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Rated: XGC · Message Forum · Erotica · #159656
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Jan 30, 2005 at 2:23pm
Edited: October 19, 2009 at 12:40am
Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing?
Hello, fellow writers!

         What do I look for in a review of erotica? Like some of the others who have replied, I look for the same things I try to provide. I want to know what works, what doesn't and what can be improved. That can be technical (e.g. typos, sentence structure), storyline, character development, plot, etc.

         If my story moved you in a certain way, tell me why and how the story did that. Don't just tell me the story was hot. Let me know what about my writing raised the temperature, piqued your interest, made you squirm, etc. By the same token, if it doesn't work, tell me why. And in the process, offer constructive suggestions for improvement

         As you can probably guess, I want the same things (and try to give them) with any other story I read or write. One-word and one-sentence reviews don't help an author in any genre. And the suggestions can be for anything; thanks to a recent review, I actually changed the name of one of my stories (and looking at the change,"Recoveries... Kindling Passions" works a lot better for erotica than "Be careful what you wish for..."). I'm hoping I can get a few more reviews because of it. (And yes, that's a shameless plug!) *Cool* *Bigsmile*

         All seriousness aside, you can't improve and stretch your writing skills until you know what to work on. And you won't know what needs work (and what doesn't) without good reviews. So to get the reviews you want, give the reviews you need.

SkyHawk - Into The Music
Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 01-28-05 3:05pm
by SB Musing
Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 01-28-05 4:14pm
by A Non-Existent User
Re: Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 01-28-05 4:43pm
by SB Musing
Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 01-29-05 5:52am
by A Non-Existent User
Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 01-29-05 11:32pm
by A Non-Existent User
*Star* Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 01-30-05 2:23pm
by SkyHawk - Into The Music
Re: Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 02-01-05 2:33pm
by Graysons naughty wildcat
Re: Re: Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 12-11-09 9:30pm
by penn

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