
"We must go to help."
"Should be. But from what I've heard, I think one squad will be enough. Al!" The nobleman crys and a knight ware pale black armor rushes out. And the noble explains the situation to him.
"Al, lead your troops and help the company group in trouble. Maybe your unit size will be enough to help them."
"Which one?"

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 05. Richard of York.

"Richard of York."
"I'm L. Thanks for save us."
"No, we are passing by and we happened to find you. That's why we got it.
Now that's what happened, why don't we join us for a while?"
When the English army led by Al took a detour and ambushed Guy's companyy group which had been attacking the Lightning company groups began to crumble, and at the same time, the Lightning company group which had been on the defensive, switched to the offensive. And then Guy's company group which was attacked from both sides melted away in an instant. After realizing the situation, Guy who was trying to flee was caught by Al and ended his short life.
When the battle was over, the main body of the English army arrived and began to clear the battlefield. And the captains of each unit introduced each other first. Adriana and L as representatives were invited to the night's dinner.


That night, an English garrison close to the Lightning company group camp.
Here, Richard of York and several other English military commanders as well as L and Adriana represented their company group are having dinner for the first time in a long time and talking about this and that.
Of course, L and Adriana don't forget to let their men enjoy this feast as well.

Meanwhile, the Lightning company group camp.
While the company group soldiers are having a small party with supplies from the English army, Christian Drew is lecturing Jean in a tent on one side with maps and some books open.
"As you know, our captain is particularly sensitive to the terrain.
Today, we were able to withstand their onslaught because we took advantage of the terrain."
Jean nods at Drew's explanation. Because Jean was standing and watching with Adriana as L commanded.

"To make it clearly, more than ten years ago(* Exactly 1415.10.25) I'll give you an example of the Bataille d'Azincourt(Battle of Agincourt)...."
When L and Adriana were away like this, they decided Drew would take over Jean's education. Drew was a little puzzled at first, but when Jean seemed to learn as a sponge, he became more excited and began to explain with enthusiasm.
During the lecture, Jean asks Drew. "What's going on over there in the English camp right now?"
"Well, When the captain and commanding officer come back, I'll know but I don't know right now. But that's our captain, so he's doing well."

Again a small dinner hall in the English military garrison.
"Didn't you know your company groups was so famous?" says Richard of York playfully to which L and Adriana replys with a look of surprise.
"Yes, we really didn't know."
"It's rumored to the Duchy of Burgundy that it's a peculiar company group leads the small business group. And it came to our ears. I'm sure other European countries have heard about it."
"It's such a coincidence, but I'm glad we met," says another young nobleman follows Richard of York.
"Why are you dragging a cumbersome business group?"
"There are many reasons for this... It's all about livelihood."
"Hmmm..." L's brief explanation makes Richard of York and the young nobleman looks interested and when L had finished speaking, Richard of York turns to the young nobleman and says.
"That remainds me that your family has been engaged in commerce for a long time, haven't they?"
"Commerce is one of the most important ways in our family."
"And with that, you're telling to the royal family with not only about the French war, and about some stories in Europe. That's why generations of England's Majesty value your family more than anyone else."
Then two asks L and Adriana about this and that questions and their answers surprised these two.
"...That's why you're not going to take any sides between Burgundy and Armagnac."
"Yes. For now."
"For now..." L's words makes Richard of York and the young nobleman thinks for a moment, but they answers L's question about the state of England in a fitting way.
"...This is the situation in England. What do you think?"
"All eyes are on this war right now, but it will depend on the fate of Orleans."
"After all, it's Orleans."
"Whether it holds out or falls will either concentrate more power on Majesty of England or not."
"You're right. Even so, a series of maladministration cases of the Duke of Bedford and the Duke of Gloucester are being talked about little by little."
"Besides, wasn't England booming at the beginning of the war? Some of them may still remember that."
"Some people have fun in war."
"I've seen a lot of people like that." The two nobles nods at L's words. When the serious talk passes, Richard of York changes the topic.
"Looks like you have some expertise in swordsmanship. Why don't you have a sword fight with our Chief Al Thiledon for entertainment?"


"There's a library!?"
After the lecture, during the break, Jean surprises to hear that a library in this company group. Seeing this, Christian smiles slightly and continues.

"You look surprised, don't you?" /"Is it real?"
"Small but mobile library is in the business group and camp, It's the Captain's order, so we try to buy manuscripts every time when visit the city.
I think he's a very interesting person. No matter who company soldier you are, if you don't study now, you're going to be outdated."
"It's going to be expensive..."
"We'll buy it anyway, though."
"Because there is a business group?"
"It's also because of that but at least my stomach doesn't fester compared to other company groups.
If Jean is interested about books, you can borrow them. There are many kind of books, but when you finish to read, you must return. There's something called a rental card."
Christian's words intrigues Jean and she asks Christian again.
"Mr.Christian, you're as senior in this company group as Ms.Adriana."
"That's right. But in my case, I'm not as dramatic as Adriana's. I joined a little later than Adriana, but I fell in love with the captain's personality first."
"What about Ms.Adriana..."
"Ask her and you'll find out."

Around the same time, in an English army close to the "Lightning" company groupes, a sword fight between L and Al Tiledden ended with Richard of York, a young nobleman, a senior member of the English army, and Adriana watching nervously. And then the admiration of those who saw this followed.


A few days later, the English army is preparing to head to their destination, and so is the "Lightning."
Meanwhile, a young nobleman with a handful of bodyguards visites L who greeted him and speaks lightly at first, but soon they get out everyone inside, except for the guards outside.

"Are you okay now?"
"It's going to be okay. If you talk so quietly that your friends outside won't hear you."
"You said you wanted to see me. Why?"
"I need to talk to you before leave with Richard of York." At L's words, this nobleman also know he'll say something important.
"Is this a French and English problem?"
"Yes," L. nods and continues.
"And I want to have a good relationship with them in the future. Lord Adelleyde."

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 06. Adelleyde family.

While L and one nobleman are talking, in another tent Adriana and Jean are playing chess and talking.
Of course, at first, Adriana told Jean the name, initial placement, and how to move it, but Jean who is shrewd is slowly improving.
"What are they talking about?"
"I don't know. They all got out including me, except for the bodyguards outside."
"That's how important that nobleman is."
"Saw that even the high-ranking men of England whom I heard at the banquet valued that noble family..."
"... That's a really big thing."
"That's how it is."

On the other hand, the young nobleman who was called Lord Adelleyde compared to L who spoke calmly laughed out loud for a moment, but lord who had stopped laughing returns with a serious expression and replys:
"That's right. I'm Lord Adelleyde."
"And the next Earl of Adelleyde."
"If I survive here and back safely."
"Unusually, there are a lot of names that start with C and V for the earl, and P for the eldest son. So I knew."
"Interesting. So what's the real deal with calling me so secret?"
"We want to have a good relationship with each other.
I know that the Count family's business group unlike other European aristocrats spans the whole of Europe. Even the Russians, the Byzantines, and the Turks.
And give a little line to the House of England and the Duchy of Burgundy, just in case, to the Dauphin in Chinon."
Lord Adelleyde, realizes what L meant smiled.

