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Jan 1, 2015 at 3:41pm
Re: How do I get into this biz?
*Dollar* 123 GPs were sent to Jim with this post.
Hi Jim . Welcome to Writing.Com.

Let me try to answer your P.S. first. I can't speak for other browsers, but I use Chrome. In Chrome I can set the screen so the letters are larger by clicking on the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner located just after the URL line. That's the line into which is listed the website address you are currently using. About halfway down the opened window is a Zoom command, which allows you to increase the size of the information on that screen. I suspect other browsers have similar commands.

Follow the tip cited by A Preston Rover when you are entering text into an item or post to increase the size of the text.

As for being age sensitive, try not to worry about that here. I graduated from the University of Maine in 1977 and am 60. There are many members who are older than I, and who are very successful here on WDC and in the published world.

I think it's a question of what you want and whether you'll do what needs to be done to achieve that. It sounds like you've a wealth of experience that will help you become that writer you desire. I have no doubt you'll fit in well here.

Never be afraid of asking for help; members love to help one another out. And you can always check out our own WDC Reference Guide, "Writing.Com 101. You'll find a link to that in the header at the top of every page.

Best of luck in all your writing endeavors.

A revised Sig for white background.

noticing newbies committee sig

Dont forget: Click here http://www.writing.com/main/my_account.php?action=ea_form&type=newsletters to subscribe to our official WDC newsletters, especially the Noticing Newbies NL. *Wink*
How do I get into this biz? · 01-01-15 12:07pm
by Jim
Re: How do I get into this biz? · 01-01-15 12:53pm
by Charlie ~
Re: Re: How do I get into this biz? · 01-01-15 3:15pm
by A Preston Rover
*Star* Re: How do I get into this biz? · 01-01-15 3:41pm
Re: How do I get into this biz? · 01-02-15 11:45am
by 1UppyEar
Re: Re: How do I get into this biz? · 01-04-15 10:30pm
by Elizabeth
Re: How do I get into this biz? · 01-05-15 11:20pm
by Bleary-eyed Lad

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