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by Z.˚rz
Rated: 18+ · Book · Satire · #1093586
New and Improved... but only slightly.
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August 30, 2009 at 10:07am
August 30, 2009 at 10:07am
... Cleveland is a winner.

And Now...


Snuffleupagus and Falcor* get into a fight... who wins? Falcor can fly, but Snuffleupagus is educated (as demonstrated by his attending Snufflegarten). Which beast of legendary, non-fiction children's programming comes out a winner?

Never-ending Story
August 29, 2009 at 9:51am
August 29, 2009 at 9:51am

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Name the actress.

August 28, 2009 at 12:31am
August 28, 2009 at 12:31am
... out this *Down* reform fact sheet, Rep. Gary Miller(R-CA), cause now I got you by your mini-Nixons.

And here again is the PDF version of the bill. *Right*http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2009/images/08/14/house.health.care.bill.pdf

G-Funk Propagandic is right on about citing his pages and sections, but what I find is vague interpretations. Like right off the bat, his fears of "illegal aliens" (versus "undocumented aliens" in the bill, see how he made it seem so dirty?) getting covered are up to interpretation even though he actually cites the section that prohibits them from getting federal coverage (246). He reads the anti-discrimination section (152) as superseding sec. 246. I take this like a job application. Federal law requires an anti-discrimination clause and at the same time, the application asks you to verify that you are a citizen or have a permit to work in the US.

The language one, yeah, it provides for that, but in recognition of geographic regions and frequency of a language's use. It stands to reason that Southern Cali may need a Spanish speaking rep. same as South city and county StL may need a rep who speaks Bosnian. Police stations have the same sort of thing paid for with taxes.

But let's face it, the illegal alien stuff is pretty bush league. I mean, really, God forbid that brown people get served too. But Miller serves his audience well, crazy crackers.

What really interested me though was his bits about the taxes. Cause firstly he interprets the government spending some tax dollars on what I would call market research to make the system more efficient, he deems as a way to start "rationing care" by figuring out the most "cost effective treatments". And then he turns around and bitches cause the bill is difficult to pay for.

But he really loses it on #14 of his list. The title in his list is "2.5% Income Tax Increase on Individuals Without Health Insurance", but he switches the wording in the explanation so it reads the tax increase would hit people who didn't buy "government approved plans". Well... this bill pretty much sets the standards for insurance that any licensed insurer would have to meet. So chances are, you're going to have an approved policy. Unless you get your insurance from Two-Tone Tony who works behind the Burger King, then your screwed anyway.

So the 2.5% tax is for people w/o insurance who are going to go to the hospital and take advantage of public care... isn't that what they want? Everyone paying their bit into the system? I actually think that tax is too much, health should be a right, but you gotta keep the hell-hounds happy I suppose.

*Laugh* Almost as a footnote though is the bit about how those earning more than 350K a year are going to have their taxes raised. It's like he's saying: "They're going to make you sit next to Mexicans, they're going to kill grandpa with red tape, they're going to tax those without insurance, and they'll be raising my taxes by like 5% cause I'm rich - did I mention the thing about Mexicans? Cause they'll do it twice!"

But in good faith I have posted both G-Fibrillator's list and the bill here. I'd say check it out, but honestly, don't waste your time. Unless you're really looking to blow a friend away with how much free time and initiative you have. Plus I just sat here and did the grunt work... you trust me? do ya? Or am I a part of the New World Order *Smirk* I am a Freemason after all.
August 27, 2009 at 12:00pm
August 27, 2009 at 12:00pm
... you left us too soon and when we needed you most. RIPEMK

And, of course, the press is quick to define the legacy, question the legacy and doubt the legacy. That word is just tossed about. I certainly will not rely on the corporate media to define Senator Kennedy for me or the rest of the Kennedy family.

What the Kennedy family represented to me was higher expectations. Yes, America can do more. We can go to the moon, we can embrace equality and recognize that health care is a right not a privilege. John and Robert were struck down in serving their ideals, and Teddy just passed before he could see his come to fruition.

