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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2206688-Mary-Faderans-Blog/day/12-4-2020
Rated: 18+ · Book · Arts · #2206688
Blog and other works of literary sense
Here is a collection of ruminations and whatnot.
December 4, 2020 at 9:18pm
December 4, 2020 at 9:18pm
I'm tired today. I woke up feeling grumpy. My pups have me imprisoned in their heavy bodies and I can hardly get out of bed. The result is that I don't have a cheerful attitude when I awaken. I much rather sleep longer but then the pups start stirring and inching their way up the bed and wanting to awaken me.

I've had to deal with the internet company. We have no TV. We supposedly should have it. I finally got on line and found the right people in their very confusing website to talk to. He and I tried to fix what might be keeping us from having an image on the TV. After a long time of him and me chatting at each other and me going on all fours to rearrange the plugs and figure out the cables, nothing positive happened. We still had a screen that kept saying No Signal. So at the end he decided to send a technician to our home.

Dinner was not that great. My stepfather didn't buy a lot of groceries. The mortgage payment had shot up 107. dollars and so that alone made us both feel unhappy. We have to find something to add to our income. If this happens regularly we might be out of food to eat before the end of the month. We might have to stop eating altogether just so we can pay the car and the insurance, and the utilities. We are down to the bare edges of living. We hope that the mortgage company can do something about lowering the mortgage payments. We have no real hope of that ever happening. That bastard has made this happen. My stepfather is worried about how he's going to pay the bills. I've already taken over the water bill and the electric bill. I might have to give him 100 dollars more each month to pay on the mortgage. I have to admit this is a challenge. I do not shirk from challenges. I am not cowed by it. God and My Jesus will keep us safe and secure. This is merely a small blip in the life that we lead. We are seemingly abandoned by people who usually text or call us. Now they are scarce. I do not miss them much. They are all unkind at heart. They only appear to see if we are still alive and kicking.

Our home is important to us. We do not intend to get out of it. We have not done anything to find another house. It is all comfortable enough for us to live in. Despite the ruin of the carpet by the pets and other problems.

So I am relying on my businesses to help me find some extra income to help my stepfather get along with paying the bills. I hope that some people are still able to reply to my emails, and not be intimidated by that bastard who has made it his job to make my life unhappy and insecure.

If you wish to buy from me on my Norwex website - go to maryfaderan.norwex.biz

If you wish to buy from my Mary Kay business, go to marykay.com/MFaderan

And if you have anyone who might be of help, tell him or her about my plight. I am not sure that this country is safe to live in for people like me who have a mind of her own, and isn't afraid to use it.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2206688-Mary-Faderans-Blog/day/12-4-2020