"So how do you see the current battle situation?"
"If there are no problems, England would conquer this country, France with the Burgundians. But will the French people and the Burgundians accept it?
If there's a spark, will pick it up."
"Then why don't they support Chinon's Dauphin?"
"Because of the birth problem. Wasn't that the most important reason for the signing of the Treaty of Troyes(1420)? But it changes when someone in authority recognizes the Dauphin and Burgundy and Armagnac reconciles."
"It's a good thing someone like this hasn't shown up yet."
"That's right. And when the war ends, both the winners and the losers suffer from depression."
"York and Lancaster. So far, everyone is so focusing on this war and no one is aware of it."
"Win or lose, I think a civil war in England is inevitable."
"That's what London's main family thinks. Which side would you take?"
"It's not a question to answer right now."
"It's certainly not something to answer right now. I think your terms are reasonable. The matter of dealing with your business group is a matter for discuss with the main family, but I think the rest will be taking care of.
As I said before, we're not the only ones looking for you. Both Burgundian and Armagnac parties are trying to find you.
I look forward to seeing you again in Orleans."


After a few moments, Adriana says as she saw off the English troops who had unpacked their camp and are marching again.
"What did you talk about with that Lord?"
"I have to say that we don't go with that English army because of Lord. But I have to say that half of what I think come true."
"That's a good thing. But what about London, Dijon and Chinon to find us?"
"Would that have been the answer if Lord said he will be looking forward to see us again in Orleans? I also asked Al to say hello."
"How many more capable squad commanders do you want?"
"Honestly, yes. Jean is learning hard, but it takes time to do one's part."
"I admit Jean is learning fast. Me and Christian amazed her comprehension and application skills."
"Then we should start moving."

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 06. Adelleyde family.

While L and one nobleman are talking, in another tent Adriana and Jean are playing chess and talking.
Of course, at first, Adriana told Jean the name, initial placement, and how to move it, but Jean who is shrewd is slowly improving.
"What are they talking about?"
"I don't know. They all got out including me, except for the bodyguards outside."
"That's how important that nobleman is."
"Saw that even the high-ranking men of England whom I heard at the banquet valued that noble family..."
"... That's a really big thing."
"That's how it is."

On the other hand, the young nobleman who was called Lord Adelleyde compared to L who spoke calmly laughed out loud for a moment, but lord who had stopped laughing returns with a serious expression and replys:
"That's right. I'm Lord Adelleyde."
"And the next Earl of Adelleyde."
"If I survive here and back safely."
"Unusually, there are a lot of names that start with C and V for the earl, and P for the eldest son. So I knew."
"Interesting. So what's the real deal with calling me so secret?"
"We want to have a good relationship with each other.
I know that the Count family's business group unlike other European aristocrats spans the whole of Europe. Even the Russians, the Byzantines, and the Turks.
And give a little line to the House of England and the Duchy of Burgundy, just in case, to the Dauphin in Chinon."
Lord Adelleyde, realizes what L meant smiled.

"So how do you see the current battle situation?"
"If there are no problems, England would conquer this country, France with the Burgundians. But will the French people and the Burgundians accept it?
If there's a spark, will pick it up."
"Then why don't they support Chinon's Dauphin?"
"Because of the birth problem. Wasn't that the most important reason for the signing of the Treaty of Troyes(1420)? But it changes when someone in authority recognizes the Dauphin and Burgundy and Armagnac reconciles."
"It's a good thing someone like this hasn't shown up yet."
"That's right. And when the war ends, both the winners and the losers suffer from depression."
"York and Lancaster. So far, everyone is so focusing on this war and no one is aware of it."
"Win or lose, I think a civil war in England is inevitable."
"That's what London's main family thinks. Which side would you take?"
"It's not a question to answer right now."
"It's certainly not something to answer right now. I think your terms are reasonable. The matter of dealing with your business group is a matter for discuss with the main family, but I think the rest will be taking care of.
As I said before, we're not the only ones looking for you. Both Burgundian and Armagnac parties are trying to find you.
I look forward to seeing you again in Orleans."


After a few moments, Adriana says as she saw off the English troops who had unpacked their camp and are marching again.
"What did you talk about with that Lord?"
"I have to say that we don't go with that English army because of Lord. But I have to say that half of what I think come true."
"That's a good thing. But what about London, Dijon and Chinon to find us?"
"Would that have been the answer if Lord said he will be looking forward to see us again in Orleans? I also asked Al to say hello."
"How many more capable squad commanders do you want?"
"Honestly, yes. Jean is learning hard, but it takes time to do one's part."
"I admit Jean is learning fast. Me and Christian amazed her comprehension and application skills."
"Then we should start moving."

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 07. Duchy of Burgundy and Chinon Castle.

Gravensteen Castle, Gent, Netherlands, Duchy of Burgundy.
The capital of the Duchy of Burgundy is officially Dijon, but it is unclear as it moved to the ruling dukes. But now Philip III is staying at Gravenstein Castle in Gent and talking with his liegers.

"So what's the situation in Orleans now?"
"The English are besieging the castle, but the French are still holding out."
"The general manager is Jean d'Orleans, Count Jean de Dunois(1402.11.23 - 1468.11.24)."
"Count Jean de Dunois... On the English side, I heard that the Earl of Salisbury, Alice Montagu(1407 - before 1462.12.09) and Sir John Fastolf(1380.11.06 - 1459.11.05) are in command."
"When Orleans falls, we will have Paris and even Chinon in sight."
"Then we can capture the bastard who claims to be the Dauphin."
"After all, Dauphin is illegitimate."
At this, Philip III and his liegers burst into laughter for a while, but then the atmosphere quieted down.
Even if the Burgundians led by them conquered France with the help of the English, they would not like the English army in their mind too.

"Are you prepared in case the English army gets into trouble?"
"Yes, we're working on a lot of things right now, but... being careful."
"And I'm sure you've heard the rumors. There are a lot of mercenary groups participating in this war, but this one is unusual."
"Yes. It's not a big deal to take with business group, but they say this free company group is protecting refugees."
"Some refugees are even trying to follow this free company group."
"That's why this free company group employ refugees as employees in their business group."
"Interesting. Do you know their name?"
"Called the Tonnerre company group."
"Tonnerre... I'd like to meet the leader of the company group."
"It's just a free company group, why do Duke want to meet them?"
"Because they're free company group. Count of Linny!" At Philip III's summons, Jean II de Luxembourg-Linny(1392 - 1441.01.05) rise from his seat and bowed lightly to Philip III who immediately give his orders.
"The Count would find that Tonnerre company group immediately. Although the troops is minimal but I will give them an elite.
As a free company group, they would like to participate in big battles as Orleans and Paris."
In response, Count of Linny who take a difficult matter in his mind tell Philip III that he would look into them.

Around the same time, "Lightning" company group on the move.
L who is moving with the company group makes tickling look on his face and Adriana who is also driving the horse in the lead looks puzzled and asks.

"L, what's going on?"
"Oh, it's just a tickle in my ear for a while. Someone seems to be talking about us, right?"
"I think so. So it's been hard for us in a lot of ways."
"Because of Some of them are pretending to be us. That's why they're beating up." Adriana nods. Guy Jagedenstern whom had fought not long ago had also impersonated "Lightning" and had a grudge against L.
"It would have been very dangerous at that time without the help of Lord Adelleyde and Richard of York."
"Admit it. But thanks to them, we put a line between England and Burgundy," Adriana nods and continue to say.
"You know the rumors coming from the business group, right? People who claim to have seen angels are all over France are increasing.
The story of a woman named Catherine de la Rochelle is a case. It is claimed that "the saint I met appears every night and places gold and silver treasures," and many people believe it."
"...She is a swindler. Would Burgundy, England, or Chinon let that happen? Even we have a nailed down that prostitutes are off-limits, but there are people who try to creep in."
"You're going to talk about this to Jean, aren't you?"/"I'll do it."
On the road ahead, however, they are confronted by one wagon and a small escort group who seem to be riding on a noble person.


