Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/729094-Everything
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1718540
Day to day stuff....a memoir without order.
#729094 added July 19, 2011 at 5:16pm
Restrictions: None
Thank you, Finn...July 19 Prompt - In all or any of it's forms or uses- What does the sea mean to you?

The sea means bonfires at night, crackling above the ocean's roar. Classmates having fun for the last time as classmates.

The sea means shriveled fingers and my mom yelling, "It's time to come in, Connie." "Just a few more minutes, Mommy."

The sea means salt water taffy, chewing and chewing, finally swallowing and getting choked and laughing through it all.

The sea means sand in the foot of the car...and in the bottom of my wet bathing suit as I doze on the way home.

The sea means a sunburn so bad my nose bleeds when I peel the skin off and my ankles hurt when I bend them to walk.

The sea means wet stinky beach towels and...oops, shells fall out when I shake out the sand.

The sea means dead batteries in my transister radio when I forgot to turn it off.

The sea means kids kicking sand on me as they race by the blanket I'm lying on..."Hey, you!"

The sea means thunder, lightning, and rain and my mom yelling, "Get out of that water right now!"

The sea means friends for an only child to play with.

The sea means sitting in the foam and having a big one roll in and wash me backwards.

The sea means getting knocked off my feet by a breaker at the drop off, sharp sand cutting my knees, swallowing a mouthful of salty water...a sore throat from getting choked, staggering out and going right back in.

The sea means running across a boardwalk so hot it burns the bottom of my feet.

The sea means proudly wearing my favorite Rehoboth Beach sweatshirt over my ratty worn out bathing suit.

The sea means bumper cars and miniature golf and the penny arcade with the sound of the merry-go-round ringing in my ears.

The sea means licking raspberry solt serve ice cream with tons of napkins to catch the melt while sitting on a bench watching the breakers come in, anxious to finish and run back through the hot sand to the cool water.

The sea and me have a long and happy history.

until next time...c

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