Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/384116-Lowly-Esteemed-Worker
by Aradne
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1010479
Not interesting at all. Just like me.
#384116 added November 5, 2005 at 7:16pm
Restrictions: None
Lowly Esteemed Worker?
Be prepared for me to brag.

That's right.

One of my managers called me while I was off duty. No biggie. Out of the ordinary, but it's by no means extraordinary.

Kelli: Aradne, you work tonight, yes?
Me: Hey Kelli, yeah, I do...
Kelli: Okay, well you know all that taco meat we've got?
Me: Yeah... I think we've got 12 boxes of it...
K: Yeah, well I'm trying to think of a way to get rid of some of it...
M: Besides ultimate nachos?
K: Well... Yeah.
M: How about tacos or burritos?
K: We don't have any shells....
M: Just steal some wraps from deli......
K: Now there's an idea. Hey, what time do you plan to come in tonight?
M: I was planning on 9:30, unless you need me to be in earlier?
K: Will you come in at 9 to help me experiment with this?
M: No problem.

Yeah, it rocks to be me. *Wink*

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/384116-Lowly-Esteemed-Worker