Lowered expectations are easy, and I fear that Americans are becoming complacent in serving them then setting the bar higher. America is becoming a land of excuses and fear. "We can't make sure all Americans have health care!" instead of asking "Why don't all Americans have health care?" What happened to the days when Americans could do anything? Now we appear selfish, stone aged knuckle draggers.

I imagine there are some sick, sighs of relief on Capital Hill. Sen. Kennedy did get things done across aisles, and the nay-sayers there, and at home in Podunk, Anystate, are blood thirsty for the failure of progress. Greed, fear and ignorance, the horns of Palin can just now be heard coming from the great white north. And in Kansas, they search out a Great White Hope http://www.startribune.com/nation/55387577.html.

So, here's to you, Teddy. You will be missed. As the nay-sayers and fear mongers continue to rampage and thrill to the thought of dancing on the grave of progress, your memory and example will surely inspire those who fight the good fight.

August 26, 2009 at 11:06am
August 26, 2009 at 11:06am
... reading America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 is pointless.

I have homework to do
School has started, and I have a long, dry text book to read as it is. What I should be doing is focusing on maintaining my 4.0 and then just going out into the world and setting policy instead of arguing it here... and yet, I continue to read the bill.

Any argument I can make is pointless.
"The Thinker is the Prover" is the phrase in critical thinking. Here's a LiveScience article about reverse engineering opinion. That is, most people based on party lines, have come to a conclusion and then gone in search of the facts that support their conclusion. Those people who are more frightened about their views being wrong, or hold their views weakly, are less likely to listen to opposing arguments... and yet, I continue to read the bill. http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20090826/sc_livescience/healthcaredebatebase...

No one else has read this bill
As I read this I feel like I'm hunting snipe. There's "Death Panels", "free abortion" and "illegal immigration" in here somewhere. I'm sure this bill attempts to kill Jesus or something else too, but you know what THAT S*Shock**Shock*T AINT IN HERE. The only reason people think it's in here is cause they never read this bill. Palin, Armey and the whole lot of the ANTI-PROGRESS militia are running on "fear and smear". Remember what that article above said about people who most fear being wrong, not listening to opposing arguments? You ever see Gingrich or Armey on the Sunday talkies and wondered why they allow themselves to be corrected so much, never with a counter-argument? It's cause rhetoric is good for one shot! THEY NEVER READ THIS BILL, if they had, they'd see real fast that the language and form is reminiscent of consumer protection acts of the past. This bill is more concerned with your insurance than killing granny for her juices ... and yet, I continue to read the bill.

This is your last chance to get your digs. If you want to impress upon me how the US government has sneaky, underhanded motives with this bill you come and cite the subtitle or section number, or page number even. I have the pdf now and the opencongress scroll. We will read them together and see if we come up with the same thing. Confused about something in the bill? Let's read it together. Anyone want to know if the bill allows for a person keeping their private insurance plan (which it does) let me know. Public option? Oh, you mean subtitle B, sec.221? Let's tackle it together.

Cause from here on out, I'm only recognizing arguments about the bill, that can be found in the bill. Otherwise you've made it up, and I call Bull Schnite! Certainly, continue to argue rhetoric and hyperbolic what nots, just not here. Certainly, talk about how much the health care reform bill will dampen your Christmas and allow for the UN to come into your homes and take your guns, just not here.

You wanna know what reading this is like?

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... and yet, I continue to read the bill.
August 25, 2009 at 12:29pm
August 25, 2009 at 12:29pm
... trouble, I says, nothing but trouble.

Six seconds of Kermit revealing his true self. Never trusted that damned frog anyway:

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Fifty-three seconds of romantic, wedding hip-hop beats:

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And that's all I got.

August 24, 2009 at 10:52am
August 24, 2009 at 10:52am
... when there's a perfectly good universe to explore next door?

There was talk of space travel and alien hunts yesterday in Noe 's blog. I like space travel, or rather did, until I geeked out last night on the science channel and two shows on parallel universes.

The unifying factor of String Theory is the 11th dimension. We tend to think of our world in 3 dimensions but there's 11. 10 spacial dimensions and one temporal. Now there's M Theory, or the Super Theory of Everything that thinks the Big Bang, the formation of our universe and the lot of it, can be explained through this 11th dimension, where a sort of surrounding membrane exists. When the membranes found here collide, KABOOM, big bang.

