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In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a very touching poem. I think anyone who has dealt with any type of chronic pain can really relate to what you are going through. While the poem speaks a great deal about the physical pain you are in, it also showcases your faith in knowing that no matter how bad it is, life is as it is for a reason. Thank you for sharing what must be something so difficult for you. By doing so you are helping others know that they are not alone. I've dealt with an arthritic condition since I was 14 and, while it's not on the scale this poem is about, I know what it is to not feel well enough at times to do the things you want to do. Thanks for sharing.
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I LOVE this article! I was cracking up laughing through the entire thing! Even though I've never been to any of the places where your "events" are stated to be held, you've done such a wonderful job with this piece that I think any reader will understand the scene... and possibly relate it to places in their own lives (I know I did!).

Each of the "events" made me laugh, but none more than the particular "Track and Feel" competition you delineated here. Thanks for the great read! I love your sense of humor!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
Review of Yer OUT!  
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Ah, yes... Abbott and Costello, the early years! I love to read these 55-word stories. I've written a few, but I'm always amazed at how much some people can convey in so few words. I like the way you transcended time with this one - very creative and very good. Thanks for the great read!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
Review of Still Loving You  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was a very moving poem. It speaks of a very deep love and affection for a Motherland. My favorite line, I think, was, "...to bathe in the river of your milky kindness". It was almost an unexpected feeling, but one that seemed to fit very well with the overall feeling of the poem. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your poetry!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
Review of Imperfection  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a very intriguing letter! One thing that struck me is the idea of "at my age". I know at one point you mentioned being a teenager, and that this was meant to be by you and about you - but the thing that really struck me is that a peron of any age might write this to someone, a trusted friend - an old person, a young person, a person in midlife - I think this piece really transcends the ages, whether you intended it to or not (without the one mention of teen years, it might fit any single person). Thanks for the great read!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
Review of Tennis  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
What an excellent poem! It's very short and simple and yet has such emotion. Sometimes life takes away, or doesn't allow us to do, the things that we love, but you remain a part of the game, even if it isn't exactly as you would wish it. I think most readers (especially those my age and older) will connect with this acrostic poem and it will make them think about those things in their own life that they can no longer do... and help them to stay involved in some way. thanks for sharing!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
Review of First Play  
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I think this is a great poem! You've really caught the insecurities that I think every person faces the first time they perform in front of a big crowd. I think we are all our own worst critics and find every minor flaw that we perceive to be there... but the general public often doesn't even realize a performance is anything but brilliant!

This poem read well and flowed very smoothly. I cringed with you in the beginning and felt myself sitting up a bit taller in my seat with you at the end. Very nice!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow! What a twist at the end of the story. I really wasn't expecting it, but if wasn't one of those "out of nowhere" surprises that doesn't seem to fit. This one fit very well. Overall, the entire story was very good, as well. It made me feel for the medical student who always assumed the role of the "good son", but who desperately wanted to be more like his brother. The fact that he was overwhelmed by a life he didn't want came through very well. Your use of description was neither too graphic or too vague. This was an excellent read and I'd recommend it!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a really good poem. It read well and flowed easily. I really liked how you repeated the same line at the end of each stanza, but it seemed lighter as the poem went on. It started out dark and seemed to lift at the end. I don't write poetry, so I don't review based on the technical aspects of a poem, only the feeling I get from reading it.. and this was a great read. Thanks for sharing!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very nice dedication to your wife. It doesn't seem to be, however, simply about your relationship or marriage, but how that fits into the whole, the big picture, of what life and living should be. It brings out not only the meaning of Christmas, but a theme we should all carry in our hearts. Thank you for this thought-provoking read!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
Review of Follicular Folly  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This made me laugh out loud! I could see your embarrassment as if I was there with you. At the time, you are sure that you are the only person in the world that anything like this has ever happened to... and later you realize you're not... but I completely understand where you were coming from at the time. This was a great read!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
Review of The Sweetest Gift  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very good poem. I like the way the two stanzas are both projecting very different things - the first is dark and sad, and the second happy and bright. Althought I'm not well-versed in poetry forms and such, I do know what I like in poetry - and this piece reads well and flows smoothly. Thanks for sharing!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was a really excellent story! I won't give away the ending to anyone reading the review before the story, but I found myself very happy for the old man to get what he wanted, and maybe needed, before the end of the story.

One of the things that reallly struck me about this piece was the pacing. You did an excellent job speeding the story up with excitement and then slowing it down with each moment that he savored. Many writers struggle with pacing, while, to others, it comes naturally. I don't know if it's natural for you or if you reworked the piece several times to get there - but you've done an excellent job with it! Thanks for the great read.
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was an excellent letter. Sadly, the "end users" of many products don't ever stop to think about where their precious fur stoles and rugs and... whatever... come from. This letter will really make many stop and think. I especially liked the question about "mankind". This was a very good read - I always like things that are told from an unexpected perspective. Great work!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This was a really good story. I liked the fact that there were so many twists and turns near the end. It seemed like Alice was being stalked, then the reader wasn't sure - almost disliking the cops because Alice was so believable, then having doubt, then finding out the truth (I don't want to ruin the ending for anyone who might read the review before the story). I really liked the sequence of events there.

