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Rated: 18+ · Folder · Spiritual · #2071871
Letting go and letting God
The Voice of Truth by Judy Meeks

The Voice of Truth

I recently discovered the scars of my life’s experiences could turn into beauty marks of recovery. The secret to this transformation is the Voice of Truth. Some experiences are understood, but other experiences I have entrusted to God’s plan for my life. Wondering what could have been different in the choices I made caused me to compare myself and my family to other moms and families. Was I fully trusting God ? Had I messed up so much He just took a back seat?

There are two significant issues related to my deepest scars. First was suffering the consequences for not appreciating what I had and second was the betrayal of a close friend. Trying to make sense of these issues proved futile for my spiritual wellbeing.

God blessed my husband with the craft of installing and finishing hardwood floors and me with business skills to start our own company. Still, there were deep desires to become someone better. Comparing myself to others made me unappreciative of the gifts God gave which became an obstacle I had to overcome. We almost lost our company five years ago due to the economy and my poor management. God tried for years to get my attention, but I ignored His Voice. I had no choice but to take a job at a local university where I had no control over my life and where the environment was toxic. I was truly remorseful and it was in that moment I experienced the grace and mercy of Jesus. I repented and began living my life with a new perspective.

The admitted jealousy of a close friend severed a bond of over twenty years. It felt like I mourned the death of a loved one. There would be no explanation that could possibly heal the damage done. This betrayal left me feeling even more insignificant and of little worth in the eyes of others. However, the ending of this friendship was necessary for my spiritual growth. I put too much stock in the opinions of this person instead of turning to God.

Still feeling empty and unfulfilled, I began to read the Bible every day and prayed for God to open my eyes and ears to see and hear the truth of His words. Journaling after each chapter assisted me in seeing His will more clearly. Feelings of joy and relief exploded in my heart through understanding what it meant to be set free in Christ. Jesus died for my sins and nothing can separate me from His unconditional love. Although I cannot truly grasp His sacrifice, I finally accepted the proof of His love for me. Now I trust His daily guidance, listen to the Spirit of Truth and put my focus on serving others. Taking the focus off myself and allowing God to guide me has set me free from my spiritual prison.

All of us have a purpose and are responsible for managing the material possessions God gives us as well as this wisdom He puts in our hearts. Looking back at my upbringing as well as the point from where my husband and I began our life together, God’s presence is evident. Although I kept looking over my shoulder, God kept pushing me forward. It saddens me to have given my daughters and my husband the impression that I ever wished for more. Digging deeper into the Word and sorting out my experiences has opened my eyes to what is most important: discipline and obedience to His ways and devotion to the truth of His words.

What I do know is if I perceive someone intends to harm me, God uses it for my good. He does not lead me where He is not found. God is love and love casts out all fear. I will walk confidently through the rest of my earthly journey remembering the truth that it does not matter what my title or status is, or what I do. What is important is who I am in Christ and my experiences are shaping me for my eternal home.
There are many experiences that have shaped my life. I now view these experiences as my trophies from God. I must fight the good fight and finish the race in order to receive the crown of life. There will be no sweeter words than those of my Savior saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
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