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Rated: 18+ · Message Forum · Contest · #2004574
Epic/scope-creep writers uniting to brainstorm a contest idea.
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Aug 14, 2014 at 11:07am
Edited: August 14, 2014 at 11:17am
Re: Some thoughts:
Regarding Wyrm, I'm not sure that this contest/activity would necessarily just appeal to novelists. It's possible that spec fic writers who just do shorts or poetry might still be interested in building worlds and then writing a series of pieces from that world. In fact, this contest might help them build a collection of the very pieces they enjoy writing.

I wouldn't be opposed to including/permitting poetry, by the way, so long as it's narrative. But that's just my opinion, and I'm not married to it.

Also, just because the contest and prompts are designed for world building doesn't necessarily mean that participants have to use it that way. Meaning - we're not going to check that every entry came from the same world. They could write entirely independent pieces for each prompt for all I care. The point is that the prompts are designed to build worlds, which means in theory that even for an independent short or narrative poem (if we include those), the story should be much richer for the inclusion of the prompt, because it provide a character or setting focus. Personally, I would use it to develop ongoing worlds, and we'll target that market, but there won't be a rule that says it has to be used that way.


Some thoughts: · 08-14-14 10:43am
by Jay's debut novel is out now!
*Star* Re: Some thoughts: · 08-14-14 11:07am
by BrandiwynšŸŽ¶

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