Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/tblakely5
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Hey y’all, a lot has happened for me and to me this year. It all started with the loss of power to my home for a little over a month. Well I should say it slowly deteriorated to nothing in a months time,
Eventually losing power to three fourths of my home.
I had no choice but to replace my electric panel and breakers. Costing me a small fortune in the process. A week later a friend contacted me about a part time job. God provided a way for me to pay for it on my own. Now, I’m struggling with keeping my body from being in so much pain. It happens to be springtime and my body acts like a barometer causing my body to fluctuate with the changes, causing me to have extreme pain when the weather changes.
I wanted to write about my experiences and a few other things have crossed my mind lately but as soon as I grab pin and paper my mind goes blank. Why can’t you push a record button for future references?
Gotta go it’s starting to be hard to type and I’m having spasms in my neck and arms. Lightning since 2am . 😳🥴😭🥺
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Sorry you're having a rough time. I am praying for you. Thank heaven God provided you with a job.
I was emailed a reminder that I haven’t been on in a while. I’ve been working a lot and dealing with life pretty much. Very hard to get anytime here. Not feeling too inspired to do much but rest this body when I get any free time. I’m stressing on family stuff right now and it’s hard to get motivated to do anything. My energy is going to work to pay for the electric panel and things I’ve accrued during their stay. Sometimes I feel like I’m running around on a mouse’s wheel and not getting anywhere. I’m exhausted this week and plan on getting some sleep and do alot of crying. Please, send prayers my way! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Love my peeps!
*Heart* Sending prayers your way, Theresa. *Pray*
Aw poor thing. When it rains, it pours. Thank you for 'splaining. A good soak in a tub full of bubbles may help. I pray the unbearably hard stuff you are dealing with calms down. I am thankful for you and looking forward to your being back if only for a short visit. Take care of yourself. *Heart*
Sending lots of Healing Prayers and thoughts of Good Wishes.*Pray**Pray*
I know that it has been a bit! I ask for your thoughts and prayers for my family right now. God knows what it is that is needed. I ask that you keep us all in your prayers. I will be out for a while during this time. *Pray*
Praying for you all right now. *Heart*
*Heart* You are in my prayers. *Pray*
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers we appreciate them. I will be traveling to Mississippi today and returning on Thursday. Please , keep us all in your prayers. 💔🙏🏻💔
It is undoubtedly the hardest thing to do for anyone. We said our goodbyes to one of the sweetest men I have ever known. He took me into his family with open arms when my youngest son married his daughter 25 years ago this month. He became like a dear brother to me. We laughed and cried together throughout the years. Please, keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.
You are in our prayers, always.
Prayers for Strength, Comfort,and love sent your way for you and yours at this difficult time.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers we appreciate them. I will be traveling to Mississippi today and returning on Thursday. Please , keep us all in your prayers. 💔🙏🏻💔
I know that there is a link to refer a new member but, I can't find it!

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At the bottom of the page, there is a link that says "Refer a member." Click on that. It will give you a link to copy that you can send your friend.

We're having a party in Wonderland. I've heard the March Hare is waiting to greet you. (Ignore his gruff exterior; he's a sweetheart, really.)

In my book
Waltzing In Wonderland  (13+)
A book to hold all writing for 'Wonderland.'
#2314394 by Choconut ~ House Targaryen

you can read all about my adventures in this strange, nonsensical place. I would love you to take a look and let me know what you think.

In the mean time, I'll sit here, eating coffee and walnut cake and sipping on English Breakfast Tea.

I've burned the candle at both ends this week. I worked 6 straight days and I ended up helping a friend today who had cut well, actually had their finger ripped from their hand to the first knuckle it was the grossest thing I've ever seen. I'm exhausted and now I'm sick at my stomach. I promised Lilith of House Martell I would send her MB this weekend. Done*Checkp*
I also was going to judge
The Lighthouse Short Story Contest  (E)
This is a faith-based contest where you can share your experiences with others.
#2229244 by LegendaryMask❤️

That will have to wait until next weekend. I'm still reviewing the entries. I will also send out the rest of the MBs owed from
My Secret Valentine  (E)
Do you have a Special someone you want to send Valentine's to? This is the place!
#2242174 by LegendaryMask❤️

I hope everyone has a great week. Love YA! *Heart*
Don't over do it cuz. Love ya.
Can I be the first to say "Ewwww." Wishing you an absence of chaos to accomplish the things you noted. Your My Secret Valentine activity was a wonderful experience. *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*

News update on

I finally spoke to his other sister Stevie and he is contemplating going to have his lungs X-rayed. He has been a smoker for years. She will keep us informed on what he decides to do. Other than that not much has changed.

He did get out to celebrate her birthday last week. She said that he ate a whole Panera pizza by himself… 😂

If you are wanting to write him or best to send him a card. He loves getting them and hearing about what’s going on here. Plus, he puts them on the wall in his room. Please, print, and include your handle that you go be. His memory still has not returned and probably never will.

You can ask Writer_Mike or LegendaryMask❤️ oh wait that’s me! 🥴 It’s been a long day y’all!

Love my PeEpS! ❤️

Stay tuned for your latest weather forecast for ARKANSAS!!!

Rain, Snow, Heatwave, Snow, Ice, then more Rain!

Yes, folks it’s best to dress tomorrow for all seasons here! ☔️🧥❄️🏂🌞👙🥶☔️
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Thank you for the update
OFF 2 MOW the YARD!!!

You could get high on that.
dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG - I was hoping that it kept going up. I need to fly away from here. I need a vacation. Close up the house and escape with Fable to some far away place. 😊
I’m beyond exhausted! These past three days is an understatement of part time. I’ve been sitting here falling asleep while doing work modules and training. It’s sad when you watch the same video three times to get through it all. *Headbang* I’m calling it quits so I don’t fail the tests that are at the end of them. I’m going to bed y’all. Yesterday killed me 11 hours on my feet. I realize that I’m not young anymore. What was I thinking. *Facepalm* I need *Pray* *Pray*
You need the money to keep everything going. I hope you sleep well.
I know what you mean. I tried part-timing for simple jobs and found myself asleep while watching TV. My prayers are with you. May you find better work opportunities that don't require backbreaking hours, but pays well enough to cover your expenses.

I can’t make it another minute!
You’ve got to read it and see what Amazing thing has happened to me lately! I've added a new entry to my blog, "Life through my Eyes:
         "What’s up and What’s new for me!
BIG BAD WOLF is hopping - thank you! 💖
You still have time to get those entries in for February's "The Contest Challenge

The Lighthouse Short Story Contest  (E)
This is a faith-based contest where you can share your experiences with others.
#2229244 by LegendaryMask❤️

I only have 3 entries so far!

If you are looking for honest feedback on faith-based biographies this is the contest for you. Drop in and check it out!
Schnujo is Late to Lannister - Yes, I review all entries and give detailed feedback! *Suitheart*
Wow! That's pretty awesome! *Heart* *Inlove2* *Heart*
Schnujo is Late to Lannister - I’m trying… lol
I've added something new to my portfolio!
In celebration of Yellowcase Week!

My WdC Journey  (E)
Why, I call WdC my second home. Sometimes I wonder if it is my home entirely!
#2314672 by LegendaryMask❤️

*Hearty* Congratulations to ALL!!! *Hearty*
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If you were a VALENTINER and have not emailed me about your MB yet, it's waiting patiently to go home with you!
My Secret Valentine  (E)
Do you have a Special someone you want to send Valentine's to? This is the place!
#2242174 by LegendaryMask❤️

* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/tblakely5