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Oct 6, 2010 at 12:51pm
One Idea, One Message and the One Mission to Share It...
by A Non-Existent User
Dear fellow Writers of Writing.com,

I’ve always loved and been connected to writing, drawing, and any craft I could get my hands on. In Elementary School, simple narrative assignments turned into elaborate short stories and cartoons I watched on TV became comic spoofs of my own creation. I would also develop my own characters, mostly cartoonish at the time, but as a grew older, the more realistic my works became.

Also as I grew older, I saw how silly these creations were and became AFRAID to share them with the world, in fear of being laughed at and let down. I still have my old works to look back on and smile, but now with a new level (and love) of knowledge I have yet another idea. This time, fearlessly, I want the world to see it.

For 3 years, in the shadows of my mind, a fictional story has been developing. It has changed so much from when I first thought about it (the characters, the plot, the settings) and it has done so because I am constantly tailoring it to fit my personal experiences and aspirations. I realize now that the more realistic to MY life that it becomes, the better experience it gives for the reader, YOU :) ) but here is my problem....

I am a full-time college student with two jobs and a social life. I have hardly written anything down. It’s all just been bouncing around in my head. I have joined this site to help share my ideas and hopefully get a start.

Also, my story is set completely in an historical context and research must come before writing. For the past year, I have been engaged in studying the history and culture of the areas that are involved. For most places, a google search and a visit to the library isn’t very helpful to what I need to know before I write and by joining Writing.com, I hope I can get some ideas on how to better my research.

If you have any ideas or suggestions please let me know.
Hope to hear from you soon!

One Idea, One Message and the One Mission to Share It... · 10-06-10 12:51pm
by A Non-Existent User
Re: One Idea, One Message and the One Mission to Share It... · 10-31-10 6:12pm
by PatrickB
Re: Re: One Idea, One Message and the One Mission to Share.. · 11-02-10 8:22pm
by A Non-Existent User
Re: One Idea, One Message and the One Mission to Share It... · 11-02-10 8:27pm
by A Non-Existent User

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