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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #973031
My blog with multiple titles of a dubious nature.
Questionable Practices of the Spare Chicken

... or ...

Private Bits

The Unnamed Blog

My Own Private Island

Drawbridge to My Mind

Give Me an Eraser for This Thing

Blog Which is so Confusing That a Name Really Could Not Fit, and If It Did, This Wouldn't Be It, So Just Scroll Down and Have a Read Anyway

... or, on the naughtier side ...

Questionable Practices of My Private Bits


I decided to use multiple titles, but if you would still like to vote on my blog title you still can. Here is the link. *Wink*
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#972112 by Not Available.


Now, down to the focus of my blog. *ponders and wrinkles brow* There is none.

I plan on talking about anything and everything that is wierd and happens to cross my mind at the time. Some moments may seem pretty sane, but they will quickly be interrupted by things much less normal, things that may make you cringe, clamp your jaw tight and make sure your belt buckle is still cinched.

Anyway, on with the ... ramblings. *Laugh*
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August 1, 2005 at 2:27pm
August 1, 2005 at 2:27pm
That statement may confuse a few people, but I am a Lush man. *Laugh* If you need to, check out the following link to get the whole picture.


I went out to get my mail today and was greeted by a very welcome newsletter/catalog. It was my Lush Times. It's got all sorts of things in it and is primarilly a catalog, but it also lets you in on all the new things they are coming out with.

So, what is it like being a Lush man?

Well, it's great. I am a very tactile person so all the sensual things they have to pamper myself with are just awesome. And I am taking care of my hygene at the same time, something that is never a bad thing to do.

Another plus of their products I like more and more as I try new things is the huge array of scents, and they are all natural. I tend to have difficulties with some chemically created scents in products which is why I have to stick to unscented laundry detergent and fabric softener. I also do not buy or use colognes. Some of the scents in them can give me a worse headache than having the weather play havoc with my sinuses. So I just avoid most things. But, a close friend who introduced me to Lush products has given me something that I can really, scentedly appreciate. I have ordered several different bathbombs and a couple bubble bars, in addition to shampoo and soap. I have yet to have an alergic reaction to the scents in their products.

One thing I was concerned about a little bit at first were what scents they have available, but I got over that quickly. Most of them are flowery or fruity, but they are not strong. Sure, when you are in the tub enjoying the experience of the hot water and the scented aroma, you think it will be way too much when you get out and towel off but it's not. The scent sticks with you but is not overpowering at all. What it leaves you with is a sentual feeling and a huge smile. See? *Right* *Bigsmile*

Ont thing I will warn you about if you are the manly type, you know the ones, is that Lush pulls out all the stops in their arsenal and includes ... glitter! *Shock* Yups, they use glitter in some of their products but they mark them as such so that the unsuspecting manly-man will not get a surprise in his bath.

I was not entirely sold on the idea of having a glittery bath but then I was also not entirely sure of a flowery or fruity scented bath either at first. So, last weekend I did try out one of the glittery bathbombs and it was amazing. Even though I did track glitter around the house for days, it was a great bath experience. It actually left me feeling really ... um ... sexy! *Blush*

There is only one other use of Lush products that I have not yet had an ability to indulge myself in and that is the shared bath with a lover, definitely something I plan on doing in the future. I mean, why not share such a wonderful experience in a hot, scented bathtub? *Wink*

If the above sounds like an advertisement, then you better run off and sample some of the Lush-ness that is available. *Laugh*

I dare ya!!! *Wink*

ingredient note -- Many Lush products are vegan acceptable, which means that those probucts have not had any animal related testing or byproducts used in their manufacture. Since I am not a vegan it was not an issue to me, but for anyone who reads this and is, I thought I would mention it.

sensuality note -- Most of their products are much more than is needed in a single bath so you can cut things in half to make the sensuality last and last and last ...
July 28, 2005 at 1:11pm
July 28, 2005 at 1:11pm
I was looking at how stories evolve over time but still retain seeds of the originals, even if the author has never heard of the original stories. I always have found this somewhat interesting. Eventually every story has one similar to it that is older and no two stories are truely original. They all seem to add to and merge themes from other stories, ultimately adding to the original mythologies.

I was chatting with a friend the other day about a contest entry we had both read. It was one that was more obviously based on a Greek myth. The author used the myth as a start and twisted it to fit a slightly different story. I was not incredibly impressed with the story itself, but it got me to telling stories to my friend. I had taken some courses on mythology and literature in college and had also been in one during high school, so I knew the original tale the contest entry was based on in addition to the tales that one was based on, though, looking now, I noticed I had some of the names of the characters wrong.

The contest entry was about a Minotaur in a maze and one of the sacrifices who was sent in to appease it. The story took it that this sacrifice was not scared but rather taken by the Minotaur.

The tales I knew from school were the one about the birth of the Minotaur and the one about the Minotaur's death, along with the death of Aegeus, where the name of the Aegean Sea comes from.

