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Contests With A Christian Theme
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Apr 21, 2018 at 11:02pm
Entry Post
by Rixa
Item Number# - 2156121

Death of Strength

Why fight when everyone tells you to be the kid for once?
How can I ignore my feelings of self-doubt and destruction that is just begging to be let out,
And hurt everyone that has done me wrong,
Why shouldn’t I?

Life tests,
Fate hurts,
Karma’s a bitch,
Memories scab and reopen,
Hope kills slowly,
Death is a freedom.

Knowing that everyone sees the anger,
The hatred,
The pain,
The love,
The uncontrollable lacking touch,
To change would be a blessing but my curse still holds over me like a mama bear watching over her cubs.

Stay strong…
Why is it me that must stay strong?
Can’t you see I’m drowning.

The sky brightens just enough to make out the silver lining
Before remembering brings back the clouds,
I have already lost what I hold dear,
I’m about to lose more than ever before,
So why can’t you be strong instead of me for once?

My strength went against me and what keeps me here
My strength means having to decide again,
Life or Death.

Invisible arms cradle me,
I cry,
For what I have lost,
For what I was,
And what I can still loose.

The invisible arms just hold like warm snow clinging to stay on the mountains,
A whisper of wind that doesn’t touch anything flies by,
“You can stay for the night?”
I nod just enough that I will.

For that one night
I was free,
I dreamt of colors,
All the while the invisible arms held me
Just for that one night I had the comfort of Death.
Entry Post · 04-21-18 11:02pm
by Rixa

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