Meanwhile, Tours, Chinon Castle.
In Chinon Castle's conference room, Charles Dauphin is expressing his anger to his liegers and soldiers over the sluggish siege of Orleans.

"Why the hell is Count Dunois doing in the Chateau de Orleans! I've got enough troops!"
"The English attack is strong, but it won't long. And it has long been said that it takes four times as many defenders to attack a castle."
"Bloody hell... Marshal Loheac is with Count Dunua... What is Marshal doing!
If Orleans fall, next is Paris and Chinon! It's what Philip of England and Burgundy wants!"
Liegers and soldiers exchanged eyes and words at the anger expressed by Charles Dauphin.
I can understand that he is scared. That's why they're trying to get rid of fear in this way. If someone authoritative would recognize His Highness, this would not happen... But that doesn't mean we can't bring a swindler like Catherine de la Rochelle.

"Your Highness..."/"What!?" replys Charles Dauphin nervously as one lieger steps forward.
"There is a company group."
"There're many many company groups. In Chinon and Orleans."
"Rumor has a rather unique company group."
"A unique company group?"
"Yes, they have a business group, but some refugees prefer it."
"I don't know, but some refugees prefer to be protected by that company group. And even some are part of the business group of that company group's protection."
"What's their name?"
"Called the Tonnerre company group." Charles Dauphin gives the order after a moment's contemplation.
"Go and find that company group now! It doesn't matter how much money it costs. If they can protect this Prince of France and protect Orleans."
"I see. Your Highness."

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 08. Road to Calais(1).

On the road, L and Adriana continues to try to teach Jean basic military knowledge and other things.
There are also tips on how to handle the various weapons used in this time as well as the range and correlation of each type of soldier and how to manage an army through simple wargames using maps, model armies.
However, everyone can't help but admires Jean's hidden talent for devising unique strategies and tactics from time to time to fend off L's attacks.

"... After all, it's important about supply. That's what Adriana and Christian told me."
"That's right. That's one of the reasons why we drag the top even if it looks cumbersome. There are some big companies has spare get the business groups but we're opposite."
"The longer front line, it makes supplies long... If the supply is stretched..."
"... You're more likely to be defeated by your opponent," Jean replys and nods at L's words.
"And you can exploit that gap in many ways."
"It's a long time example but 1,200 years ago there was a general in China who won that way. It's universal."
"Hmmm..." Jean thinks for a moment.

At the end of the lecture, when L tells Jean about Catherine de la Rochelle, Jean looks quite surprised and pale and managed to speak.
"... ...She's a scammer."
"She's a swindler. If you said you saw an angel, whether people will believe it or not, it's likely that it happened like that."
"That's right. And I would have believed Catherine. And she would have cheated me even more, saying I trusted her." Hearing this, L can't help but subtly leak a bitter smile from.
That's what happened to you by Catherine in the original history. Luckily on the second day, you realized she was a hoax, so warned her. And even wrote a letter to Charles VII, but that didn't prevent from dying yourself.

"And there are more and more people like Catherine who claim to have seen angels all over France.
According to the rumor heard from the business group, this scam had spread to the Duchy of Burgundy... At least the Duchy is sure to crack down..."
"Why are they doing that scam?"
"After all, it's all about money. They can confuse people who are usually thin-eared, narrow-sighted, and lacking in judgment with sweet words."
"Same as rumors (* Fake news now in the 2020s.)"
"Right. So you have to be careful. Such rumors and scams can fool even the most cautious people and there are people who benefit from them.
This can also be applied to war, and I'll teach you that later."
Jean nods.

"When I heard from the outside, you were teaching this young lady hard. And she's learning hard. Impressed."
Just as Jean had left, one Lady enters L's tent and sat down. Meanwhile all traces of the map and the war games had been cleared away and L replys with a slight embarrassment to that lady's admiration words.

"It's excessive praise. Lady.
She is a special young lady who applied for our company group, so she has to learn from the basics. Everybody including me are teaching her."
"I heard from the outside but it seemed amazing how hard you were teaching and learning from each other. First of all, I would like to thank you for accepting my unreasonable request.
We are passing through England territory and have guards but we couldn't help but worry about the bandits."
"Yes, especially in this war time, it's easy for bandits and robbers run wild. Lady like you, of course is number one ranking. By the way did you meet your husband who fight in war safely?"
"With God's help I met my husband before he left for the battlefield. That's why I'm heading to Calais but I hope my husband gets back safely."
"Not just the lady but other English and French women who have men at war has same feeling." That Lady nods in response to L's reply.
"I see. That's right."
"Yes, that's why war is miserable for each other," Lady says after pausing for a moment.
"Have you ever gone to Calais?"
"We've been to the beach and the lake many times as a free company working but I want to show something to that young lady."
"What do you want to show?" Lady asks and her tone has curious.
"It's the sea. When she saw big ocean directly, will have a broader mind."

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 09. Road to Calais(2).

A few days later, a "Lightning" company group stationed on the outskirts of town.
When she isn't being educated by L, Adriana, and Christian, Jean works with the business group to buy and sell goods, buy ingredients, help make food, and sometimes play with the refugees' children they were protecting, so rumors began to start that "the Holy Lady is in this company group."
And the scouts who had just scouted the area around the village returns and are reporting back.

"...So we don't see anything around here that might be judged by the Burgundians or the enemy."
"Yes, and Arras is near."
"Arras... Are there some refugee groups in our protection who wanted to go all the way to Arras?"
"Yes. But if we stay like this, we can attract others."
"Like Domremy and other times? I'm sure there have been cases like that. And the management of the refugees?"
"As the Captain ordered, we are divided into Burgundian and Armagnac tendency. Making sure that nothing untoward happens."
"But strange rumor is spreading."
""The Holy Lady's in our company group.""
"You know where it starts and spreads."
"But that doesn't stop the rumors that have already spread..." After a brief pause, the words of the leading members of the "Lightning" company group come to an end when L says:
"Don't use our nerves about the rumors that have already spread, just let the refugees who wants to go to Arras know first. If we continue at this route, will be near Arras in two or three days?"

Around the same time, Adelleyde Castle, located on the outskirts of London, England.
One man is receiving instructions from the Earl of Adelleyde.
"...So I just have to wait in Calais?"
"When that company group arrive in Calais, will send the promised signal. You just have to look and follow it.
But however they're a famous company group, so you'll find them easily."
"I've heard a lot of rumors about that company group, but I'm surprised to have the good fortune to meet them in person. What are the requirements from them?"
"It's simple. Let's make a deal with each business group. I want you to negotiate the matter as a plenipotentiary representative. They seem to know us well, so pay attention that as well."
"It's an important mission, sir." the reporter says and feeling a weight on his shoulders from the Earl's words.
"It's a very important mission. And let them know that any other things they ask for can be resolved with time from my side."
"I see. When can I leave?"
"They will be in Calais soon, so you'd better hurry up. Ah, and while you're go, also be investigating the rumor about the "Holy Lady." I would mind," the Earl says and the informant nods.


