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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2008479-Dragons-Den/day/2-24-2020
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2008479
Nothing official here; just come chill!

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Welcome to my little Den! Here you'll find all sorts of things- mostly blog challenges, but mixed in, you'll notice:

*Bulletp* I'm a bit of a fangirl *Starstruck*
*Bulletp* My life is very busy
*Bulletp* I enjoy using emoticons *Exclaimp*
*Bulletp* I don't tend to swear, but stuff happens.

February 24, 2020 at 12:34am
February 24, 2020 at 12:34am
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I recently found out Pandora has the albums from The Next Step, so I added them all. Which was probably a mistake, because I don't actually remember a bunch of the songs. *Rolleyes*

This one, though, was pretty epic, and I'd say is one of the few dances that every time I hear the song, I can still kind of remember how the dance goes in my mind. It's also hands-down my favorite dance of the whole series, and I get chills when I watch it. *Laugh* I don't think I'd ever get sick of the song, and the choreography is amazing! It actually kind of makes me want to rewatch all the episodes that are available... though, practically speaking, it's not the best use of time... I've started watching Handmaid's Tale, I'm behind on SVU, and I have another episode of All Rise to watch. *Laugh* Hulu, unfortunately, doesn't allow downloading of episodes to watch offline, so I watch Netflix instead, and from Netflix, I recently finished Miss Americana (Taylor Swift documentary) and most of Next in Fashion.

Going back to the song, it somewhat makes me want to get back into dance. I've taken up ice skating recently, and I love it- it's much cheaper than ballroom, which I'm not doing anymore (oh, yes, I used to do ballroom lessons, for like, 2 months? *Laugh*). Maybe I'll get back into dance? I really don't know- I do love barre, and I love skating, and I love aerial stuffs in Australia- I still need to find a nicer, local studio to do aerial here, but I'm happy with barre and skating for now, though if I ever figure out how to balance 4 classes and 3 jobs (potentially 4, if tutoring becomes something consistent) and barre and skating all in one week.... It's alot. *Laugh* I never quite understood why people tell me to rest, and now that I list out all my commitments and such, I can see why. *Rolling* One of the barre instructors was saying that just hearing my schedule makes her tired as it is. And I kinda used to just laugh at it and joke it off, but yeah, I can see that now. I mean, my 4 classes- Math, Social Studies, Reading, and Language Arts- all have their own fieldwork and project assignments. Then, I work as Yard Duty at school, Monday, Thursday, and Friday. I do retail on Saturday and Sunday, and now some Mondays. Wednesdays, I teach music. Saturdays I skate. I barre every day- usually twice. On the bright side, though, I do sleep very well. *Laugh*
February 24, 2020 at 12:03am
February 24, 2020 at 12:03am
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You should know the chances of me doing a playlist, sans Hi-5, is pretty slim. *Laugh* I mostly picked this one, though, because I was scrambling to put the February music on my Google Drive for my music job, and it ended up not working. So I brought out the Hi-5 and put that on Google Drive for myself and did a bunch of Valentine's songs. Granted, "Friends Forever" isn't really Valentine's-y, but I explained it to the kiddos as, you show your love and appreciation for your friends and family. So, it works. *Bigsmile*

And yes, I actually haven't really been listening to much Hi-5 recently, mostly because I haven't been in much of a mood for it. Plus, I don't have it on my Pandora- they only have Hi-5 as a radio choice, in which there's other, low-quality children's songs that tend to make people's ears bleed. *Laugh* And I'd like to not have to listen to that, because chances are, I'd just skip over it and get frustrated if it doesn't go back to Hi-5. *Laugh* The last Hi-5 I actively listened to (sought out) was their holiday stuff, back in December/late November. I would say I used 99% Hi-5 and maybe (if even) 1% other holiday music. *Laugh*
I mean, they even have "Frosty the Snowman," "Jingle Bells," and "Rudolph", so what more do I really need in terms of Christmas carols? *Laugh*

I chose this song because I used it for Freeze Dance with the new school I did a trial for on Wednesday, and they absolutely loved it! The teachers were grooving with the song, too. *Bigsmile* When I used "L.O.V.E," it actually didn't go over as well as this one did, so if I use a Hi-5 song, I'm using this one. *Laugh* This Wednesday is still February, so it'll still be Hi-5 friendship songs. I really only have 5 songs for February from Hi-5; I'm sure there's more that I could use, but I only use about 2-3 every session anyways, so 5 is fine. *Laugh*

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2008479-Dragons-Den/day/2-24-2020