Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1255584-Play-Time
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Other · #1255584
A young girl is cheated of her innocence by a teenage acquaintance.
School was over again, and the ringing of the last bell was soon accompanied by the noise of a flood of children leaving the school building, some being picked up by parents waiting beside a fleet of cars parked alongside the road. I had to walk home again, however...

"Hey, Jill."

I stopped and looked around. Alex, my cool friend from the school five blocks away, was leaning against a fence a few yards away, grinning at me. He was in eleventh grade, four years older than me. I smiled and ran up to him.

"It's Thursday. Your parents won't be back til night, right?" he asked.

"Mm hm." I nodded. "How did you know?"

"You told me online." He had a mischievous grin on his face. "Wanna go play?"

I thought for a moment. "Erm, I don't know... Got a lot of homework today... English Literature, Science, and Maths. I so don't understand algebra..."

"Don't worry, I can help you with it." His grin widened. "I have a surprise for you."

My eyes widened. "Really?"

"Of course. Let's go!" With that, he took off running. I chased after him, laughing.

I followed Alex through a series of unfamiliar-looking blocks, in the opposite direction of my home. "Where are we going?" I grumbled.

Alex's eyes twinkled. "It's a surprise."

After about five minutes, we came to an immense scaffolding. "This is a half-finished building", Alex said. "The workers have all gone home by now. We have to cut through here, but we'll be meeting my friend here first." With that, he squeezed past the large No Entry sign inside the building. I nervously followed.

"Jill, say hi to Tim."

Tim had a very long fringe which covered half his face. I wondered how his hairstyle would even be allowed at school. He was not very friendly though; he seemed more preoccupied with talking to Alex.

"Is this place safe?" he asked.

"Ha, of course it is... It's abandoned." Alex said.

Abandoned? Thought he said it was half-finished? "So, it's safe to do it here?" Tim was asking again?

Do what? Aren't we cutting through? I wanted to know what they were discussing, but Alex motioned to me not to interrupt.

"Yeah... let's do it."

Suddenly strong hands grabbed my wrists and pinioned them behind my back. Before I could cry out, a knife was pointing directly at me.

"Make a sound, and I'll cut out your tongue." Tim waved the knife, which was an inch from my face. I wanted to scream, but no sound came out. I felt a piece of cloth being tied around my mouth, pulled tight from behind. Alex and Tim then slammed me roughly against a pillar. Pain shot through my body as they tied me to the pillar with thick ropes that bit into my skin.

"Now, the surprise." Alex was looking at me hungrily. He unbuttoned my cardigan. Then my blouse. I'm being betrayed, I thought.

"Hey, she's wearing a bra."

I didn't even realize I was indeed wearing a bra. I struggled with all my might as Alex unhooked my bra. I tried to scream, but all that came out were muffled mews.

"Small titties, I like..." Alex started to run his fingers over my not-yet-developed breasts, while Tim watched, apparently spellbound. Queer sensations spread through my entire body. I tried desperately to free myself, but the ropes held fast.

I'm being raped, I thought. Help!

"Hey, she looks really young," Tim said. He seemed uncomfortable. I tried to beg him to let me go, only to have more muffled mews from the gag over my mouth.

"Yeah, she's eleven." Alex lifted my skirt. I turned away, and felt him touching me between my legs. Tears came to my eyes.

"Think she'll get wet?"

I didn't know what happened after that. I didn't care to know. I only knew that my panties were being pulled down slowly... Tim was goggle-eyed. I couldn't look at Alex anymore, but he was touching me... down there.

"Tell me, Jill..." Alex whispered dangerously in my ear. "Have you ever had your period?"

I shook my head, hoping he would let me go.

It was a mistake.

"Good," he whispered. "You're getting wet, Jill... Do you know what that means?"

I shook my head again.

"It means you're ready for a guy." His words caused me to struggle even more, the ropes cutting deeper into my raw arms and legs. Tears streamed down my face.

"You wanna go first?"

Tim didn't move a muscle as he watched; he seemed under a spell. I shook my head violently at him, hoping he'd talk Alex into letting me go. But it was not to be.

"All right, then I'll go first..."

I watched in horror as Alex took off his shorts and briefs, revealing his most private part. It resembled an enormous, flesh-coloured pen. I closed my eyes as he started to pry me open with his fingers, and the next thing I knew, he was violating me, his penis pushing its way cruelly inside me. Pain shot through my body as I felt my vaginal walls being stretched beyond their limit until they ruptured, my blood beginning to flow... his penis squirting something hot into me, burning my insides...

"Your turn."

I opened my eyes, which had been scrunched shut during my ordeal. Tim was still sitting down, looking at me.

"What's the matter with you?" Alex exhorted him. "Are you a man or are you a chicken?"

Reluctantly, Tim took off his shorts.

"Yeah, that's the way! Don't be a noob! Now, just use your fingers and open her up, then put it in."

The pain nearly caused me to black out as Tim's penis entered my broken vagina, each thrust sawing away at my tender flesh... his hot sperm scorching me...

I was barely conscious when Tim had finished with me. I couldn't see his face clearly but he seemed a bit uncomfortable. "Thanks, Jill. You're a great friend," Alex said, laughing, as he and Tim started putting on their shorts. Then, as they walked away, they started discussing their experience, leaving me bound and in pain, broken, blood and sperm dripping silently from me...
© Copyright 2007 stacygal (dark_lady_123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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