Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/409869-New-Month-New-Slate
by Aradne
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1010479
Not interesting at all. Just like me.
#409869 added March 1, 2006 at 2:11am
Restrictions: None
New Month, New Slate
I'm tempted to write a very vague entry....

Let's just say that I'm a very blessed being. I just had a rootbeer float... yummy... The last rootbeer float I had was lovingly made by a very sweet person.

I might have chili on saturday. I certainly hope that I will be having it... I'll be put out, otherwise.

Spring break in a few days. I'm going home with Hannah, if I haven't mentioned it. We'll have a good time.

As far as WDC goes, I've been around a little bit more lately, I feel 'more in contact'. I'm not as out of the loop... I have a horrible time keeping up with everyone's journal, though... Keep writing everyone.

Any writing I've been doing has been for class, but it hasn't been half-bad. Well, the essays have sucked ASSSSSSSSS, but the poetry has been really good. If you run across anything in my port labelled 'don't read', don't bother reading it. I don't care. It sucks, I know it. Chances are that I've already turned whatever it is in.

A lot is/was due this week. I'm sorry if I haven't been around much or you've missed me... I don't think that you'd actually miss me, though. I've been around 'enough' for now.

I finally beat the first Sims on PS2. I just got it at Christmas, and us college kids don't have time for things like making sure our Sims went potty. (I sometimes don't have the time to make sure that I went potty...)

I can hardly keep my eyes open, and I have to get up early tomorrow.

Hasta la pasta!


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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/409869-New-Month-New-Slate