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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2232901
Psalm 90:10, "The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty if we are strong....
Three Score and Ten the Introduction,

Well here we go, After 50 years I am going to take another attempt at writing. The first time was the Palmer writers correspondence school in 1969. The writing will be not a book that will be written with the idea of being published, But will be a writing of thoughts unencumbered by possible publishing and monetary gain. This writing will be a hybrid of Journal and Reminisce. It is important to me that the writings are my true thoughts at the time, not influenced by any factor. The writing will try to explain how a 70 year old white, male USA citizen now relates to today's world. Is every oldest generation lost in their own world, that they aged into? What do I see, and feel as I age farther. I know I am not normal as in what this world today would consider normal. But I hope I am in the ball park writing the thoughts of a 70 year old. I hope for you to learn to know who I am, As I search for Who I am at 70+ This work will carry on until I am no longer able to think or write. This will be done on a nearly daily writing interwoven with a life's reminiscing. This writing has been in the planning for 10 plus years. and I have now made it to this starting point. This writing is dedicated to My Wife The Kitten, My family, My grand children, Lukas, Levi, Luis, Lydia and Sonora Pearl. I thank you God that you have allowed me to have your Three Score and Ten Time.
March 21, 2021 at 10:49pm
March 21, 2021 at 10:49pm

We started getting started the serious effort in the garden today. We uncovered the strawberries and Garlic along with the winter onions. All look very good. We are two days earlier then last year. I am very pleased with the June bearing strawberries, We planted the bed in spring 1998 and it has been in continues production since that time, harvesting strawberries for twenty two years. Maybe that is a record. The bed is about 5 x 10 and gives us all the strawberries we can use.

Prompt, How are you different now than you were in the year 2010? What have been the most significant changes in your life in the last ten years?
That is a prompt that fits nicely in this blog. My wife and I have retired, But I still consider myself semi retired, But that statement depends upon who is asking. We have another surprise grandson, Luis the Younger. Because of the virus we are most likely done with major traveling. I am sure glad we traveled when we did. A major change was our decision not to move up to North Central Wisconsin as our primary residence as we had planned to do when the property was purchased in 2009. It was going to be too much stress with big time sizing down, selling here, building on to the house up there and moving. It was the correct decision, God has led use to a correct choices. I always say "It is lucky we do not always get what we ask for" We get what God wants us to have"

As for health there was the Afib problem and is on going but under control. My wife is being careful with Osteoporosis. but we are both what I would call healthy. But after ten years I know I am slowing down, I tire out much faster, My eyes and hearing are a problem now. I am Thankful for the past ten years.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2232901-Three-Score-and-Ten-Now-Thirteen/day/3-21-2021