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Rated: ASR · Message Forum · Sci-fi · #420688
Welcome Trekkers. Have a cup of Klingon Raktajino, and enjoy our friendly Starbase.
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May 12, 2003 at 3:04am
Not a particularly Vulcan response, but as much as I always wanted to be Spock, I'm not. I rather like emotions!

Thank you narnia3! I just saw the quiz over at Gailey's Place and couldn't resist trying to answer.

I've been a Trek fan as long as there's been a Star Trek. *Bigsmile* Even when I thought I didn't like science fiction. Thanks to Star Trek, I discovered I did like it. A lot.

That said, I have to admit, I haven't seen more than 3 or 4 episodes of Enterprise. It's not that I don't like it. I just forget to go turn on the TV 'cause I'm here at this screen!

I was one of those people who thought no one could ever duplicate the "magic" of the original series... until I "met" Captain Picard in the first episode of ST:TNG. My reaction was: Now there's a Star Fleet Captain! (I like the Captain Kirk of the movies, but don't care for him in the series. McCoy was my favorite OS character.)

I'm glad I found this forum. *Cool* I'll check in now and again to see what's happening in the Great Bird's Universe.

(I can't believe I got the Brent Spiner question wrong. I've been such a fan of him as an actor, not just as Data!)
Woohoo! · 05-12-03 3:04am
by Airycat =^..^=

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