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Fun mini challenges for the SuperPower Reviewers to enjoy
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May 15, 2024 at 9:10am
Challenge One Done
by Maryann
Thank you, Everyone who was able to participate in the challenge this time around.
Here is the full list of posted poems:

All the Dogs Run  [E]
Having a blast
by Charles

Our Woodland Revival Jubilee   [E]
woven into a series of Rubaiyat stanzas
by Dave

The Puppy's Portrait  [13+]
in a Double Chain Link poem
by Dave

Scars  [E]
in a Crapsey Cinquain
by Dave

Nature's Grace  [E]
in a Trois-par-Huit poem
by Dave

The Spirits of Summer  [E]
frolic in a Saraband Sonnet
by Dave

The Tawny Tabby  [E]
Feral magnetism in a Pantoum poem.
by Dave

King Dog  [E]
A fun 'Spring' limerick about an energetic dog
by Maryann

Wee (Wee) Stairs  [ASR]
Comicrick Limerick
by Maryann

Spuddle  [E]
A nonsensical poem for fun
by Maryann

The Kingly Horse  [E]
A Tyburn poem
by Maryann

Young at Heart  [E]
Oddquain poem for aging dogs
by Maryann

 My Silly Cow Haiku  [E]
This is a silly cow haiku that I wrote for a campfire!
by Maryann

Rosie westie at the park  [E]
A poem about Rosie the westie dog enjoying the park.
by HollyMerry

Buffy  [E]
A poem about my beloved cat Buffy who passed away in 1993.
by tracker

Harriet  [E]
Our rescue cats Harriet and her brother Ron.
by tracker

Denver  [13+]
Grief for love and beauty lost
by 🐦GeminiGem🌷

Butterfly Kisses  [13+]
My puppy mill survivors teach me about forgiveness and love
by 🐦GeminiGem🌷

Winter Chihuahua  [E]
Making the best of the cold and the snow
by 🐦GeminiGem🌷

Brandi  [E]
Love is in the Air! (Pets) Contest Entry April 2024
by Lovina

Picnic  [E]
Poetry Topic of the Month Contest Entry July 2023 - Winner
by Lovina

Eastertide  [E]
Creature Features Contest Entry April 2023 - Honorable Mention
by Lovina

Bette Bunny  [E]
The Littlest Poetry Contest Entry November 2020
by Lovina

Wake Up!  [ASR]
She has a unique way of waking me up...
by Kit

Does He Understand?  [ASR]
A simple but heartfelt poem about my cat, Benji.
by Kit

The World's Best Cat  [ASR]
Shall I compare thee to a ball of fluff? My first sonnet.
by Kit

The Ice Dragon  [E]
He hailed from a land of snow and ice...
by Kit

 Intruder  [ASR]
Kitty isn't sure about the new addition to the household.
by Kit

 Wicker Basket Wonder  [ASR]
Heavy footsteps signal treasures worthy of a temporary truce.
by Kit

 Chicken riding a dog  [E]
Poem based on true event that happened a while ago.
by Joseph

My Love For Guinea Pigs   [E]
My love for guinea pigs know no bounds. (I don't actually own any.)
by Elycia Lee ☮

"LuLu Sriracha by 🐦GeminiGem🌷
"A Special Gift by 🐦GeminiGem🌷
"Mother's Day by THANKFUL SONALI Now What?
"Poem Prompt: Jackal by Maryann
"Poem Prompt: My Pet is My Best Friend Acrostic Form by Maryann
Challenge One Done · 05-15-24 9:10am
by Maryann

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Any feedback sent through it will go to the forum's owner, Maryann.
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