Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1974478-The-Transplant/cid/2981775-They-used-a-military-test-subject-for-Project-G
by Wassel
Rated: GC · Interactive · Adult · #1974478
Experimental brain transplant surgery saves either your life, or someone very close.
This choice: They used a military test subject for Project GARGANTUA.  •  Go Back...
Chapter #6

They used a military test subject for Project G...

    by: Wassel
"Well, that's... uh... That's not actually something we're supposed to reveal," the doctor replied. "It's highly top secret and..."

"Don't give me that bullshit!" you interrupted. His words further firing your desire to know. Repeating again, "Who's brain did you use and who did you put it in? Tell me!"

Cracking slightly under the pressure, Dr. Kerry looked towards his colleague for assistance. Muttering, "Dr. Saunders... I mean, we... we can't. They made it quite clear that we're not supposed to tell anyone."

The older doctor merely shrugged. "Don't look at me. This was your doing, not mine. You agreed to it."

"Agreed to WHAT?" you shouted. Having had more than enough of this runaround. Causing the two doctors to look at you again, before Kerry eventually sighed.

"Oh, alright. But you have to keep this strictly between us. None of what I'm about to tell you can leave this room."

You nodded in agreement. Simply wanting to know.

"A year ago the military came to us with..." he began. Pausing momentarily to find the correct wording. "What shall we call them...? 'Failed experiments' perhaps? From something called Project Gargantua. Volunteer subjects that had sadly died, but were offered to us for our research purposes. In exchange for our own particular area of expertise. Which is of course the brain. Apparently they were trying to create soldiers who were bigger and stronger than anyone else. Who wouldn't get tired or feel fatigue. So that they be much more effective and efficient on the battlefield. Which is where we came in. Giving them a few pointers on how the hypothalamus could be stimulated to increase hormone production. As well as a few other key ways that the brain could help."

Holy shit, you thought. This sounding completely insane. The military are actually working on something like that? It sounding more like science fiction than science fact. Basically trying to create a real life Captain America.

Which clearly didn't work. Dr. Kerry informing you that, "It was a lost cause from the start and completely impossible to achieve." Looking rather smug then as he added, "Unlike our own research into brain transplantation. Something that myself and Dr. Saunders here having been working to achieve for the past 20 years. Which we have now successfully done."

Not that this was of any particularly interest to you. Caring little how long they'd been doing it, and instead being far more interested in what exactly it was they'd done. Asking, "So, what are you saying? That you put some dead military reject's brain into one of our bodies?"

He nodded. "In a matter of speaking yes."


"Because unfortunately, due to the severity of the car accident, not everyone came out completely unscathed. We had to use part of the donor brain in order to save that life. And believe you me, Tim when I tell you, there really was no other way. No other surgery would have saved them."

Naturally this came as a complete shock to you. Not only at the fact that one of you had been that close to death, but also that the doctors had gone to such extreme measures. It becoming quite clear from his nervousness, as well as what you'd previously overheard, that this procedure wasn't exactly legal. Putting them both in a very precarious position indeed.

"Don't worry though," he assured you, with an ill-judged pat on the shoulder. "It was a complete success. The donor brain seems to be perfectly compatible and everything is working just fine." Once again looking rather proud of himself as he spoke. "To be perfectly honest, if I hadn't have mentioned anything its unlikely that you or anyone else would have ever known. And all thanks to my quick thinking."

This last part provoking a small groan from his fellow doctor. Causing Kerry to quickly add, "I mean our quick thinking."

You meanwhile were left to wonder, if it was so top secret and you never would have known anyway, why bother telling you about it in the first place?

Kerry's answer to this was, "For insurance purposes." This not really being all that comforting to hear. Informing you that you would need to sign an Non disclosure agreement stating that you were aware of what happened and agreed to keep it a secret. Under pain of serious legal action, or possibly even worse if you didn't. The military being especially eager for none of their dirty dealings to get out. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, whatever," you told him. "I'll sign your stupid form." Not really seeing the big deal if it worked and the donors were already dead. Being far more interested in the part they had yet to reveal. Which was of course, who it was exactly that had received the transplant...
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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