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Rated: ASR · Message Forum · Sci-fi · #420688
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Nov 27, 2003 at 4:50pm
ST&Christians (also RE:ST~vs~SW)
Yup, comparing Star Wars and Star Trek is kinda like comparing Apples and PC's *Bigsmile*.

I too like both for different reasons.

Am I wrong, or do I vaguely recall from ST:TOS a couple of different episodes where there were Christian messages in the stories? I'm not trying to sway the discussion in that direction, just wondering if I'm remembering correctly (I'm over 40, it has been known to happen!*Blush*).

I know there was one where the typical landing party of Kirk, Spock and McCoy (and probably the designated casualty) went down to a planet where the story line went that the Rome of Caesar's day had survived and that a group of "Sun Worshippers" were persecuted and the Enterprise crew came to their defense. It wasn't until after they'd returned to the ship that Uhura pointed out that they didn't worship the sun up in the sky, but that they worshipped the SON of God.

ST&Christians (also RE:ST~vs~SW) · 11-27-03 4:50pm
by Hatfield of AotC
Re: ST&Christians (also RE:ST~vs~SW) · 01-01-04 2:01am
by onaya3
Re: Re: ST&Christians (also RE:ST~vs~SW) · 07-25-06 11:37pm
by Caren Rose

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