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Apr 9, 2018 at 7:05am
Re: Day 8 Prompt
by QPdoll
Blog Harbor by the Talent Pont Blog Challenge
I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.

Movie franchises are movie series that are connected by a common character, setting, or other overarching piece of material. They can be open-ended (James Bond, Fast and Furious) or finite (Harry Potter, Hunger Games), centered around a shared universe of content (Star Wars, Marvel Cinematic Universe), or continuations/re-packaging of a popular initial film (Despicable Me, Jurassic Park, Pirates of the Caribbean, Mission: Impossible, Toy Story, Transformers). For today's prompt, tell us what your favorite movie franchise is, as well as your favorite and least favorite movies in that franchise.

I'd have to say most favorite movie franchise would be finite and continuations of popular initial films. I enjoyed Harry Potter. For me the story was exciting and a great place to immerse yourself. The movies followed the books well and they did a fabulous job with costume, makeup, etc. I also enjoyed Transformers. I didn't think I would when they first came out, but they ended up becoming some of my most favorite movies. I'd have to say that the character, Sam Witwicky, was most entertaining and was performed well by Shia LaBeouf.

My least favorite movie franchise would be the open-ended kind. I am probably the one percent of people who can't stand James Bond movies. However, the Fast and Furious I did enjoy not only for the actors but also for the action and drama. I really like car racing and one of those movies is Need for Speed.

I don't get out to the movies often. The last movie I saw was I Can Only Imagine and I absolutely loved it. The movie was based on a popular song in Christian music. It's the song responsible for bringing me back to Christian music. I knew the song was written for his father but I didn't realize the extent of his relationship with his father and what his home life was like growing up. His enthusiasm for life and happiness is encouraging.

Color Butterfly
DAY 8 PROMPT · 04-08-18 2:15am
by Jeff
*Star* Re: Day 8 Prompt · 04-09-18 7:05am
by QPdoll

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