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by Z.˚rz
Rated: 18+ · Book · Satire · #1093586
New and Improved... but only slightly.
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October 16, 2009 at 10:56am
October 16, 2009 at 10:56am
... his balloon, they're ruining daddies TV dreams! http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/10/16/interview-sets-off-skeptics-of-ballo...

I don't believe that family at all. Forget the CNN interview for a beat, poppa balloon was hawking the damn thing on TV while they were "searching" for his son. This is a family who appeared on Wife Swap TWICE! I'm thinking, where there's smoke there's fire... and this family is perfect for ABC's Wednesday night! Reality show anyone!?! Maybe stuff the lot of them in a balloon, set it adrift, and wherever they land they got to survive for like a week.

And then everyone goes, "oh, well, thank God the kid's okay". No, don't thank God, you got pwn'd, the kid was never in harms way, you just bought what you saw on the TV. You were manipulated by some Coloradan who wanted the attention. For the first time this Conning-Coloradan isn't lizco252 calling me and asking for "bus money". That Wytche is always taking the bus, but never getting where she's going... hmmmm.

This 6 year old who "did it for the show" (as he says it) will probably now be the target of many bullies. Thankfully, there are videos out there to help people fight them off. This video comes from I have no idea where, but it advocates an un-manly way of fighting. Guns is the least manly way to fight on the street, and biting, hair pulling and groin slapping is only slightly above that. Still though, seeing as how our intrepid little balloon boy will probably not be studying boxing, he can use these tips:

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October 15, 2009 at 2:02pm
October 15, 2009 at 2:02pm
... that yesterday's video was the worst she's ever seen, and suggested I post this one instead to rebound.

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So, which rocker is your favorite? Lucy, Ria or Martin? Be sure to go tell In Your Dirtiest Pants your answer, she is dying to know. *Bigsmile*

A few points and questions:

*Question* You see my handle? Why are the parenthesis janked up? What have I done to anger the gods of WdC?

*Exclaim* Rush Limbaugh... not a football owner. Boom, sanity wins the round.

*Question* Should I try this at home? http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/10/desktop-black-hole/

*Exclaim* I'm still promoting a secret! Which leads to..

*Question* What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? No! Better yet, what happens when an enlarged prostate meets an overactive bladder? Seek the answer and ye shall find the truth!

No, the CARDINALS are not represented in this years NLCS, but the Lou is as Ryan Howard is one of our own. So, when it comes to steroid using, cheater-face Manny -v- the Phillies... you know who I'm rooting for. Like it matters, the Yankees look almost unstoppable.
October 14, 2009 at 11:39pm
October 14, 2009 at 11:39pm
... whose got the game? I gots the game. Boom.

When I go to Starbucks, the chicks give me free coffee. Why? Cause I'm like Brad Pitt... but amazingly attractive. It's all about the Zesticles... and they know quality when they smell it. Which would imply that they smell my junk... which implies that it gives off an odor... *Confused*... did I already post my one sided STD conversation?

BLEH! Took my final tonight, the best I can say is that I exhausted my knowledge on each question. Now, if that knowledge is correct or thorough is yet to be seen. Would you think less of me if I lost my 4.0 *Sad*. I can feel your eyes judging me! Look away, I don't want you to see me cry! *Cry*

After this graduate school bit, I wanna go to Columbia U. NYC to get my PhD in Indo-Tibetan studies, so I think I kinda need that 4.0 cause I always feel inferior like I got something to prove. At the same time, I can't stress myself out over it. Just be me, love who I am, cause that's what's really important... *Confused*... did we talk about the zesticle fragrance? Fruity, yet, irresistible.

Hey kids! Don't smoke!

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October 13, 2009 at 12:38pm
October 13, 2009 at 12:38pm
... Leaves of Grass, my ass!

I'm not one to advertise advertisements, but I totally dig these new Levi commercials.

