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Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Activity · #1896271
A group of young girls with a large future ahead of them!
This choice: After gym...  •  Go Back...
Chapter #21


    by: Vanhel's Danse Macabre
Gym had to end eventually, even if an hour did feel like an eternity to the two overfed, out of shape girls, and so at last the bell rang for the end of the lesson. The girls all filed back into the changing rooms where Manyara and Susan just collapsed onto benches, too exhausted to even bother changing back into their school uniforms. Both of them felt like hell, their muscles burning from the unaccustomed use and their heads pounding. Before they could rest too much though it was time to follow the rest of their class to math.

Fortunately, math didn't feel anywhere near as long as gym had. Neither of them actually contributed to the lesson in any meaningful way, but at least the sit down let their abused bodies recover somewhat. By the time they were heading outside towards the school bus, they had both mostly recovered from their ordeal.

They settled into their regular seats on the bus, sides pressed closely together due to their newfound bulk - the school bus had always been a little squashed, but with both girls now heavily overweight there was even less space than ever, leaving their chunky bodies squashed up tightly against one another.
After a while, Susan's mind kicked into gear.
"Hey, are you coming over this evening? We can get my dad to write us an exemption from gym after school tomorrow," she asked, twisting awkwardly to address the girl pressed up beside her.

Susan felt Manyara shrug.
"I dunno... I feel kinda actually ill. All that gym stuff was horrible..." Manyara admitted, rubbing her stomach miserably, "I might just go home."
"Oh, come on, Manya," Susan protested, "Dad said he was cooking lasagna again and you love that!"
The other girl looked undecided, biting her lip.
"Maybe... I just don't wanna have to go home then walk all the way to your house as soon as I've started relaxing..." she confessed.
"Well, just come straight to mine then," Susan suggested, "C'mon Manyara, you love dad's food. Plus we even have a big family pack of Mars Bars if you still feel ill when we get there."
That made up Manyara's mind.
"Okay, I'll come," she said, pleased by Susan's enthusiasm, "I guess your dad's food is a lot better than takeaway anyway."

After a while the bus drew to a stop, and Manyara and Susan walked the short distance along the road to Susan's house. Susan pulled the door handle and found it open - her dad must already been home. They headed inside, dropping their bags carelessly by the doorway, and wandered through to the kitchen, where they found Randall already at work cooking.

"Hey dad. We're home," Susan announced them, and he turned from where he was chopping garlic on the counter.
"Oh, hello girls," he smiled. After quickly rinsing his hands clean he stepped forwards to hug Susan - and his nose wrinkled at the distinct smell of sweat that surrounded her, "I, uh, think you need to change your clothes, Susie," he suggested politely.
She looked down, the sight of her gym kit reminding her of what she'd been meaning to ask.
"Yeah yeah, I'll do that later, I need to ask you something though - can you write me and Manyara medical exemption letters for gym?"
Randall's brow furrowed.
"Why is that? Are you both ill?" he asked, bemused.
"No, no," Susan laughed, "It's just really tiring and we don't wanna do it. Today was awful; the gym teacher made us do twenty sit-ups or we'd have to go back tomorrow for extra gym, and neither me or Manyara got close so we both have to go back after school. Like, what kind of crazy sports-person can just go and do twenty sit-ups in a row?"

Randall's frown deepened. He was not a particularly aware person, tending to drift through life until something prompted him to pay attention. That was how he'd let his daughter grow from medically underweight to obese in less than a year, after all. However, even he couldn't ignore everything.
"Ah, a lot of people can do twenty sit-ups, Susan. It's not that much at all," he pointed out, vaguely alarmed. He looked down upon his daughter’s rounded form, wondering for the first time if all the massive, unhealthy meals he’d been feeding her the last few months weren’t having some sort of effect. She- she did look a lot heavier than he remembered, now that he thought about it - especially with her soft body bursting out of her gym kit in every direction.

Susan pouted. This wasn’t how she’d expected him to react at all!
“No they can’t. Me and Manyara couldn’t anyway, and we’re as fit as anybody,” she whined, stomping her foot like a brat. Randall watched her thick thigh jiggle from the impact, biting his lip. Maybe he had gotten a little carried away with feeding her all his cooking… even the other girl, Manyara, looked bigger than he remembered – and that was saying something!

“I don’t know, Susie… maybe all this food isn’t doing you much good,” he said, the words catching in his throat, “You’re at a delicate age. Maybe laying off on some of my cooking would be for the best if twenty sit-ups are too much for you.”
Susan’s looked devastated and angry in equal measure.
“What’re you talking about?” she demanded, “I’m fine! You- you sound just like mom!”

That last comment broke Randall’s resolve. What had been the point of tearing his family apart if he was just going to behave like Annette anyway? Susie was at that age when a lot of girls put on a little weight for their growth spurts – he was definitely just making mountains out of molehills.
“I’m- I’m sorry, Susie. I just overreacted for a moment there. It’s been a long day at work, sorry,” he went to hug her apologetically but she stepped away, scowling.
“Good. You were being silly there,” she sniffed, “Just finish making dinner. Come with me Manyara, I’m going to go and get changed.”
She marched from the room with Manyara in tow and Randall watched her plump buttocks jiggle away, soft flab barely contained by her straining shorts.
Sighing, he shook his head and returned reluctantly to cooking.
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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