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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/723964-This-ones-about-your-local-music-scene-again
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#723964 added May 13, 2011 at 9:33pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about your local music scene again.
A pleasant evening to you all *Smile* as I come to you in a house inhabitated by nobody other than me, which is how I like things...that way I don't have to hear fighting and other random ridiculous things. It's just me and the beats I can crank. Fantastic!

Tonight I will re-teach my own self how to use the internet to my advantage, since this entry was supposed to be sent last night, but I made a goof that felt like I left a notebook of poetry in a copier, never to be seen again (and as a writer, that just makes you want to pack up shop, never look back and get a real life). But I've got some things I need to share, since I'm that guy.

Last night was my first experience ever uploading videos to http://www.youtube.com/. I know, I'm so 20th century and all. But it's for a good purpose.

See, I took some video on my stellar Blackberry Style of the Letterset show we went to almost two weeks ago, for "Rock For Roswell". If you forgot, lemme smack you with the link again: http://www.roswellpark.org/ Cuz we all know somebody who's life's been affected by cancer, or is a Cancer by Zodiac terms. Or, they're just a cancer to your environment...anyway, I'm sure the folks blossomming tumors stand to benefit a lot more from these links than the other parties. When exactly has your Zodiac sign saved your life anyway? I'm a Leo, and that hasn't exactly provided me any Lion-like tendancies that I'm aware of.

Anyway, so I shot some videos, and uploaded them to Facebook and Youtube. Be gentle, as phones aren't the most reliable way of doing this. The audio is better than expected but not fantastic. I tend to move around also. And if you don't like music, don't like this and don't comment. Cuz music is all we have sometimes, especially when sometimes is bad times, if ya hear that.

*Bullet* Letterset..."Count Me In"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w04Nf656w8k

Please forgive the stage banter, as it was the first video I'd ever shot on my phone in my existence (or a lot longer than one would think).

*Bullet* Letterset... "I Wouldn't Be Surprised If You Said You Were A Lion" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs-PEzKh6u8

Might be the best of the three I shot.

*Bullet* Letterset..."This Is Just A Filler Song" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TX68hZyvX-0

And damn me for not getting all of the pre-song info! Ricky gets into a diatribe about how this song will be available for download on Rockband eventually.

Please check these videos out! It'll make me happy, and a lot of others associated with this band also.


*Bullet* Lotsa hits, thanks to the boys at http://www.jactrecords.com/. Thanks for the props y'all!!

*Bullet* Really, today couldn't have been more ridiculous, but I managed to have a little fun with it, so it's ok. Plus, I had some http://www.mightytaco.com/main.php, which sometimes can make everything right in the world.

*Bullet* We got a copy of "Buffalo Does Pop" today and from what I've heard so far, I ME LIKEY. Get your own here: http://buffalodoes.storenvy.com/products/73194-buffalo-does-pop-cd From what I've heard so far, it's a beast of a great cd so far. Buy one now!!

That's all I have for you playas and playa-haters out there tonight. Rather than let you guess what I'm listening to tonight, I'll leave you with this tonight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSctIW8B_mA and leave the rest up to you. I get a thrill outta drmmers doing what they do, and Josiah's in my top two. I'mma finisn this BK Double Stacker and head off to bed....been a long last couple of days. I'm over last night and looking forward to tomorrow. Hope y'alls is too. GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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