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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/724105-This-ones-about-your-America-200-to-read-please
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#724105 added May 16, 2011 at 10:32pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about your America. $2.00 to read, please.
Good good evening to all of you! I'm here because I'm confused and concerned about the climate and culture of this fine country.

Long story short: the company that I work for is recommending that employees that receive paper paychecks now either move to Direct Deposit, or receive a new Visa "paycard", to cut down on paper being used, and the postage required to mail it. Which is all well and good, and I understand it.

BUT... (and there's always a but...)

I think it's a load of crap. Somebody's making money off this that's taking money from me; that much I know. For every non-network ATM transaction, it's gonna cost me. To cash a paper check at the grocery store, it cost me a dollar. Now I have to find a no-fee ATM, and that's kinda like finding fat-free fast food...you know it's out there, somewhere, but never when you need it.

What makes it a little worse is in my neighborhood there's a few places you can still do business at that ONLY take cash. And I like those places. It's nice to know that a dollar is still a dollar, unlike this digital currency we have floating around. See, I don't like Direct Deposit. I had it once and got screwed plenty of times...especially during holidays...you think that money is there, but wait...it's not. It wasn't dependable for someone like me who relied on it and needed peace of mind to know the money was there when I needed to pay something

And before you get all into yellin' about "Get a bank account!", well, howsabout a big, fat, NO. Had one. Had two. Had a bunch. Banks are the worst possible place you can store money. I'd rather keep it in a flower pot on my front porch, because I can see it then at least. Trying to figure out how banks charge fees is like trying to figure out the road map to China, and using three different internet sources to get you there. Cuz you know every bank does it differently.

I prefer cash-on-hand. That's how I like to do things. Plus, I might be more tempted to spend money online if I knew I had Visa backing my stats. That's another downfall. Oh, and if a buddy says he wants to get tickets to a concert, I can give him the cash the next time I see him, if he wants to charge it. I prefer not to be that guy, cuz I don't want to get screwed if somebody backs out last-minute, but I've had friends who have no problem charging a stack of tickets, and I've had no problem giving them cash to spend at the venue. It's a good system and it works.

Short story long: I like cash. Not plastic.


*Bullet* Probably coulda fleshed this entry out a little better, had it not been for several distractions. The CWC, the phone, the randomness. Many aggrivations today. Many.

*Bullet* Did I mention I've not been in a good mood today, and this whole pay-card thing isn't even the biggest of concerns?

*Bullet* Hey, by the way, check the last post, cuz I fling videos on youtube occasionally! (And a big thanks to all those who checked out the Letterset videos...)

*Bullet* (,,,Cuz...) Big jump in the volume stats on this here lil slice of internet lovin'.

*Bullet* Created while listening to the hums of a washer and a dryer. And this, definitely: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjZRAvsZf1g Seems like it's censored, and that's ok tonight. Rumor is they have a new album out tomorrow. We'll see.

Til then homies, take care. Of yourselves and each other. Word. GOODNIGHT NOW!

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