At the end of the meeting, all the squad leaders left but Adriana is the only one left and asks L.
"What do L think of that "Holy Lady" rumor?"
"Adriana saw Jean takes care of refugees' children. She was taking very good care of them."
"It made even one lady in England that we are protecting was admire. I think that's where it all started. Why exactly are you going to Calais?"
"The French army at Orleans still has time to spare, and Calais is now English territory, so there is work to be done there." Adriana replys with a mischievous smile to L's words.
"You're not going to cross the strait, are you?"
"Not crossing. This is the most important thing and there is no reason to cross the strait."
"...That's true. There is also the lady's job. But what is the important point of L in Calais?"
"When we arrive in Calais, you'll find out naturally."
"Natural to know..."
"Sorry, but I can't tell everything. Because it's important."
"Is it the business group?"
"Both of the business group and ours and the end."
"What's up to you? Do you have anything to do with people you've met before, except that Lady?" Unusually at this time Adriana is inquiring closely but L reply calmly.
"I can't tell more. Apart from Lady problem and we don't cross the strait. And then it's an important issue that relates both the buiness group and us."
"What about Jean?" ...Thinking about whether to answer the truth or not, L notices Adriana's sharp mood when she mentioned Jean and quickly changes his words.
"I've got something on my mind."
"If the weather is good, we can see England right from Calais directly."

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 10. Road to Calais(3).

After dropping off several refugee groups at Arras, the "Lightning" company group is heading for Calais with a small battles via Arras.
And now L who have some free time hold up the wooden sword and explains to Jean who prepares to learn the art of swordsmanship.

"Good. You're doing great.
You can cook with this sword and kill people. It's the same with everything in this world.
Your power can kill people or save them. But those powers various and it can be swords, money, or power. But you and my thinking can't always be right. The same goes for emperors, kings, and popes."
With explains and swing wooden sword, Jean nods and blocks L's wooden sword with her wooden sword and stricks back.

"Adriana and Christian would have explained to you. What is the basic of swordsmanship?"
At the same time, Jean's feet kicks the dirt floor and send dust flying. And the wooden sword fly to L through the obstruction of his vision. L who instinctively avoids and says with feeling a slight cold sweat on his back.
"Well done. Sometimes you have to be cowardly and stoop to win. Your fight is not in a swordplay arena. It's a battlefield."
"Who didn't?"
"There was. There was one boy about your age who had so powerful. but he confused the battlefield as the arena so shouted "Don't kill!" He thought he can change the battlefield with his ability and sword."
"What happened to him?"
"In the end, he was ostracized by everyone and met a miserable end. That's how it should be.
Of course, sometimes you have to be fair and brave, but sometimes going through the motions is enough."
Jean nods at L's words and the two of them who has been engrossed in clashing wooden swords for a while stops moving at the sound of voices from outside.

"This is the end of today's daytime lessons and literature and theory at night. Then go wash up and rest."
"Yes, I see."
"Ah, this is important but no one in this world is perfect. God may be the only perfect being, but anyone who claims to be perfect is a heretic." At this, Jean nods but her expression slightly stiff.

A moment later, the Lady who protected by the "Lightning" company group enters training ground and she admires the remnants of intense training.
"You're still amazing."
"She has a hidden talent, so we're teaching her a lot of things. It's up to her to bloom or not. Lady of Lancaster." To L's words, the lady reply with a slight smile.
"How long have you known this?"
"Of course, I didn't know at first. But I knew when I saw the red roses on the wagon. So after joined, we had to put a screen on the wagon.
We don't want to harm you from the refugees protects."
"On represent of Lancaster, I would like to thank you for your consideration."
"Save that greeting until you get to Calais. You'll have a lot of work to do when you reach to Calais."
"There's a lot of work to do. I need to find a ship to London," L reply with a nod.
"That's right. He takes a heavy responsibility."
"I would like to come you to England. With this free company group."
"Someday when this war is over, we'll be able to go... But Lady of Lancaster, war leaves aftermath on both winners and losers. When that time comes, I hope you're safe personally."
The Lady of Lancaster nods at these words which is implicated many important meanings.
Shortly thereafter, the "Lightning" company group arrives at Calais and part ways with Lady of Lancaster and her escort who had been with for several days.

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 11. Calais(1).

"..." Standing on one cliff in Calais, looking out over the English Channel, Jean is speechless except for an exclamation. Because she sees the ocean for first time. Next to her, L asks Jean.
"What do you think?"
"It's huge... I've never seen the sea before. What about the you two?"
"We've seen a lot of beaches and lakes while working as a company group. But it's one of the most important places for England and France."
"It's sunny today, so we can see it well. There's a white cliff over there in Dover, England." As Adriana said, the famous White Cliffs of Dover is in sight.
"And here, across Calais, is England."
"....It's surprisingly close," Jean says in a slightly surprised tone.
"That's why the English want to hold this city at all costs." Adriana nods in response.
"There are some places like this in the Mediterranean. Gibraltar in the Kingdom of Castile and Ceuta in Portugal territory and Melilla in the Kingdom of Muwahid at Morocco.
It's a bottleneck in terms of bottle, so if you take it, you can control the Mediterranean."
That's exactly what Adriana says. For such geopolitical reasons, Gibraltar in Spain is still effectively ruled by the British, and Ceuta and Melilla in Morocco are effectively ruled by Spain. Spain and Morocco ask for it back but...

"This country, France is putting on the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean. So when the war is over, the navy will be just as important as the army.
I wonder if the neighbouring England, Castile y Aragon(Spain), the Holy Roman Empire, the Muslim states of North Africa or the Italian city-states will see quitely..."
"What about the Nordic countries?"
"If France rebuilds its navy, it will be the second country to be watch of. Adriana knows, if you go upside, it's the North Sea and the Baltic Sea."
"Surprisingly, there are many enemies in this country...."
"Enemies and comrades, to be exact," L replys to Jean's anxious words. Adriana nods in response.
"How this war ends will determine the attitude of the Islamic countries of Europe and North Africa toward France."
"...It's difficult," Jean sighs to this talking. Both L and Adriana feels the same way.


A little later, in the tent of the captain of the "Lightning" company group stationed on the outskirts of Calais, there is a guest and L is greeted by a welcome visitor.
"My name is L, the captain of the "Lightning" company squad. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you. My name is Douglas MacDonald who come on deputy of the Earl of Adelleyde of England."
Douglas McDonald... If you are born in the future, it seems that you will be rich by selling airplanes and hamburgers well...

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 12. Calais(2).

"What are L talking about with someone from England?" asks Jean to Adriana as they trained with their wooden swords at the training ground.
"I don't know yet. But I know it's important."
"How do you know?"
"He'll explain it to me and the department heads later. Well, He won't tell about the really important things until the time comes.
But we also have expectations to you. Otherwise, we wouldn't even come to a place like Calais."
"To me...?"
"If we hadn't come to Calais this time, you would have been difficult to see the sea."
"...That's right. It's the first time I've seen the ocean. I didn't know it was so bright and blue. And England is surprisingly close."
"That's right. That's probably why L brought you to Calais."
"But for some reason, my ears are tickling. Who's talking about me?"


Regardless of L's thoughts, Douglas MacDonald sit down and pulls out a document proving that he is the earl of Adelleyde's universal agent and L carefully read the papers to confirm.
After confirming each other, L and Douglas McDonald starts talking.
"What exactly is your purpose?"
"Let's make a deal with each other first. We also have a business group, but it's still small. For this reason, it is necessary to have a distribution network of big caravans such as the business group of the Earl of Adelleyde.
This problem that even the general manager at the business group has been thinking about."
"It's a distribution network... So what do we get?"
"This is after the end of the war. I don't know what will happen to our company group then.
And York and Lancaster family, the earl family must be forecasting about it and when the war is over, this problem will be a big problem."
"So invest in your future. It's also very uncertain."
"precisely say it's an investment. But every things is uncertain. So it wouldn't be bad for the earl family."
"Let's look at the situation right now.
The Burgundian amy is holding out at Orleans and attacking another area, while the prince party is holding at Chinon, trying to protect Orleans.
Overall, Burgundy is predominant."
"That's right. And we know all too well that small company group like us can't change this situation."
"Except for the appearance of the Holy Maiden."
"That's right, If "holy maiden" appears and leads, it can change the war."
Now I'm answering like this, but it's really happened in our history. Hey you sir, It's only been two years, but the impact has been significant.
See you're mentioning this, it seems that the rumor has spread all the way to England as said at the previous meeting.

