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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1579526
My life in Tel Aviv. Welcome to Israel!
Shalom! I was born outside of Haifa, moved to Tel Aviv when I was twelve, and served in the Israeli Defense Force for two years. Now, I am a student at TAU.

I hope I can show the world the humanity of my nation. We're not so different, after all.

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Whoever destroys a single life is as guilty
as though he had destroyed the entire world;
and whoever rescues a single life
earns as much merit as though he had
rescued the entire world
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February 19, 2010 at 9:45pm
February 19, 2010 at 9:45pm
I am sad for my sister, because she is sad for my grandfather, and her wedding is in two weeks. But I think she knows what I know, and that is that what happens, happens because it is meant to happen.

Two of my roommates are at war. They yell at each other and are insulting and very rude. Oi vey. And I am in my room, neutral like Switzerland, while they fight *Wink*. They are both like, "Noa, side with me. Can't you see how she is so wrong?" Now I understand the second World War so much better *Laugh*.

Very tired lately. In a tired way where you can sleep, but still in the morning you are tired somehow. I think I am needing to be exercising more and eating more fruits.

Purim soon. Purim will be good. Is time to relax, celebrate, drink, enjoy life. I need Purim, I think.
February 17, 2010 at 8:07pm
February 17, 2010 at 8:07pm
My grandfather died. He had a stroke in his sleep, and did not wake up.

Baruch attah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam dayan ha-emet.

So the funeral was today, and there were so many people. And it was sad, of course, but it was not just about this being sad. My grandfather survived so much, so is a natural and peaceful end, and I am thankful for it. I think what is sad is history, because maybe someday it will be lost if we cannot remember it. I hope we can remember it.

I loved my grandfather. He was a kind, wise, and hardworking man, and he will be very missed. Shalom, sabah.

February 14, 2010 at 8:26pm
February 14, 2010 at 8:26pm
Life, I think, is a lot about being the better person in a conflict. The one who can favor morality over pride is the better person, the one closer to G-d, and I aspire to be this most often in my life. Though it is easy to get caught up in anger or humiliation or offense, I think there is something more important, and that is the future. Is weighing priorities, and is an important choice.

Had an argument with a friend, and I think unfortunately our friendship is over. But I am thinking that civility does not have to be gone. We can still say hello, even if we are no longer good friends. But it is difficult for me to not lose my temper and to make a truce. I think this is a problem the personality of Israel faces, also, and I hope peace triumphs nonetheless.

Shira is getting very excited and nervous for her wedding! I am telling her to be calm, but she will not be calm *Wink*. My mother says this is inevitable.

These days are long!
February 11, 2010 at 2:28pm
February 11, 2010 at 2:28pm
Happy Birthday, Iran! And how do they celebrate? By blocking G-Mail to all of their citizens in favor of a "nationalized" e-mail provider. That sounds more than a little suspicious, don't you think? *Wink*

Anyway, today I am very cheerful! The sun is shining! Is warm! I had a wonderful cafe afuch this morning (don't say it, Z.˚rz !) and I am in a good mood!

I need a haircut. I need also new shoes!

And tonight, is a date with a boy in a class with me. I think he is very nice and kind and he is in love with me *Laugh*. I hope we will have fun!

Are you having a good day?
February 10, 2010 at 3:28pm
February 10, 2010 at 3:28pm
I am sick of my classmates whining about political problems without any thought to economics. I'll be the stereotypical Jew and say this: morals are great, they're cute, and they sound really nice when you're writing poetry, but at the end of the day, money is everything. Is it religiously correct? No. Is it ethicallly right? No. But is it what gets things done? Yes. Money creates an untold amount of problems, but it's also really fantastic at solving problems. If I have an idea for a program, that is nice, but if I cannot fund it, it is useless. For instance, being morally opposed to the meat industry is one thing, but suggesting an international or national boycott is a horrible idea in this economic climate. The last thing nations ought to be doing is eliminating industries. We ought to create new markets, not punish the ones we have! Morals, ethics...they do not solve anything. Pity is useless without action.

And to the PA official who killed the IDF soldier this morning in the West Bank, you have dramatically hurt the name of the PA. Though they have denounced this murder, it is a blatant reminder that violence and the radical state of mind stands separate from politics. Is a shame.