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That commercial is way better than this one: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/2f0cd86cb3/koss-can-t-be-beat. Nice 'stache, bro.

Yesterday was Columbus Day... did anyone celebrate? Does anyone celebrate anymore? Does anyone care? I'm sort of over Christopher Columbus, ya know, he was a fairly big douche bag. His thirst for gold and power and what not lead him to enslave and decimate indigenous populations. And really... he failed in his mission. He didn't find a new route to India, he wasn't anywhere close! EPIC FAIL to Chris Columbus.

Give me some other EPIC FAILS from history. I'll name one more: The US Civil War, the least profitable war in American history. Your turn.
October 12, 2009 at 3:45pm
October 12, 2009 at 3:45pm
... Fishes, Frat-Fan!

There were maintenance people all over my complex today and the electricity was shut off. My router, as follows, was shut off too. It took me like two forevers to find the damned "key" to get back on-line... but, that's what I get for living in a luxury condo.

Hey, if you believe I live in luxury, then you'll believe this too! The RAMS are 5 - 0! They've won the hearts and minds of every fan this year *Bigsmile*

There's something brewing, something rising up from the neon colored, bohemian streets of WdC. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's fast approaching. It's got this Kerouac beat to it, and Sex Pistol aggression. Oh, ye who travels aside me... stay tuned... stay tuned.

I got a final Wednesday and then it's on to Fall Break. Ahhhhhh... AH S*Sick**Sick*T, I don't get a fall break cause grad students are supposed to be more "professional" about academics, we're held to "higher standards", we've gained "maturity". I got a 4.0, yo. That's something I never did as an under-grad, but then I'm not drinking and partying like it's 2002 either.

It's been a phat minute since I've offered a dank Netflix selection.* Yesterday I watched Nerdcore Rising a documentary following the inventor of nerdcore hip-hop, MC Frontalot on his first tour. It's a cool documentary in that its subject matter is so new or unknown to people, yet it's a blend of two niches of society that everyone know fairly well; hip-hop and nerds, it was bound to happen. The filmmakers even breach the subject of black culture being assimilated by whites from Elvis to now.

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Makes for an entertaining watch on a slow night, and your city may even be featured on the tour.

*Due to new FCC rules it is incumbent on me to allow you to know that Netflix in now way shape or form has offered me any restitution for my use of their name here. I have not received free movie, payment, I ain't got jack for this... but if anyone wants to pay me for this, let me know. I'll sell-out, I'll do it. I do what I want, when I want!
October 11, 2009 at 10:00am
October 11, 2009 at 10:00am
... and their new-fangled whats-its and whos-its.

A research firm called Smarty Pants (that's a name that breeds confidence) released a poll of 6 - 12 year olds in which they were asked to identify their favorite brands. http://news.cnet.com/8301-10797_3-10371818-235.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-...

If you go down the list of the top 25 you can see that, for the most part, these are all brands that have been around awhile. iPods, Cartoon Network and Sony's Playstation are the newest "brands" I can think of (I don't count Nick.com cause that's just an extension of Nickelodeon which was around when I was a kid). But here's the best bit: The Microsoft X-Box was far out of the top 25 which means my investment has not been childish in the least.

You can almost write a "Day in the Life of Timmy" story just going item by item down the list. "Well, I wake up and play Nintendo, then mom calls me to breakfast so I play my DS on my way to the kitchen where I eat a breakfast of Oreo's. Then while playing my DS on the way to school, mom stops at McDonald's for second breakfast and I get M&Ms too for being so good and eating all my fries...."

I'm a big abstainer from "branding", and I wondered at this poll for a beat. Honestly though, because these brands have been around forever (mostly) you could only assume that they'd be popular. Like Kathy Lee Gifford, no one likes her, but she's been around forever, so she stays on TV. Familiarity, that's the word I think I'm looking for.

