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by K8
Rated: E · Book · Arts · #2250938
Sit here in the morning. With coffee, window to my left. Looking out thinking. Typing.
Good morning! Today I'm actually feeling pretty good. I have been so sick for days and days, and seems like it won't ever go away. The antibiotics are working, I guess, which is wonderful. I have been off work for two weeks. Not much of a vacation, I'll say right now. Just tired and drowsy. But today the fever isn't as bad, and I can enjoy sitting here typing away. I enjoy the sound of the tap-tick-tap of my finger tips on the keys. This Chrombook is my love! Haha... Will never leave me, hurt me, or be mean to me. Always here when I need it. Is that strange to think of? I'm sure I am not the only one who has a love affair with an object.
*Today is a Saturday, but since I have been home for days, I don't notice the excitement anymore. Also, with the kids being home, it's just another day. Sadness kind of, but we all make the best of it true? Since it is Saturday, the vrooming by the house will be kinda soundly ha! But that's alright. This Saturday I will take a drive to the lake and do some writing there. Also, have been going for a daily walk to the bridge. It is a short walk from where I live. It was a wonderful surprise when I first came up to it. Now walking there with my notebook is a wonderful feeling.
*Also, the idea of getting some house work done is something that I need to do. Sometimes I wish I could just wrinkle my nose and have it all done in no time! This month I told myself that I need to work on a cleaning schedule for the up stairs and down stairs. So I shall do that today too, I suppose.
I should also catch up on my reading too! I have four books on the go right now, haha, am I the only one who is doing this? Please tell me there are others out there like me ha.
*Off I go to start my day!*
*May 23rd Sunday*

Ah yes, another lovely morning! Sipping my coffee. But today I am sitting in a different spot since my little girl Jasmin is in my spot. She is kinda like my step daughter, I have two of them. Last night she came to my place since she has a party to go to today. I enjoy her company so much since we have a lot in common. But I also have points in common with the 13-year-old and my own daughter, who is 15. Three girls now and one boy, my son, who will be 18 next month. How times go by so fast it annoys me! Which is why I wrote bottle up time! I should add more to that later today.
*As sitting here, I'm thinking once again of all the things I would like to get done. But of course I'm up with a fever! Ha, what a damn annoying joke! So sitting here looking at my living room, how some things need to be changed, fixed or moved. Having plants in every corner of the room is an idea I have been working on. Fresh flowers too! Sadly... I just want to be back to me again.
* I sit here and stair at the walls, which is what I do a lot. The energy comes and goes. Outside the sun is shinning, so I shall go outside with another lovely journal I have and fancy pen, also with the book I have been reading about trees!
Tress are amazing!

*Another Monday Morning! 24th*

I used to love my Monday mornings! Why would someone like or enjoy a Monday? Well, if I had that day off and the kids went off to school, it was wonderful and peaceful. I would have the house to myself. Clean and tidy, and totally relax with me being me. Now things have changed. As it has for everyone. But I still have a mild Monday! Why and how you wonder. Well, I like thinking of each new week as new goals to set for myself. (I enjoy participating in the form on here) I try to break my days down and say of the week as well. Years ago, I was gifted a pretty purple binder that says "Fly Lady". If you Google it, you will realize she is an organizing queen with weeks and days. Now there are so many wonderful ladies that do this too, which is so cool and helpful. Sometimes your mind gets numb and you need some guidance!
Yesterday I strolled up town and did some window shopping, and bought two neat magazines that I think I will sub too. One is called Women's Health THE NEW MINDFULNESS, flamboyantly colored and illustrated. Also, sensational articles. The next one I got is called Spirituality & Health, something I think me and my daughter would be into. She isn't much of a reader, but there are cool ideas for apps she can down load.
My girls have been gone for a few days, and I miss them. My son is now home from my parents. Last night I smoke a joint with him. Ha! It is amusing to say this and write it? I only had a few puffs to help me sleep, which I should start doing more often for my anxiety. How is it he will be 18 next month? Makes me sad and glad to think about. Now I sit here and wonder about the girls' dad....which is not something I'll write about.