Very political today! Kind of fired up. A bad combination of too much coffee and too much debate *Wink*.

Do you have political issues you are passionate about?
February 8, 2010 at 8:02pm
February 8, 2010 at 8:02pm
Had a really bad day *Frown*. Woke up feeling not happy because there is no sunshine, and then is cold outside, and my coffee did not taste good, and my classes were long and hard, and my roommates were not home at all, and nobody had time to be with me, and my sister is stressed about her wedding, and my brother is somewhere by Lebanon, and Syria wants to declare war, and I did an entire assignment wrong, and I did not do so well on an examination, and I need to clean my room...

Now I have a little cake I won and nobody to eat it with. This is very depressing! Everyone is so busy and I am busy, too, but not so busy that I do not want to be with other people.

I want to be back in the army today. Because then I am always doing something useful, and I know I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. I like discipline, mostly. Discipline keeps me out of trouble.

Purim in two weeks. This is good. And Shira's wedding in three weeks. So it will be okay.

How was your day?
February 7, 2010 at 8:40pm
February 7, 2010 at 8:40pm
I am never drinking again.

February 6, 2010 at 3:04pm
February 6, 2010 at 3:04pm
Shalom! Looking for a new band? Check on the Genders! Straight from Tel Aviv, they're pop rock with a distinctly American sound. I absolutely adore them (I've seen them live twice), and so does most of Israel.

My favorite one of their songs is called Rockin' in Ramallah. It's absolutely hilarious and fun and catchy. And the lyrics are priceless:

Ain't no whores up in Hebron
No junkies in Jenin
But if you're ever up on my side of the old green line
I'll take you down to the scene

Out here the folks aren't scared of death
They're much too busy watchin' out for the bad motherf*ckers in the IDF
Watcha doin' pretty mama, you're drivin' all them bad boys in Hizballah crazy
Well they be rockin' in Ramallah, baby

Had a girl up in Nablus
Don't see much of her these days
Cause there must be about nineteen roadblocks between here and there
Or so they say

Out here the folks aren't talkin' peace
They're much too busy watchin' out for them bad motherf*ckers in the secret police
Watcha doin, pretty mama, I see ya walkin' down the street and I say Allah save me
Well they be rockin' in Ramallah, baby

It's all about sex and drugs and bombs and war, and it's awesome. We Israelis are just as cool as the Americans. Seriously *Wink*. We're certainly better looking! *Laugh* Kidding, kidding. But in our own right, we have a modern culture most people do not know about.

Who can resist lyrics like I put the balls in your matzoh ball soup and I put the man in your Manischewitz?

I think one of my favorite things about Israeli culture is everyone is laughing at everyone all the time, including themselves. There's a lot of beauty in this, and a lot of freedom. Why not laugh? Life is short!
February 5, 2010 at 11:29am
February 5, 2010 at 11:29am
Today I had to get a shot *Frown* *Frown* *Frown*. I hate, hate, hate needles. I am scared of them, and I always get so nervous. is a very silly thing to be scared of, but I am *Wink*.

A bit warmer today! This is good. I can not have to wear a coat when I go to get my coffee in the morning.

I would like a puppy! Since the tragic loss of TziTzi the fish, I have been craving animal companionship. I could just go on a date tonight, but this is much too complicated.

Do you have a pet?
February 4, 2010 at 9:06am
February 4, 2010 at 9:06am
It snowed! Not here in Tel Aviv, and not in Jerusalem, but up north. Fifty centimeters! Fifty! This is very wrong. I am thinking the Christians are right about big apocolypse. Snow in Israel? No, no, no.

It is like four degrees maybe today, and I am freezing. I am not amused by this, G-d! *Wink* I do not have the clothing to survive a bad winter *Laugh*.

I am not so much a fan of my Arabic class. It's a lot of work and my teacher is always in a damn good mood. She is never not cheerful. This is most annoying. Arabs, when they're not, you know, pissed, are ridiculously kind and happy and welcoming and I cannot understand why. Oi vey. So I get a really tall cup of coffee and I try to focus on the lessons. Grumpy.


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