When I was a kid I don't think I was so brand-aware. Nike was big, but especially Jordan brand stuff. Jnco Jeans, how 'bout them? Umbro? Anyone wanna talk Umbro? When you were a wee sprout, what brands were you rocking?
October 10, 2009 at 11:12am
October 10, 2009 at 11:12am
... being in middle Missouri, the Trailer Park Belt as it's known, and being told that I must of hated America cause I wanted to pull the troops out if Iraq. How our definitions of "hating America" have changed in an election.

There has been so much vitriol over Obama, over every little nitpicking thing he does, that I can't understand it. People are outright calling for failure on our president's part just cause they can't stand to see a liberal? an African American? a college professor? president.

The far-right has always been one psalm shy of a bible, but over the last eight months this abrupt turn around from "Hey, watch your mouth he's still our president" to offensive, verbal BMs is straight up insane. I blame willful ignorance. You cannot convince me that Americans are so ignorant to believe in the NWO or that a Marxist would make it all the way to our highest office. Anyone can easily read or reference Marxism, actually understand what that word means, but it suits them to remain dumb and blind and repeat slogans heard from their Fox news network.

They can't understand why the world would love Obama, they can't understand why he'd receive a Nobel peace prize. Dig it, for eight years the world hated us cause we had a trigger happy president bombing the vague definition of terrorism. We ran from the world and hid behind our shields, and the world we ran from was one that since WWII we've helped to shape and lead. In fact, it appears more in our image than one can imagine.

Obama was elected and he said let's talk this out, we don't need to bully the world to reach our goals. He's attempted to reconcile with the Muslim world, counteracting the notion that "War on Terror" means "Islamophobia". The world is encouraging Obama because he represents a progressive US that's on its way to catching up with international standards. The king (or US in this case) may finally start becoming a philosopher.

Let's kick some ballistics:

According to the CIA world factbook we rank 45th in terms of infant mortality (behind Canada and the UK with their Socialist healthcare... and Cuba too!)1.

According to the UK's Home Office "The United States has the highest prison population rate in the world, some 686 per 100,000 of the national population, followed by the Cayman Islands (664), Russia (638), Belarus (554), Kazakhstan (522), Turkmenistan (489), Belize (459), Bahamas (447), Suriname (437) and Dominica (420)." We beat out China 1.96m to 1.43m to boot!2

We were the only western industrialized nation that allowed for juvenile executions until it was finally axed by the Supreme Court in 2005. Justice Kennedy in his opinion stated, "the United States is the only country in the world that continues to give official sanction to the juvenile death penalty"3. Oh, but wait! That's not true your honor... so does Iran.4

Why is it that we look more like the nations we vilify than the ones we call our allies? You may look at this and say, yeah they're faults but their our faults, and that's just America, but I see room for improvement. After all, like President Clinton said "There's nothing wrong with America that can't be fixed by what is right in America".

1  https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2091rank.h... We're 180, but you got to stand the scores on their head like in golf.
2  http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs2/r188.pdf
3  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A62584-2005Mar1.html
4  http://www.amnesty.org/en/news-and-updates/news/juveniles-still-face-noose-iran-...

October 9, 2009 at 10:39am
October 9, 2009 at 10:39am
... West. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20091008/wl_nm/us_usa_obama_dalailama_2

Why won't Obama just meet with the Dalai Lama? Seriously. The US government and Central Asia have a dirty history (did you know, one could make a very convincing argument that Tibet lost its independence because of Sen. Joe McCarthy?). No matter what though, China has always been a benefactor of our Central Asia dealings, and today they fairly well control them.

Remember in 2008, the riots in Lhasa. What happened after? Congress condemned the Chinese reaction and urged all members of the US government not to attend the Olympics... Opening ceremonies and who is that sitting in the stands? Prez George Dubbya, the USG's most high profile employee.