"Is that really possible?"
"Maybe. If it really exists."
"...You're right. If a "Holy maiden" is exist, Vatican in Italy must first recognize her power."
"Yes, it is a matter that Vatican needs to be recognized and approved."
"Do you think the crown prince of Chinon castle will be able to turn the war?"
"He can't do it right now because of the birth problem. That's why the Treaty of Troyes was signed. However, it is a different story when a "Holy maiden" who certified by the Vatican recognizes and encourages the crown prince as legitimate.
And England is in not good situation. Because of the war is longing and they are starting to fight inside."
Douglas nods at this words and responses. "But if we just capture Orleans, we'll be fine."
"Do you think the French people would admit English domination if England do their way? When Guillaume(William) of Normandy conquered England with his army, how did English people feel?"
"Mmmm... That's certainly true. I'm sure they'll be very upset. They still do now."
"Absolutely. Even after the war is over, the French people will continue to hate England. But the reality is that London is too optimistic about the war and doesn't even think about appeasing the war-weary French people because of the power struggles." Douglas can't help but admit it and admires L's insight, which he thinks of only as a company group leader.
"That's why you don't support Burgundy and Armanak."
"That's why. But who looks better between a competent administrative reformer and scumbag?"


"... So what did you talk about with the Englishman?" asks Adriana quietly coming to L's tent after Douglas MacDonald left.
"At the end, the Englishman happily handed over the fine manuscript he had brought and I used the cup of the Norse aristocracy which I kept in my personal storeroom. But overall the story went well.
At one temporary office for business group in Calais and signed a sbutotal contract with me and the head of business group."
"A tentative contract..."
"Because they have their own reasons, so it's going to take time to turn an official contract. Adriana knows England isn't doing well."
"That's right... Anybody don't expect the war is long."
"Both sides would have expected at first. That's why only the people suffer and they expect a savior like "the Holy Maiden" to appear."
"But L doesn't believe that."
"I don't believe it. Same as Adriana."
"That's right. I've seen a lot of bad things on the battlefield. So when were done here where we go?"
"Will take long detours, but we'll have to go to Orleans."
"Orleans or Burgundy?"
"It depends. And then there's someone to meet."
"Who's going to meet? Who is it?"
"He's still a child, but important. If we're lucky, might be able to see directly."
"Need good luck," As Adriana's saying like this and L agrees.

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 13. Calais(3).

"...that's why we stayed in Calais for a while. Do you have any questions?" Christian raises his hand at L's words in the conference room of the "Lightning" company group stationed in the outside of Cale.
"How long do you think?"
"It will take a little time because there is an England situation. At least there is a request at the business group to be in Calais until the official contract will be established."
"Was there a request at the business group?"
"Rather, it's good to we have time."
"I hope it will not be dragged too long, but..."
"So don't forget to train the members as scheduled while resting. But we need care to prevent the crush on the cities around Calais."
"All right."
After the meeting, the commanding officers are all go out, but Adriana remaines and asks L.

"Beside that, Is there another reason for staying in Calais?"
"It's been a few days ago. According to the business group, Count of Linny from Burgundy party is looking for us."
"If Count of Linny finds us, are you going to go to Bourgogne?"
"I don't go right now. Knowing our policy." Adriana who nods and says.
"But we will go Orleans."
"Because there is a place to go."
"It's a place to go. Right. Standing on as Armagnac is attacking like that."
"It might be a turning point of this war, but so we have to watch it."
"Turning point ... sometimes I'm not good at L says that way. By the way, where is the Englandman right now?"
"Certainly he is going to London with a tentative contract."

Meanwhile in other tents, Jean is studying as a manuscript books borrowed from the company and the business group library, but at first, she was not good to studying. However Jean is happy to learn little by little. When she works at the business group, doing sales or office work, but it is good anyway.
But every time she thinks about L and his consideration, Jean can't stop her face slightly red and hearbeat is running. But She feels a bit of confusion as met an angel(?).

"...Should I ask Ms.Adriana?"


"Did that company group headed to Calais!?"
At that time, Count of Linny, Jean II de Luxembourg -Ligny(1392-1441.01.05) who received the command of Philip II led a small number of soldiers and was chasing traces of "Lightning" company group and cheered.

"Yes, some rumors say they headed to Calais through Arras."
"And they said a "Holy maiden". She took care of the refugees' children and played with them."
"There is a story that one lady was protected for a while."
"Um... If the Lady is England person, it's natural to head to Calais. But is the "Holy maiden" rumor has credibility?"
"The rumors that the refugees who were protected by that company group were spread. We have to face it if it is right or not."
"Right. Maybe that's a sure confirmation. But let's have all soldiers understand this for sure.
It is the order of the Duke of the Philippe III. When we meet, do not treat them as a single company group and act politely. The Duke is very interesting about that company group. When we come into contact, will send a messenger as a custom. "
"Yes, sir. We keep to understand it."

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 14. Calais(4).

Shortly after that, Adelleyde Castle of London outside, England.
Count Adelleyde is reporting the temporary contracts and contents brought by Douglas McDonald.

"...Did he say that?"
"Yes, Judged from this, he was definitely not the one who will end up as the captain of the free company group and I could only see Calais, but could guess what the French people feelings are.
I didn't know that so serious. "
"It is definitely our fault in England that did not soothe the hearts of the French people who experiecing the war.
The problem is that Henry VI is a still young, and the power struggle started between the Bedford Duke John and the Glossor Duke Humphrey is taking place in Westminster. The war is not over yet, but everyone is too optimistic."
"If you continue to attack Orleans or protecting Paris, there will be a problem."
"There's still a problem. If our England has won the war and conquered France, then do you think that you can completely defeat France with the power of England?" Douglas also shakes his head and replys
"...it's hard. In other words, France is on the continent and it is not the same in size. And the French people hate our England people and rules."
"Right. But investment in this company and business group is a problem. We will connect to Burgundy and Chinon as they want."
"On that side, he said that he would wait in Calais and connect regularly until a formal contract is made."
"I'm glad. But Burgundy and Chinon are looking for that company group. Especially Burgundy is looking for them as calling Count of Linny."
"They're in sportlight like that."
"Especially the prince of Chinon is in a hurry. His life, status, and his power is in danger."
"First of all, I don't want to be imprisoned in the London Tower. I don't like it."


