Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/forums/message_id/2009321
Rated: XGC · Message Forum · Erotica · #159656
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Dec 11, 2009 at 9:30pm
Re: Re: Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing?
by penn
It appears everybody feels the same. Just because the genre is erotic doesn't mean it shouldn't have elements that make it a story and be absent of those nagging things that distract the reader from it's flow. It's not enough to hear if an erotic story stimulates arousal but whether it's well done. Reviews in the genre can be a bit more painful if there is criticism simply because erotica can be more personal, but if we want to improve our skills, we need to be called on the problems whether that be content, drama, story line, creativity, imagry...whatever. That includes typos, format...and the works. But if it arouses someone, the writer needs to know that as well.

"This quiet sail is as a noiseless wing to waft me from distraction" - Lord Byron
Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 01-28-05 3:05pm
by SB Musing
Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 01-28-05 4:14pm
by A Non-Existent User
Re: Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 01-28-05 4:43pm
by SB Musing
Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 01-29-05 5:52am
by A Non-Existent User
Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 01-29-05 11:32pm
by A Non-Existent User
Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 01-30-05 2:23pm
by SkyHawk - Into The Music
Re: Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 02-01-05 2:33pm
by Graysons naughty wildcat
*Star* Re: Re: Re: Question: Being reviewed and reviewing? · 12-11-09 9:30pm
by penn

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