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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Activity · #2109126
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Sep 27, 2018 at 2:41pm
Re: Verdant Poetry Contest
Great job!

You missed August, but you can either catch up or just do the challenge for 13 months instead of 12. If you catch up August, you can finish next May. Otherwise, you'll have to do next June as well. *Wink* To catch up, just go to the dropnote titled "Previously Highlighted Contests" and pick an AUG 2018 contest and enter as usual. The only difference is when you post the title, be sure to include "August" in the title so I know it's a catch-up entry. Then you're good to go. *Bigsmile* And if you decide to catch up, no pressure to do so today...just whenever you fit it into your schedule is fine. *Smile*

The Contest Challenge  (13+)
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#2109126 by Schnujo is Late to Lannister

Created by Lostwordsmith
Verdant Poetry Contest · 09-27-18 8:26am
by Lostwordsmith
*Star* Re: Verdant Poetry Contest · 09-27-18 2:41pm
by Schnujo is Late to Lannister

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