"This is now the situation in France and England."
"How about Castilla?"
"Favorite vassal Alvaro de Luna(1388 or 1390 or 1390-1453.06.02) was back, and the cusion Juan II de Castilla (1405.03.06-1454.07.20)'s protection and noble union, he drove out Enrique de Trastamara (1400-1445.06.15)."
"Why is Aragon like that?"
"In the past, Castilla and Aragon wanted to completely unify the Spanish and Iberian Peninsula: including the Portugal and Navar kingdom.
Alifonso V d'Aragon (1396-1458.06.27) is now fighting with Napoli."
"Reason, simple. The predecessor of the Napoli kingdom has canceled inheritance."
"Queen Giovanna II di Napoli.(1373.06.25-1435.02.02)"
"The queen didn't know that her choiced partner was so ambitious man."
"But the inheritance war of the Napoli Kingdom is turning advantageous for Alfonso V.
Because of this, Giovanna II might regret her choice that had canceled inheritance."
"If Castilla and Aragon are integrated, what should do France or other European countries?"
"No choice to recognize as one country. But the difference in national power between Castilla and Aragon is three times different and the political system is too different... Will they be easily integrated? "
"..." In the explanation of L, Adriana and other members shake their heads. Even though seem like the integration of Castilla and Aragon is not easy.
"The upper part of Castilla and Aragon are thinking that if the king and the aristocrats are integrated, everything will be solved well..."
"What is the problem with Count?"
"He is a guest from Burgundy who looking for us. Be polite and meet with kindness. I guess what they have but hear about that.
Tell you in advance, but not to support both Burgundy and Armanak. At least during this war will be over. "
From this word, gathered commander officers shows relieved look. And after the dismissal of all commender officers, Adriana asks L.

"So what will you do with the Count of Linny? According to the business group, he will soon reach Calais."
"I will meet him politely and say will not surpport both side."
"But he'll ask stubbornly. He's also ordered from his boss."
"Right. But Adriana, who looks better between talented administrative reformers and a loser?" Adriana who is thinking for a while says with a slightly sharp look.
"So do you answer like that?"
"So if the Count of Linny go with us?"
"The commander officers will not like it first."
"Well, it's natural because he's a noble, but if he wants it?"
"Is he talented? If the count is not talented, he won't be recognized from officers."
"He is competent, so the Philip III has him. It's not easy to rule the lowland area where commerce is developed."
"That's right.... L said this war didn't happen if they hadn't pump up on England."
"But the lowland people would have been expected the war becomes so long." Adriana nods and turns the topic.
"It must have been unexpected. Other European countries are busy about caring themselves."
"Especially Italy is hard. The Pope territory and divided into each city state."
"But L watches carefully Venice."
"Venezia is very unique among the Italian city states. Their consiglio dei dieci will be listening to our story like Burgundy or Chinon, London and may be politely on the desk."
"That remind me... we could go to Italy where went before?"
"As you know, Because Italy has so complicated politic situation, we will be faliled first. So Adriana also agreed with other commander officers to head to France."
"...I did. The Business group was against to go Italy. How about the earl of England?"
"As expected, the story will be longer, so I talked to the business group manager.
Whatever the conditions from there, our basic policy is no change."
"But shall they invest to our business group? L is doing this for the future of our company and the business group."
"I know that this is a double-edged knife and our future is uncertain. There is no remedy but I has to think about after the war."
"...After the war..." Adriana can understand L's worry.

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 15. Calais(5).

"You feel good for some reason."
"Yeah, one thing we've been headaching for has finished."
Adriana replys to the question of Jean during the training and Adriana's facial expressions seemed a bit comfortable today. So Jean asks.

"What was it?"
"One Count of Burgundy came to Calais, and the Count came directly to L. After the Count leave, L explained.
Will call the commander officers soon. "
"I also saw the Earl from far away... felt bad."
"What's your first impression?"
"I felt more than the first impression. But L or Adriana has a lot of work."
"He has no choice but to lead the group. We have to think of others as well as other people follow us."
"..." One day, Jean heard Adriana's "Lightning" company group joining story, so Jean nods as understanding. Adriana continues to sayt.
"Even if one troublesome problem is over, the other is still exist. It would be nice to solve well."


"You look very good. Count."
"Do you look so?"/"Yes."
The Count of Linny's face headed to the Burgundy Principality with his men is happy to see if the subordinates saw his face good, so the adjutant ask again.
"Good to work?"
"The young man who is leading the company group is not the end the captain of the company grope. Even he does not defend with our Burgundy and Armanak, he is seeing the situation exactly."
"Then we will have good news soon?"
"That's right. Because that company group has their own work, so it's not moving right now.
But I watched the inside of that company group, I felt something stiff."
"What is that?"
"I don't know. But in the company group, I felt something like that during the conversation and it's stail remained until I came out. Strange."
"How about Orleans?"
"Englishs will do somehow. First of all, go to Bourgogne and report to the Duke."


Shortly after the Count of Linny left, Douglas McDonald's appears in front of L with holding a contract document of the Grand Adelleyde business group.
"This is the contract condition that the Grand bussiness group thinks." And after slowly and meticulously read a contract document and L replys.
"... .. Count will invest at our business group, but I think he is hesitant a bit to invest our company group. Well, I understand. The future is very uncertain."
"But the Count was admired by your opinion."
"But the investment of that and our company group is separate. The purpose of our business group is to use the distribution network of Grand Adelleyde business group."
"Yes, right. The Count also agreed with that. Our business group staff agreed too. But what if you are defending or attacking Orleans?"

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 16. Calais(6).

A few days later, the "Lightning" company group stationed at the outside of Calais.
In the large conference tent, L and Adriana explains to the officer commanders.

"...so we'll leave Calais soon and march again."
"Where is our destination?"
"We haven't decided yet, but I hope to think Tours direction."
"Are you going to Orleans?" At the this officer commander's words, L responds with a smile.
"It's not right now, but we may go."

After all officer commanders left, Christians asks L.
"I think you have something to ask?"
"So far, we've been in Calais for more than half a year. Was it the purpose of negotiating with the earl of England?"
"If you're asking to invest at our business group, that's right. Because of that, the negotiator has come gone many times. It would be better to use the distribution network through the Count's business group." Christian nods and replys
"I know your thinking about our business group. The earI would like to invest in our company group, but it should do secretly. We can go to Orlean. So what's the lady who is teaching the captain and Adriana?"
"I heard she is doing well. During learing from us, in her spare time, she cooks foods for our company group. laundary and caring refugees' children, and sale & office work at the business gorup. She is doing very well."
"...That's right. Because that young lady is so strong livelihood, doing everything very well. I've taught her, and she has good understanding.
It's a waste to be in a place like Domremy.
I think that can't blame the "Holy Maiden" rumor spread."


At that time, in the French military tent which is defending Orleans Castle, Marshal Andre de Laval -Montmorency(Seigneur de Loheac, C. 1408-1485) and Jean d'Orleans are talking.
"If we do like this, can't escape the sequential loss of our fight power."
"But we can't help to defend Orleans."
"Yes. But do you hear that rumor?"
"Is the company group which "Holy Maiden" exist? Welcome to the company group but I'm very suspicious "Holy Maiden" story. It maybe rumored by refugees or commoners."
"But if she is really exist, what do you actually do?"
"Would the Vatican admit her? I wonder if Daupain in Chinon castle admit." Marshal Loheac nods and says.
"I want to end this long war even if the "Holy Maiden" comes out. It's been dragging too long."
"Daupain is not sending a power in Chinon."
"He is afraid."/"Afraid?"
"Do you know how Treaty of Troyes had been formed? Because of this, compared to England and Bourtagne, Daupain is lacking his legitimacy.
England wouldn't have forced such a treaty if previous king had lived longer."
d'Orleans is forced to nod at Loheac's word with sighs.

May 30, 1431, Rouen, France
A girl who saved France in the crisis of the hundred years war was abandoned by Charles VII. She led a small army that followed her and tried to recapture Compiegne. But she was failed and captured. After that, the inquisition consisted of England and Burgonal Party sentenced her a witch after a year of trial. Watched by all Rouen citizens, she got a cross from some Rouen citizens and England soldiers. And then she died in religious form at a stake.
"Forgive people who drove me into a stack."

This was the last word she left.

