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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2008479-Dragons-Den/day/2-11-2020
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2008479
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Welcome to my little Den! Here you'll find all sorts of things- mostly blog challenges, but mixed in, you'll notice:

*Bulletp* I'm a bit of a fangirl *Starstruck*
*Bulletp* My life is very busy
*Bulletp* I enjoy using emoticons *Exclaimp*
*Bulletp* I don't tend to swear, but stuff happens.

February 11, 2020 at 7:59pm
February 11, 2020 at 7:59pm
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I just realized I missed an assignment due on Sunday... School is absolutely torturing me at this point. I like my classes well enough, but the way the LMS is organized.... it's supposedly amongst the worst people have seen. For example, my math class has about 20 weekly assignments- it's the same type of assignment and it's something you have to do every week. We also have another type of assignment that's due every 2 weeks, "book practice," says the professor. *Left* That's the one I forgot to do, because as I was turning in my weekly assignment, 1. I didn't see it on the calendar, and 2. I didn't see it on the dropbox. Turns out, the dropbox is set to 20 assignments at a time, and the bi-weekly book practice was put under all the other assignments and pushed down to page 2. *Pthb* I just did it and turned it in, albeit late... I also looked for a solution to this and there is no sort by due date function.

So, tacking this on to my post from last night, also ranting about school, and my lack of time to do much else but school and work, this will be another one. Feel free to skip this if you're not interested.

So, school: I found a class to do social studies observation in! Saw my class's "buddy" teacher today and we chatted briefly in the hallway, so I asked if she does social studies yet (I also asked the class mom, because her older son is in 2nd grade, but the teacher has been out for about 2 weeks soooo I couldn't exactly go ask that teacher.) and they're starting a social studies unit in 2 weeks! She said they're doing gummy bear voting (if I heard right) and it's going to be cute, so I'm looking forward to it. Probably just means that I may need to start doing all my social studies stuff for third grade instead of fourth. *Pthb*

Math class- I'm enjoying the math portion of it, actually. I enjoy math, as you probably already know...

Reading- still need to email my host teacher about the requirements for this class, and then I need to go observe in first grade for language arts because they want emergent readers. *Rolleyes*

Chinese- I'm most likely withdrawing from this class because I can't find a fieldwork placement for this.

Relation to the song- school is absolutely breaking me. Had another "your priorities aren't set straight" conversation with Mom. As somebody with 30 years more experience than I do, she expects me to also have those 30 years of experience. The music job sprung a renewal contract on me and I was completely unprepared and was not expecting it. We're at half a year right now- I didn't think she'd give me anything about renewing the contract until later. Plus, I thought it would be more of a conversation about the company and a "so do you think you'll return?" type of thing, as opposed to "Here's a contract for next year, with your half-year review." If I had gotten my two cents in, I would've requested that I stay on only to teach at the school I'm teaching at right now, and/or anything within the district I currently work in. I mentioned it to Mom and she's like "I told you, you should've said 'I need to think about it'." Well, yes, Mom, that is a great idea, but I did not think of that when the contract was sprung on me, and now I'm kinda stuck in for another year. *Rolleyes*

Summed up:
I'm in a pretty bad mood tonight from realizing that I missed the assignment, but also, I did just come off the high of the 100 days of school festivities at school. *Crazy* It's a rollercoaster of mental and physical stuff right now.

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