*May 26th Wednesday* I did not have a good sleep last night. Always crap coursing through my brain. Yes, I had a nice bubble bath and done reading in the bath and in bed before I shut off lamps and flew out candles. Then I'm tossing and turning for what feels like hours and hours! When i did sleep I had weird dreams that I didn't like. What is that all about?! So I'm thinking of going to the pot shop today to get myself for my nighttime anxiety. The two magazines I bought have many articles about how I have been feeling lately and very relatable. Once I'm done reading over some of them I'll probably send the authors a note of thanks. Looks like I have time anxiety, which is a tangible thing ha! Makes sense.
Yesterday was my first day back to work, maybe that's why I had a hard time sleeping, I'm not sure. But it sure was wonderful to get back to work and appreciate my coworkers and clients again. It was two weeks since I hadn't worked, okay two and a half almost. I guess my body and mind have been over run and that's half the reason I was so sick for so long. Lot of emotional stress and physical stress. Mostly Mind stuff, which really seems to take a toll on me. I need to find a way to turn my mind off and my brain. It helps sit here and write though.

May 28th Friday! Goodmonring! Coffee is smelling and tasting brilliant this rainy morning. Outside it is very windy, rain last night and extremely bright lightning! The thunder was not as intense as it usually is which Im fine with. My mind is swimming with thoughts and ideas, annoying and exciting simultaneously.
I'm so grateful my daughter and I have crystals and wiccan points in common. This is something I have been drawn to for years since I was 12 or less. It is the only thing I felt at home with. SO I see now I am a hedge witch. I didn't know that till I did some research online and realized this is what I am. My family history on my moms side, native Danza. Mother's great grand mother was a medicine women. This has been passed down to me and my children.
*I want my books and my small business to be somewhat of a success. Not overly but enough that I can one day work solely formyself and not anyone else. Write and be at home, selling stones, crystals and herbs. This idea is wonderful to me. Last night I ordered 50 more books and a small order of supplies for my store. Today since it is raining, is a good day to work down in the basement on my room. K8sKorner! Is the name of my business!
*I love being a creative soul, makes me so happy to write and craft up small gadgets for my home.

#23. I wish my mind would stop at night. Are you like that too?
ID #1012662 entered on June 28, 2021 at 11:43am
#22. Making new friends.
ID #1012610 entered on June 27, 2021 at 2:45pm
#21. Time for a positive change
ID #1012562 entered on June 26, 2021 at 11:22am
#20. Helping Friends
ID #1012507 entered on June 25, 2021 at 11:43am
#19. Sitting in my room today
ID #1012468 entered on June 24, 2021 at 3:07pm
#18. Over whelmed with excitment!!
ID #1012389 entered on June 23, 2021 at 10:55am
#17. Boutanical Gardend!
ID #1012360 entered on June 22, 2021 at 6:02pm
#16. My son is 18 today
ID #1012160 entered on June 19, 2021 at 2:14pm
#15. Weird dreams last night!
ID #1012097 entered on June 18, 2021 at 12:40pm
#14. A very windy gusty day today.
ID #1011975 entered on June 16, 2021 at 12:34pm
#13. Morning rain storm!
ID #1011920 entered on June 15, 2021 at 3:00pm
#12. Monday! Yes, greatful for a new week
ID #1011880 entered on June 14, 2021 at 2:09pm
#11. TGIF? For most people who dont work a 3 to 10 shift today
ID #1011692 entered on June 11, 2021 at 2:27pm
#10. Being an Empath and going to church?
ID #1011633 entered on June 10, 2021 at 3:37pm
#9. Being an Empath and going to church?
ID #1011632 entered on June 10, 2021 at 3:36pm
#8. Wednesday. Middle of the week. Wine last night?
ID #1011556 entered on June 9, 2021 at 2:44pm
#7. Monday morning and this week the basement!
ID #1011448 entered on June 7, 2021 at 12:49pm
#6. Woke with a headach? Coffee and sun shine helps!
ID #1011396 entered on June 6, 2021 at 1:17pm
#5. A tireding morning
ID #1011377 entered on June 6, 2021 at 12:52am
#4. Friday fun day! Fingers crossed for rain!
ID #1011296 entered on June 4, 2021 at 1:40pm
#3. These nice days make me stay outside
ID #1011172 entered on June 2, 2021 at 1:40pm
#2. June 1st! Finally done with May!
ID #1011114 entered on June 1, 2021 at 5:59pm
#1. Finally the weekend!
ID #1010963 entered on May 29, 2021 at 12:04pm

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K8 has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2250938/action/archive