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 17. Depression in Chinon castle.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Why God show this scene what I did something wrong? God! Why are you showing me this scene?"
One morning, Charles Daupain is crying at the church altar inside the city of Chinon castle. And soldiers and palace officials watching Charles Daupain's this behavior are clicking their tongues.

"The war situation is like this, but Daupain have a nightmare like that..."
"Yes. It's so dangerous that he has a nightmare every day."
"But I hope "Holy Maiden appears and save the Crown prince."


"Can't you find that company group? The company group who has "Holy Maiden"!"
Shortly after finished praying, Charles Daupain who sit in the throne for prince shouts loudly to his lined vassels. But everyone act like dume. Charles Daupain shout to toward them.

"There is a rumor that Burgundy has already met with this company group. What are you doing in the meantime? Did I look funny?" Surprised by this, the vassels urgently try to quibble their words and acts.
"Ah, no, no. Crown Prince. We tried to find as much as possible..."
"You can't defend Orleans properly, and can't fulfill my instructions well... I look so easy?"
"That's not. Crown Prince. We..."
"...You're doing your best to help me, this means?"
"Yes. Crown Prince. Please keep your anger..."
"Marshal Loheac and the Count Denois will have good news soon?"
"In addition, Marshal Loheac has a sword of Du Guesclin(1320-1380.7.12) who struggled England in this war. So..."


Meanwhile, in London outside, England, Adelleyde castle, Count Adelleyde is listening to the report.
"...then they already head to Arras."
"Yes. We should watch more about which way to go. But Chinon is looking for that company group."
"But it would be too late if Chinon finds. By the way, how about the status of the prince?"
"I heard a little strange rumor. One day, he had a nightmare, but it's so vivid and talking loudly in his sleep..."
"Orleans isn't defend well? Strange. Know in more detail even if you spend time."
"Yes, sir."

"Lightning" company and the business group moving from Calais to Arras.
When they arrive in Arras, they will be going to turn Tours. Adriana asks L in that.

"Did you hear rumors?"/"What rumors?"
"It's a rumor about Charles Daupain in Chinon. There is a rumor that he has a strange nightmare for a few months before."
"This rumor came through the business group?"
"That's right. Seeing so vivid nightmare, his symptoms become more strange..."
"What nightmare?"
"According to the rumor, one girl is judged to be a witch by the inquisition court and is burned." A slightly strange look passes from L, but Adriana doesn't notice, and L says.
"If Daupain look like that, Chinon will be noisy. Vassels are unable to rest."
"Orleans and Burgundy probably heard rumors like London or the Holy Roman Empire."
"Thet will definitely think about this and that."
"Seem like Chinon is still looking for us yet... but Burgundy found."
"Because we stayed in Calais for a long time. They found us. They can't find us if elsewhere."
"But now, the "Holy Maiden" rumor will make traces easier."
"You'll ask if I regret to accept Jean? Christians asked a similar question." Adriana replys with a slightly surprised expression changes sulk.
"I try to ask like that, but quit. Sometimes I don't understand L's thinking."

May 30, 1431, Rouen, France
A girl who saved France in the crisis of the hundred years war was abandoned by Charles VII. She led a small army that followed her and tried to recapture Compiegne. But she was failed and captured. After that, the inquisition consisted of England and Burgonal Party sentenced her a witch after a year of trial. Watched by all Rouen citizens, she got a cross from some Rouen citizens and England soldiers. And then she died in religious form at a stake.

"Forgive people who drove me into a stack."

This was the last word she left.

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 17. Depression in Chinon castle.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Why God show this scene what I did something wrong? God! Why are you showing me this scene?"
One morning, Charles Daupain is crying at the church altar inside the city of Chinon castle. And soldiers and palace officials watching Charles Daupain's this behavior are clicking their tongues.

"The war situation is like this, but Daupain have a nightmare like that..."
"Yes. It's so dangerous that he has a nightmare every day."
"But I hope "Holy Maiden appears and save the Crown prince."

"Can't you find that company group? The company group who has "Holy Maiden"!"
Shortly after finished praying, Charles Daupain who sit in the throne for prince shouts loudly to his lined vassels. But everyone act like dumb. Charles Daupain shout to toward them.

"There is a rumor that Burgundy has already met with this company group. What are you doing in the meantime? Did I look funny?" Surprised by this, the vassels urgently try to quibble their words and acts.
"Ah, no, no. Crown Prince. We tried to find as much as possible..."
"You can't defend Orleans properly, and can't fulfill my instructions well... I look so easy?"
"That's not. Crown Prince. We..."
"...You're doing your best to help me, this means?"
"Yes. Crown Prince. Please keep your anger..."
"Marshal Loheac and the Count Denois will have good news soon?"
"In addition, Marshal Loheac has a sword of Du Guesclin(1320-1380.7.12) who struggled England in this war. So..."


Meanwhile, in London outside, England, Adelleyde castle, Count Adelleyde is listening to the report.
"...then they already head to Arras."
"Yes. We should watch more about which way to go. But Chinon is looking for that company group."
"But it would be too late if Chinon finds. By the way, how about the status of the prince?"
"I heard a little strange rumor. One day, he had a nightmare, but it's so vivid and talking loudly in his sleep..."
"Orleans isn't defend well? Strange. Know in more detail even if you spend time."
"Yes, sir."

"Lightning" company and the business group moving from Calais to Arras.
When they arrive in Arras, they will be going to turn Tours. Adriana asks L in that.

"Did you hear rumors?"/"What rumors?"
"It's a rumor about Charles Daupain in Chinon. There is a rumor that he has a strange nightmare for a few months before."
"This rumor came through the business group?"
"That's right. Seeing so vivid nightmare, his symptoms become more strange..."
"What nightmare?"
"According to the rumor, one girl is judged to be a witch by the inquisition court and is burned." A slightly strange look passes from L, but Adriana doesn't notice, and L says.
"If Daupain look like that, Chinon will be noisy. Vassels are unable to rest."
"Orleans and Burgundy probably heard rumors like London or the Holy Roman Empire."
"Thet will definitely think about this and that."
"Seem like Chinon is still looking for us yet... but Burgundy found."
"Because we stayed in Calais for a long time. They found us. They can't find us if elsewhere."
"But now, the "Holy Maiden" rumor will make traces easier."
"You'll ask if I regret to accept Jean? Christians asked a similar question." Adriana replys with a slightly surprised expression changes sulk.
"I try to ask like that, but quit. Sometimes I don't understand L's thinking."

Aeneadum genetrix, hominum divomque voluptas,
alma Venus, caeli subter labentia signa
quae mare navigerum, quae terras frugiferentis
concelebras, per te quoniam genus omne animantum
concipitur visitque exortum lumina solis:
te, dea, te fugiunt venti, te nubila caeli
adventumque tuum, tibi suavis daedala tellus
summittit flores, tibi rident aequora ponti
placatumque nitet diffuso lumine caelum.
(Mother of men, men and pleasure,
Alma Venus, air underneath
the sea to the navy, which of the land of the victiments
Concelebras, by you because the kind of all the animals
Conceived visitque shot lights of the sun;
you, Goddess, you fly the wind, the clouds of heaven
Coming to Your Sweet Daedala Earth
lowered flowers, you will smiling the bridge
Pleased to glow the light of the sky.)

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 18. De rerum natura.*The nature of things.)

Poggio Bracchiolini(1380.02.11-1459.10.30) who worked as a scriptor at the Roman Curia of Antipope John XXIII(Baldassarre Cossa, 1370c.- 1419.12.22) was fully retired and changed as a humanist and book hunter after the sudden retirement of John 23. He rediscovered the "De Rerum Natura" written by Titus Lucretius Carus(about 99-55 B.C.E.) in one southern Germany abbey and transcribed this long forgotten book. And than that manuscript spreads to whole Europe.
The main claims of this book are as follows.

