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Straight macrophilia (sexual fantasies about being shrunk or meeting a giantess)
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Feb 20, 2001 at 10:57pm
Re: Re: Greetings, exalted ones!
by A Non-Existent User
>You are new to this (big surprise)?

Well, yes and no. I've been a lurker for some time, and I've written for several years - just nothing in this genre. The body of my work has been the one story and what I've added SDtS - and that's it.

> Anyway, it was in the first bunch I got from their archives, so I >figured it was somewhat like a classic :)

Wow - I'm flattered. I wrote that about a year or so ago, so it's not THAT old.

>but thus, far, I have failed in

>bringing forth good characterizations. Sorry.

Oh, no - don't be. Don't mistake my comment about characterization as lack thereof. I just didn't want to expand in a way that was inconsistent with what had gone before. I didnt want you to log on one day and go "GAH! What the hell was *HE* thinking!?!" to one of my posts. :)

>This is why I am not sure, whether I am doing

>the right thing or not. This is why I am trying to

>make this board develop some healthy traffic

>with comments and suggestions, so that I may

> know whether my redesigning of the female

>character journals was good and should also

>be applied to the male ones or should be

>undone, for instance.

Having come into this late, I'm not sure what the design was like - so I can't comment about the improvements. However, they are useful - I do constantly check back to them as I proceed.

Think of it this way - there is no such thing as too much information. I've learned that in my years of writing and playing Role Playing Games. More is better.

As for the He/You problem - my inclination is to just leave it alone. I think that any users reading the story will understand that it's a community effort story, and that there will be differences in the writing style.

Personally, if I were writing this all by myself (or if you decided to go with one way or the other), I'd probably go with the "he" over "you". It seems to be more flexible, and it allows chapters from different points of view.
Greetings, exalted ones! · 02-19-01 3:47am
by A Non-Existent User
Re: Greetings, exalted ones! · 02-19-01 8:31am
by Deathworks
*Star* Re: Re: Greetings, exalted ones! · 02-20-01 10:57pm
by A Non-Existent User

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