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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/251909-The-Grace-of-Love
by Bek
Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #569921
Looking for Drama??? Well you found it. There's a bit of it all here....read along!
#251909 added August 3, 2003 at 9:07pm
Restrictions: None
The Grace of Love
Hello my friends.

Okay, so this morning, I had a special something laid on my heart, and I wanted to share it. You see, in my life, I have always been in church, and I have heard a lot of sermons preached on the same subjects. As of the last few years, I have heard a lot of messages preached on dating, and what to look for in a potential mate. So, I have been comparing these sermons and lists to every person I have dated. Some have not met any of the "requirements" others have met all. But I want to share them all in here....

Finding a mate:
(Preached by Pastor Durham 1/13/02)

-Find someone who reads the Bible
-Find someone who prays
-Find someone who is saved
-Find someone with a similar background
-Find someone who is obedient to God
-Do not seek your own will
-Counsel with someone about the person
-Find someone who is a soul winner
-Find someone who follows God

Finding the lady God wants you to be with:
(Preached by Dr Schapp 10/25/99)

-Watch how a women treats her father, brother, grandpa, uncle ( the men in her life)
-She should dress sharp and be very precise in her appearance (1 Timothy 2)
-She should be pure and help her boyfriend to be pure
-Find a girl who loves her pastor and loves preaching
-Date a girl who participates and is not a stick in the mud
-Don't date a girl who competes with you
-Date a girl who has a close walk with the Lord
-She should be a soul winner
-She should be a hard worker who loves children
-She should be saved

Common Mistakes ladies make when choosing a boyfriend:
(Preached by Dr Schaap 11/8/99)

-Choosing a man every other girl wants
-Focusing on a man who apparently is not focused on her
-Confusing friendship with romance
-Dating as a mother rather than a girlfriend
-Falling in love with what he can be rather than what he is- a man wants companionship, not leadership
-Thinking you can be his character
-Wanting a completed man rather than a learning man
-Wanting the assets of the strength
-Dating a man who forces you to forfeit your family
-Choosing a man who's friends and heroes are not among the elders of the land

What do you want in the person you marry?
(Preached by Bro Steve Evans, Youth Conference 9/24-98)

-He or she must be an honest person, at all costs
-He or she must love you for who you are
-He or she must be saved
-He or she must be someone who you cna trust
-He or she must be your friend first

Also useful:

1 John 4:8 (KJV)
"He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love."

1 John 4:18 (KJV)
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love."

1 Corinthians 13:4- Read it......

Okay. I am done now. I just wanted to share that, because it has been on my heart. I guess in addition, I should add that people who pray together stay together. I say people, instead of couples because it isn't just about couples...and people who pray together, with a pure heart, will stay together. That I promise you. Some of my friends and I who prayed together, have never lost our inner most connections........no matter how many miles away.

Anyways, I will be going along my way now. And I must say that right at this moment, I am sitting in Joey's basement, right next to him, and we're both on different computers, chatting with the same people. :) It roks!

Love ya'll!
1 Thes 5:16, 17

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