Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/726587-Dads-Day
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1718540
Day to day stuff....a memoir without order.
#726587 added June 19, 2011 at 8:09pm
Restrictions: None
Dad's Day...
I've been reading some blogs today, here and elsewhere, and lots of daughters have been mentioning their fathers. There seems to be a similar thread of fathers being especially critical of daughters, at least in the opinion of the daughters. This seems to result, most likely due to human nature, in a daughter's longing even more for her father's approval. Color me jealous, I guess, but a mother's unconditional love should be at least as important as a critical father's approval. Somehow, to me, the scales seem weighted toward the father with nothing substantial as a basis. It must have something to do with the fact that I grew up without a father...hmmm.

To change the subject, I've had two more stories accepted at ezines...when it rains, it does pour, I guess...*Smile*. I'm certainly not complaining

I must admit I've been watching the Casey Anthony trial off and on. Sometimes it just gets too boring with all the nicky picky details, but of course I keep coming back, wanting to know the latest. The general thought is she will take the stand sometime later this coming week. I have this terrible trait, maddening at times, where I can see both sides to a story. I know all the circumstantial evidence points to her guilt, but it is very difficult to believe a mother would intentionally kill her own child...if she is sane. My husband can't understand why people from all over come to try to get into the courtroom to witness the trial. I'd say it's curiosity...some of us have it, some don't. I think I will be glad when it's old news though.

I made a cute little tote bag to fit on the handles of Jim's wheelchair, lined and everything and with little pockets inside for special items. I put two straps on each end so it fits perfectly on the handles. Now I won't have to carry a bag over my wrist that keeps hitting the wheels as I push....crunch, crunch, crunch. How annoying was that?

I got all of our grass cut this weekend and really need to look for a new hat or cap to wear. I don't know if I ever mentioned it before or not, but I had a melanoma removed in 1993 so I'm always slathering on sunscreen...but I definitely need a hat. And, yes, I use the right kind, uva and uvb, 30 spf. That news they've been hawking on tv for the past week is really old news. Protection for both kinds of rays has been available for years. Maybe it's just the false advertising that is really the news. And anyone who would believe sunscreen is waterproof must be keeping company with the man living under the Geico rock.

Peaches must be in season now. I bought some delicious ones today...for cereal tomorrow...yum. And some blueberries and a seedless watermelon...wonder how we ever lived without those?...

until next time....c

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