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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Action/Adventure · #1106100
This is a forum for one of my campfires, so that the writers can brainstorm together.
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Nov 17, 2006 at 2:26am
Re: Marguerite
Marguerite (aka Margie) will have the chance to discuss who she is and what she's doing "here" during Nameless' pending post.

I'll give you the highlights, but remember that your chars don't know this stuff yet!

Marguerite is the granddaughter of Prince and later King Desmond, of Vrede. Desmond, if you recall, is the nephew of Queen Masako. All members of the royal family, except the Queen, of course, were called either "Prince" or "Princess" regardless of where they actually stood in the monarchy.

Queen Masako never married and never had any children. She had two sisters, one that died young and one who had three sons . Of those three sons, one was Desmond. Desmond had one son and through him, one grandchild: Margie.

Marguerite came to Insel to escape Desmond and was subsequently adopted by the city and the monkeys. Now brought forward in time, Margie is the only surviving member of the royal family (Desmond is dead, killed in the attack on the Gates of Heaven), and has a number of tasks of her own to complete. To sum up, Margie is a Princess of Vrede and an adopted Princess of Shrivijaya, which makes Insel her city, sort of. After all, it's been her home ever since the monkeys first took her in and smuggled her there. She is duty-and honor-bound to protect the inhabitants and city just as she would and will protect her own subjects when Vrede is restored.

Anything else Nameless will tell you, but I hope that clears up some of the confusion.

I saw this and thought it was so perfect!
A sig that's actually a sig!
Marguerite · 11-17-06 12:38am
by ShogunOnlyWar
*Star* Re: Marguerite · 11-17-06 2:26am
by KC under the midnight sun

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