Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/728582-All-shapes-and-forms
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1718540
Day to day stuff....a memoir without order.
#728582 added July 13, 2011 at 6:31pm
Restrictions: None
All shapes and forms....
July 13 Prompt -Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
-Mohandas Gandhi

Do you think this to be true?
What brings you the greatest happiness in your life?
What is one of your happiest moments?

Oh, yes, I do believe that. When I am happy, there is no room for any other kinds of thought, words reflect it and all I do reflect it, laughing, smiling, hugging. Anything can bring me happiness, sometimes when I least expect it, and most often when I am not thinking about it. Finding happiness though, is like watching the water in that pot to boil...a watched pot never boils. You just have to let it sneak up on you. To me, happiness, although it can be, is usually not a big thing. By that, I mean like winning the lottery...it's more like reading a funny story. or playing with my kitty.

As an example of what can make me happy... Just yesterday, I kept hearing a bird out in my backyard chirping and tweeting frantically. I went to look and found the sound coming from a mockingbird high up in one of our pinetrees. I'm pretty sure it was a she (you'll see why later) and she kept hopping from branch to branch squawking like a banshee. I looked all around thinking there might be a cat loose in the yard, but saw nothing. Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw movement. It was a baby mockingbird down in the grass near my backporch. It must have seen me turn, because it froze in place. I remained still and quiet, and it soon started hopping around, spreading its wings, running a little, and hopping some more. He (or she) managed to hop up the trunk of one of the pines about two feet, then hopped down again. All during this time, Mommy is still doing her dance from branch to branch and shrieking, egging him on, I think. I did the same.

He just couldn't fly yet...but he was really trying. He hopped and ran, spreading his wings, all over the backyard. Suddenly, Mommy took off toward the side yard in pursuit of a neighbor's black cat crouching behind one of the trees. I couldn't believe the bravery of that mockingbird. She dived and chased that cat all the way across the street and two houses down and remained there about fifteen minutes, threatening and fussing at that cat to never come back. He didn't.

Meanwhile, I lost sight of Junior. She must have told him to hide. Finally, Mommy came back and Junior restarted his practice runs. I watched for about an hour and a half until Junior flew up into a shrub that was about six feet tall. The supper hour was calling me and I figured he should be safe now. Afterwards, I went to look for them, but both seemed to be gone, hopefully flying together somewhere. That thought makes me happy.

until next time....c

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