Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/847026-Pain-and-blogging-but-not-together
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1718540
Day to day stuff....a memoir without order.
#847026 added April 16, 2015 at 8:00am
Restrictions: None
Pain and blogging, but not together.
I got to the point in my prednisone reduction plan where I had to skip a day....and all my symptoms came roaring back with a fury. I had almost forgotten how terrible I felt. So...the next morning after taking nothing one day, I am back on the half pill (10 mg). I did not bother to call my doctor...too long to wait for an answer and most likely he would have told me to do the same thing I did. My pain did not start subsiding quite as quickly as it did before, but now (2 days later on 1/2 pill), I feel pretty good. At least I have reduced my dose, and I see my doctor on the 5th of May.

I've been asked to blog (one of four) on our new writers' site when it launches...sometime in May...a little nervous about it. Sometimes I feel like a fraud, not a writer, but the old ego in me wouldn't let me say no. As treasurer, my first blog topic will be on the trail of the membership dues. I think I will really have to dig to make that interesting...must be some comedy in there somewhere too...or maybe not. We four are forming a blog pod which should be very interesting and helpful. I'm excited about it.

The author series I planned to attend last Sunday was cancelled. You never know until you actually get to the library. The sign said, "author cancellation due to airplane maintenance." Never heard that one before.

until next time...c

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