And I only had one thing that didn't quite sit right with me, which could probably be easily cleared up by maybe showing a bit more about Alice and how she got to this point in her life (without ruining the ending) - She was checking her locks constantly, and the police stated that they were called "every time she heard a noise", leading the reader to believe that maybe she was a bit paranoid. To me, though (and it's just my opinion), someone who had been attacked and was paranoid, etc., wouldn't get into an online relationship with someone she didn't know. I thought maybe she would be a bit too skiddish for that. Then again, if she is, let's say, new to chat rooms or how they work or how ISPs might be traced or... whatever... then she may think it's completely safe. Maybe if you bring her thought process along those lines out a little more? Just a suggestion.

Overall, this was a very good read. I enjoyed it a lot and, as I said, the twists at the end were great. Very good story!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
Rated: E | (5.0)
I think this is a great poll. It focuses on, in my opinion, one of the most important things about our WDC community - reviewing and what people are really looking for in reviews!
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I am reviewing this piece for the Works of the Month contest for the round ending 2/28/10. I think you've caprtured the essence of the prompt very well. This was a very good poem, with a strong message. There are always two sides to everything, and you show that very well here. It made me feel as though there are things that no one objects to simply due to lack of knowledge. We tend to believe the media and feel as though they are always reporting truths. At times, perhaps they are, with the information they have... but there is nothing to say that they have all of the information, either.

This was a poignant look at another perspective, and I think that's what this prompt was about. I can honestly say that my technical skills in the area of poetry are not the highest, but your poem seems to have followed the parameters you set forth. It read fairly easily and flowed quite well. Thanks for your entry and good luck in the contest!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
Review of That Wicked Night  
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I am sending this review of your story for the Frontliners Works of the Month Contest. These are simply my opinions, so feel free to use what works for you and ignore suggestions that you don't think fit. *Smile*

I think this definitely fits the "late night phone call" prompt - and this is a call that changes more than one life forever. This is a powerful subject, but I think the poem would be even better if it was expanded. Right now it almost reads more like a police report of some kind "Just the facts, Ma'am". It's a good poem as it is, but I wanted to feel the anger and the rage. I wanted to get into the woman's head more. I think a subject matter such as this begs for it. Overall, though, it was a good read.

Thanks for entering and good luck in the contest!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I really enjoyed this piece. It was a touching story - the girl and the frog, and the things she learned from him. She learned bravery, friendship, and love, among many other things. For the most part, you "showed" what was happening rather than just "telling" the story, and that was great. There are a few places, though, where you simply "told" the reader what was happening or what the little girl felt. This is a very good story, but I think reworking those small places to really show her feelings and actions would make it even better. The only other thing I noticed is that, while most of the story is written from the little girl's POV, you did switch to the POV of the giants at one point when you told us why the giants would push her out of the trees.

This was a classic tale of a child learning and growing, which is what makes it great! Are you planning to write another story about what this girl finds and learns once she's out of the forest? I think that would be a great read as well! She seems like a very strong character that I think you could do a lot with.
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
What a good story! The ending was a twist I really didn't see coming. I won't say a lot about it here and ruin the twist for anyone who hasn't ready it, but suffice it to say that it's really worth reading to see what happens in Jimmy's head after his first day of school.

I did notice a couple of things in this piece, though. At first you say that Jimmy's first day of school is something he's waited for his whole life. Then you say that he's apprehensive and scared... so that didn't really make sense to me. Also, you had a lot of long, complex sentences in here. It might make it read a bit easier if you were to shorten some of them and make a few smaller sentences.

Overall, this was a very fun read and I enjoyed the twist at the end!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I really enjoyed this poem. It starts with what feels like a very deep love - then we find that the writer will never have Altarose. I think it builds compassion for the one who wants, but cannot have, a true love, as well as showing a very deep and sincere love. This poem read well and flowed smoothly. Great work!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was a great story - and a very novel idea that these two fathers came up with. I think it also says something about young people: with proper direction, they will do the right thing. I think your characters really rang true. The parents came across as very proud (which they should be) and Frank's personality came through very well, too. He showed his respect, and I think that was great.

The only thing I noticed about this piece that was... not bad or really confusing, but it threw me a bit, was that, in the beginning, you wrote: "We’ve never had a single problem with Frank, you and I." That kind of lead me to believe that the story was a story being told by a father to the mother of his son - but the rest of the story didn't fit that model. My only suggestion would be to replace the word "you" with the mother's name. In my mind, I could see something like the father sitting at the graveside of his wife and relating the story to her or something. That's just what caught me at the beginning.

Overall, I loved the tone and message of this story! Excellent work and thanks for letting me read it!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
Review of Traveling  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was a great poem! I liked the people that just happened by for this person - it told more about him than his own words. What was especially telling was when he told the small boy (in his head) to get used to losing control of life. This is definitely a sad tell, but a very well written one. The imagery in the piece was great. I was confused by one line, though. It talked about traveling as a child and keeping watch while the driver slept... seemed oddly worded to me if nothing else. Overall, though, this was a great piece. Thank you for sharing it!
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
Review of The Glory Of War  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow! This was an excellent piece. I loved the progression throughout the poem as a boy turned to a man and realized that things were not as they seemed. The very end of the poem was the most moving for me. There was such a deafening silence at the end - I could feel it. Thank you for sharing this very moving piece. It will definitely make any reader stop and think.
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I think this is a great piece of poetry - it shows that all people are the same and have the same wants and needs, regardless of how they project themselves, or how life has demanded that they project themselves. I think this piece resonates so well with me because I, too, was one of those strong school girls who just didn't fit in. Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece.
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Sig gifted to me by Pat from Showering Acts of Joy.  Thanks, Pat!
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