Mathematically speaking then, the chances of more big bangs are possible, yes? We should have seen another, right? Ah! But we can only exist in one dimension of time at any given, um, time. Big Bangs happen all the time but in parallel universes. Then you have to go back to physicists like Everret and Shrodinger, and that cat in a box. "Anything that could happen, does happen when unobserved".

We only have one 11th dimension here, so our whole universe has to collide with another to make the bang. We would never know it though, cause like at the even horizon of a black hole, information can not be destroyed, and we'd never know it was happening. Stephen Hawking now postulates that black holes are tears, not in space, but actually in our universe. Because information cannot be destroyed, as he had earlier thought, now it is simply removed from our universe into another where the black hole doesn't exist.

Okay, okay, you were bored of this yesterday. BUT, through M Theory an MIT physicist believes that he can make a universe in the lab. Scientifically speaking it should be possible, at least to his thinking (he's going to need a bigger bottle with air holes though). So, I ask you: Science makes a universe, figures out how to explore the multiverse, you can buy the ticket and take the ride... do you? Do you wanna see what life would be like had the dinos never died? You wanna go see what the world would be like had flight never been invented? All theoretically possible...

Hard to follow? I can dig it, but now Stephen Hawking has put his genius in a form we can all understand... gangsta rap.

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August 23, 2009 at 12:51pm
August 23, 2009 at 12:51pm
... entire morning watching bad movies on Sci Fi, er, SyFy? rather.

I got to thinking: all scary movies end the same. Usually it's a single heroine survivor walking away from the death and destruction with the monster/serial killer lying in the background. Then the credits... we never really see what happens after that, but there has to be a practical side to these situations.

I mean no one can just walk away from like two dozen murders, and a usually grisly and ornate final killing of the villain. The police are surely involved at some level of investigation after the fact, and, well if you're the only survivor... you're kinda screwed.

Officer: You mean to tell me that a serial killer, with super human strength, killed everyone in your sorority, including your football player boyfriends and some of my fellow officers and you're the only survivor?

Survivor: Yup.

Officer: That doesn't make a lick of sense. Why was this serial killer after your sorority in particular?

Survivor: um... He hates our freedom?

Officer: And you killed him with his own machete?

Survivor: Yup.

Officer: Did you know your fingerprints were the only ones found on that machete? What I think happened was, you and some of your friends here went on a joy killing spree. We went to where you said this serial killer's body was... and there was no body!!!

Survivor: *Shock*

Bum-dum-dum! Sequel! Imagine the amount of paperwork generated by Michael Myers or Jason in your average, small town PD headquarters. Think of all the injuries and property damage insurance companies are denying coverage on. And the poor NRA! You know how many times those two have been shot!?! Bullets don't work! You have to be a wily teenage girl to survive, and that makes Seventeen magazine the strongest self-defense lobby in my eyes.

Don't watch SyFy original movies... they're bad... really bad.
August 22, 2009 at 11:52am
August 22, 2009 at 11:52am
... it's time for your SATURDAY STUMPER

In the film Inglourious Basterds (which I have seen and which is A-f*Pthb**Pthb*king-MAZING in all caps) Brad Pitt's character Lt. Aldo Raine is an homage to who or what? (You don't need to see the movie to know or FGI)
August 21, 2009 at 5:33pm
August 21, 2009 at 5:33pm
... due to the continuing debate from a few days ago, I have added two topics to "Invalid Item. One on the 2nd amendment and the other on health care reform.

chicochica & reikidreamer were awarded The Stars And Garters Cross of Honorable Distinction for their contributions. Problematic Content was nominated for this award but lost out cause I was too broke to buy the third merit badge, he will instead receive a copy of Ann Coulter's "How To Speak to a Liberal if you Have To", which I hope will make a fine substitute for baby wipes.

So, there! Take it to that forum, be polite and kind, and I'll post my thoughts later when I'm not so movie-boner over the Inglorious Basterds that I will be seeing tonight. The debate has been great, and I've loved reading all your comments.

Cite your sources, please!

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