* Things are made of invisible small particles.
* The seeds of things, the basic particles that make up the material, are eternal.
* The basic particles are infinite but limit to the form and size.
* All particles are moving in infinite void.
* There are no creators or designers in the universe.
* Things are born as a result of deviations.
* Deviation is the source of free will.
* Nature does not stop experimenting.
* The universe is not created for humans or around humans.
* Humans are not special.
* Human society did not begin in a peaceful and rich golden age, but began in a primitive war for survival.
* Soul dies.
* There is no world after death.
* Death has nothing to us.
* All organized religions are superstitious delusions.
* Religion is consistently cruel.
* There is no existence of an angel, a devil or a ghost.
* The best goal of life is the reduction of pleasure and pain.
* The biggest obstacle of pleasure is not pain, but delusions.
* Understanding the nature of things leads to the greatest wonder.

Since then, Poggio who was looking for a job was a secretary of Henry Bobert in the UK at 1418-1422 and finally he returned to the Vatican at 1423..
However, this book which has been printed quietly and printed by many people since then, led the European world to the Renaissance and modernity. Despite the ridicule and backlash of the Catholic(e.g., the 15th century Savonarola and the 17th century Jesus.).
Also this book became the motif of the Japanese Light Nobel, "The girl is asleep in the sea of the shelter."

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 19. Meanwhile, in the Burgundy Principality....

At that time, in the Burgundy Principality, Philip III is talking and praising to Count of Linny who returned safly.
"I'm glad to come back after the mission completed safely. Count."
"Thank you. Sir."
"So what happened?"
"Fortunately I met them in Calais. Also with "Holy Maiden" rumor."
"Um... they ware in Calais... There's England territory?"
"Yes, they said had some proplem in Calais."
"Is that so? Talked with the captain of that company group..."
"...I did. But they don't want to meet me at first time."
"Why did that?"
"They don't support both Burgundy and Armagnac... I had no choice but to meet and talked as a personal qualification." At the words of Count of Linny, Philip III had to nod. It's their biggest weakness to carry England.
"Tell me more detail."
"Yes, because of their policy, I could not dare to tell to join our Burgundy. But if we could drive the England armys after the war... ... then they could help at that time."
"After the war... after the war..."
"Yes, and if the Duke takes up the king of France, the duke will be able to do as well as the principal.
The responsibility for this country divided is also in Daupain and Sir."
"... ...it hurts ..." Philip III who had been silent for a while says and Count of Linny nods and replys.
"It was the same feeling with I listened. I couldn't refute it. Because I understand why they don't side with our Burgundy and Armagnac."
"Yes. So the Orleans problem?"
"It depends on the situation of Orleans. In some cases, may give both sides a satisfying answer..."
"The answer to both sides depending on the situation... ambiguous."
"Yes, it took time to realize what it's mean." This time, Philip III nods and says.
"And what is else?"
"There was not much. I personally felt something awkward in that company group."
"What was that?" Have you also checked the "Holy Maiden" rumor?"
"I don't know that. Even the captain of the company group didn't tell about that. Why would you order me to find that company group than that?" In the words of Count of Linny, Philip III replys after making a troubled expression.
"You know that Chinon's daupain have a nightmare. In fact, I dreamed same thing."
"yes?" At Philippe III's words, Count of Linny is surprised, but Philip III continues to say regardlessly.
"In a dream, suddenly a girl who calls "Holy Maiden" or calls to "Holy Maiden" appears, leading Daupain's army, recapturing Orleans and Paris, and recognized Daupain as an official king. She brought a victory to Daupain, but eventually Daupain abandoned her and arrested us.
She was judged to be a witch at the inquisiton of our Burgundy and England, and was burned."
"...I was wondering if that company group could finish this dream if they are under our side."
"Then it's not strange I felt awkward in that company group."
"That's right. In that dream, you caught a girl or a girl who called "Holy Maiden"."
"..." This time, turns to the Count of Linny is speechless, but barely he opens a speech.
"Sir, if you are the king of France, are you really doing well?"
"Drive out Daupain? I could say yes until before, but now I have a question now." As listening Philip III's words like this, only then Count of Linny shows his would know expression.
"Even if you drive out Daupain and become king of France, can't avoid fighting England. Even if they are helping us so far."
"Yes. Besides, they are fighting inside as much as we are now, but don't forget that we must finish this war to drive them out.
At that time, that company group will come out. Believe like that."

Another Jean D'arc story.
Episode 20. A story that no one knows.

One night, two young couples are quietly talking in the living room of a cabin house in the some wild of Eastern Europe while the young girl is sleeping in her room.
"Today Anna-Maria fought with the children in the neighborhood again..."
"Because of that thing..." The wife quietly nods at her husband speaking and he continues..
"It was inevitable thing even if I heard you're coward. I didn't know that Guy was thinking that."
"I did the same. So I chose you, not Guy."
"Guy, what happened to him?"
"I don't know. But it's obvious that L is going better than Guy."
"Do you know that there is "Holy Maiden" rumor in France which is still in war with England?"
"I know well. In the village, I was a naval. That company group with the "Holy Lady" is maybe made by L."
"In the past, L was not just finished a mercenary, so after the war between England and France will be over, he will do more great thing."
"Then it's decided. When Anna-Maria grows more, you teach he basic swordsmanship and send her to the company group or country created by L.
This is too narrow place for Anna-Maria. There will be more Anna-Maria grow in there."
"...That's right. This is too narrow place for Anna-Maria. That child needs to see how wide the world is like we used to."


"...So what was L's old colleagues happened?" Adriana asks L in the "Lightning" company group which is moving toward Tour.
"That's Adriana, or have you asked?"
"I say both."
"Ok. Well, After disbanded the company group, and these two said they will hide in any wild of Europe.
Now, it's not strange to have one or two children."
"They would have heard the story of L."
"Even if they listen to my story, it will not be easy to face my face..." At L's words, Adrian nods and says.
"What do you want to do when their children come?"
"Is it right to accept it. There's a reason to leave it to me. Then they can find thier talent.
At that time, I want Adriana and Jean to be close to that child."
"Try to."
"That's thankful. And what is Jean's progress?"
"She is studying hard and learning fast. She'll be level to command a unit soon."
"When will that soon?"
"As early as 1-2 years, it won't take any more than a late.
This is also recognized by Christians and other officer commanders."
"Now go little more, we will reach Orleans."
"I don't think about we will cut into the battle of Orleans?"
"With our policy and I have talked with Count of Linny, so I think about this."
"Thinking ... but you're thinking about this?"
"If no matter how Adriana is, I don't want to tell you right now."
"Well, I'm not surprised. Because you're captain."
"One day, if Adriana climbs up to this position, you'll know what I was thinking."
"Will it come?" Adriana's words which seems like sarcastic become a complaint at this time, and L smiles at Adriana.
"Load or Count will also admit Adriana someday. It is better to have such a little hope."
"Don't torture hope." Adriana's words with a ridiculous expression, L smiles and changes the topic.
"How about the business group?"
"As the contract, connected to the distribution network of Adelleyde and getting better. Thanks to this, this supply is getting better."
"I'm glad. If the war is over and peace comes, the business group will do more."
"It's hard to eat even now, but think about after the war... Isn't it too fast?"
"If you don't think in advance, it will be hard later. If this war ends, Adriana will know."
"...I hope so."

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