Anyway, chatting about the myths and telling stories on the spot was a lot of fun and it got me in the mood to do some more teling of stories on the spot, even if they are ones I make up as I go, though I know those will have seeds from past stories in them.

For all of you mythology fans out there here is a link to a site I have found helpful and a bit humorous. I am sure there are probably more accurate sites but this one happens to be fun.

July 18, 2005 at 7:55am
July 18, 2005 at 7:55am
I am going to have another contest coming out soon, I think. It is a bit of a different one, though aren't all of mine different? I just need to do a little more work on it and I think I will make it my August contest.

I have been having a lot of fun with the other one even though I have only run it twice. If the second contest comes off well, I think I will alternate them so I am not running the same one all the time. That, and I don't think I could run them both at the same time. I would feel squished under keeping track of them both.

Once I get the new one running I will post it in here and on the contest listing page.
July 14, 2005 at 10:05am
July 14, 2005 at 10:05am
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July 8, 2005 at 8:31pm
July 8, 2005 at 8:31pm
Thoughs from a couple days ago...

My parents, in a couple years, will be selling their house and buying an RV to travel for their retirement years.

My one brother will have to find a job and home of his own, possibly not even in the local area.

My other brother already has a family of his own and more work than he needs to keep him busy.


What is keeping me here?
June 30, 2005 at 9:31pm
June 30, 2005 at 9:31pm
Wooo... I think I found my alternative to cable television, and it is Netflix!

I have always preferred movies over television and with Netflix I can line up a long series of up to 500 movies and they will send me them as I return the previous ones I have rented.

My queue of movies is going to be a long one for a while. They have had everything I have thought to search for.
June 28, 2005 at 7:00pm
June 28, 2005 at 7:00pm
Tonight is the first time I have tried the air conditioner in the house. Normally I do not like them because they make my eyes dry out very bad and the contact lenses make them worse.

But lately it has been hot and very humid. The humidity has made it miserable to sleep. So, I am trying the air out and will also see what damage it does to my electric bill.

I guess living in my first home is always an experiment.

I am pretty sure I will not use the air conditioning all the time, but during the very humid times it will really help.
June 26, 2005 at 4:12pm
June 26, 2005 at 4:12pm
I bought another set of words Friday evening from the bookstore. I just love them. They are so fun to play around with on the fridge. It's cool to move them around and see what comes out in poetic form. It's also cool to see what other people come up with.

The coolest thing about them is that they free up the tongue. People will put things on my fridge that they would not say out loud or even write down. Often they are funny things, sometimes touching and rarely, very naughty. I love seeing when people are loosened up to write what they want, without editing what they say.

The other thing that is cool with the small magnetic words is that there are only so many of them. You are limited in the words you can use unless you have multiple sets of words. So... I have multiple sets. *Laugh*

Here are the ones I am pretty sure I have on my fridge:

Sexual Innuendo

Here are some of the sets I would like to get:

My Friend
Healing Words
Rock & Roll
Book Lover
Cat Lover

They can be found at: http://www.magneticpoetry.com
June 25, 2005 at 9:05pm
June 25, 2005 at 9:05pm
I was thinking the last day or two that I really should look at getting some of my poems published. I have just written them and then leave them sit in my port. I don't try to find places to get them published. So, it is something I am going to try and get done soon and see what turns out from it all.

Then I got to looking at the poems I have in my port. There seems to be a theme to most of them. Nope, not the fact that a lot of them are on the erotic side, but that most of the poems have been inspired by, written about and even written to one woman. I have never, before this site, written a poem about or to a woman. I did write a couple inspired by my feelings about a couple people I had seen, though never really took the chance to get to know.

But, the poems I have written since have been definitely directed toward or inspired by a very wonderful woman, someone who is always touching my heart.

No, I need to decide which poems to pick out to submit for publication. Hmmm... or should I try and make a compilation of my poems and get a book of poems published?

If anyone who reads this has any suggestions for which I should try and get published, or even how and where I should get them published, please let me know what you think.

Thanks very much.

... and to my inspiration ... *hugggs* *Wink* *Kiss*
June 23, 2005 at 9:34pm
June 23, 2005 at 9:34pm
I feel like I am struggling to make myself write. I love writing, no matter whether it is prose or poetry, but I feel like I have hit another dry spell. I am not sure what is causing the feeling, but it is there. I know it is only temporary, though.

Also, work is feeling a bit repetitive. I hate that feeling, but then, it is work. *Laugh*

What I really wish i could do is take time off and just take off on a trip somewhere. I don't really care where, just that I can take off and see a place I have never been before.

A couple people got to talking about places in scroll this afternoon and it got me to thinking of taking a vacation to just wander around for a week or two. I have always wanted to wander the UK and Ireland. It's just a matter of finding the time and the money to make the trip.

I've been to Germany for a month when in high school, and during that, went to London for a week. It was a great time. Once in a while I get the urge to just get up and go, just spontaneiously take off and not have the trip planned, to land in a foreign place and figure things out as I travel.

Well, some day I will do that, hopefully... *Smile*

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