China did the same thing with Taiwan. Any country wishing diplomatic relations with the PRC has to accept in writing the one China policy which enfolds Taiwan with China. Taiwan has no means of conducting its own foreign relations. The one China policy also includes Tibet into China, but what makes Tibet debated and Taiwan not so overtly? The Dalai Lama! The Nobel Peace Prize winning, Om Mani Padme Hum-dinger of a monk that any nation who just got themselves out of (sort of) a torture fiasco, might want to meet with.

Any nation or world leader who does meet with him gets the obligatory China-rebuttal, http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091009/ap_on_re_as/as_china_tibet_1, but what's in that that can't be handled?

The skinny: China is a growing giant of the future, but they still need the US today to support their export driven economy. Their navy is practically non-existent by modern standards and North Korea is more of a thorn in their side than ours. Yeah, we need China too, but right now we have the ability to help shape future China's roll in the global community and I don't think you do that by balking. We want to be a nation that supports the Universal Declaration on Human Rights? Well, when a human rights violator tells you not to meet with someone, you could start by meeting with them.

In any event, I think the HH the Dalai Lama is living treasure to the world and China, the US and the rest of us may not realize what we got till its gone.
October 8, 2009 at 11:10am
October 8, 2009 at 11:10am
... agitate and activate the masses.


*Bullet* Spread this advertisement around. It's an ad about ads. It comes from Adbusters, the counter-culture warriors fighting our consumptive habits. So far FOX has refused to air them and MTV has done the same. Adbusters is ready to pay for the air time, but no love. Here it is, share it:

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Adbusters also suggests you tag your Tweets with #fuckFOX, I think I'll just add "#Ef-FOX" to my handle here... I don't tweet and FB has gone all Aggie.


*Bullet* Some one invented the idea of "perpetual students" on this site yesterday. If they were associated with higher education at all (like maybe, educated themselves) they'd know that schools make sure students get moving along. They claim to be basing this notion in fact, but as this person often does, there are no citations, and it seems to be straight up fantasy bull-s*Sick**Sick*t to support their judgmental, feel-better-about-myself lifestyle.

Why would someone hate higher education and grad students and PhD candidates? Why would someone try and put themselves in a position to judge a students goals and ambitions within a collegiate setting, deciding if they're truly worthy? Because educated, or "book-learned" folk, rarely find facts, not rhetoric, that support their neo-con causes. Like a Harvard study that highlights this fact:


That would be under the insurance, big business thuggery they support keeping.


Now, with my middle finger aimed at all fascists, neo-cons and FOX I drop the mic and slide off stage.
October 7, 2009 at 9:46am
October 7, 2009 at 9:46am
... me, in my robe with a glass of brandy by the fire, you, trying to escape through the front door - futile, always futile.

Yesterday while hurling rocks and insults at school children (cause I pick a fair fight), I was thinking to myself "You know, it can't get any worse for the RAMS, they're a bad football team and an even worse group of astronauts"... you know what though, I was wrong.

Rush "Thunder Pants" Limbaugh and the current owner of the BLUES want to make a bid at buying our lackluster football team. Now, I don't know about you, but I f*Angry**Angry*king cannot stand Rush Limbaugh. He's a pill popping, misogynist, neo-fascist. Worst of all... he's from Missouri.

Yes, The Show Me Shame, we of a higher order refer to him as. Why couldn't he have been a Hoosier instead of just being a hoosier (*Laugh* parenthetical shout out to Paige Turner ). Missouri has some fine water and a great stock of man-seed. This is evidenced by the world's greatest actor and handsomest man coming from our lands (Brad Pitt and me respectively *Bigsmile*). But sometimes, being so close to Arkansas, the lust for ones sister is too great, and an Aschcroft or Limbaugh is spawned.

Rush Limbaugh represents arrested development. I thought he was funny once, when I heard this bit about "Femi-Nazis"... but I was in the fourth grade and Perfect Strangers was funny too. Then I grew up, got learned, and now he's just repugnant.

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