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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
These are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call Life.

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March 10, 2020 at 9:18pm
March 10, 2020 at 9:18pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 10th
How many languages do you speak? If you could instantly learn any language and be able to speak it fluently, what language would you pick? How would you use it and where would you go?

English is my only fluent language. I know some American Sign Language and some French, but not enough to get very far. I would love to instantly know both of those fluently.

If I knew French I would head off to Paris and tour the French country side. Oh, what a life I would lead. Writing and teaching in English and French.

March 9, 2020 at 9:11pm
March 9, 2020 at 9:11pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 9th
What is your first memory of being really excited?

Not A memory, but the FIRST memory. Having passed the half century mark, trying to remember the first of anything is going to be a challenge. Negative firsts are easier to remember, positive firsts are harder to capture.

I do remember the first time I got to stay on my own while my mother went out to a movie with her friend. I was eight or nine, I think. I was living with my mother in an apartment building on Armstrong street - the only apartment building on Armstrong street. Probably the only apartment building in my home town.

I was so excited about being on my own for the whole evening. My mother trusted me to stay home alone. I got so over-excited I made myself sick. After I threw up, I put the lock on the door and went to sleep on the couch in the living room.

But there are two things that make this story stick in my mind. One - the lock was a chain lock. One you cannot undo unless you take it off from the inside. Two - the more important aspect of this tale, is that when I sleep - I sleep. I am out for the count. I hear nothing.

So when my mother and her friend came home from the movie. They could not get into the apartment. Mom could unlock the door, but she could not open the door more than a crack. I did not hear her call out to me to open the door. I did not hear her banging on the door. I did not hear the phone ringing beside my head when they walked downstairs to the pizza parlour to call me to wake me. up.

Eventually, I did wake up and sleepy - eyed I did let them in. When I told me mother I had gotten sick from being overly excited she decided not to go out and leave me on my own for a good long while. I was over 12 before she did it again. But by then there were no chain locks on the door of our house.
March 8, 2020 at 7:15pm
March 8, 2020 at 7:15pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 8th
For most of the world, today is “Spring Forward,” when clocks are set an hour ahead. In your entry today, write about time and how you make the most of it. What is worthy of spending your time on? What is not? In your opinion, what do people spend too much time on these days?

Day light savings time where we spring ahead... it is just after 6 pm and I am ready to crawl into bed and call it a day. I love that today has been sunny and I have enjoyed the day, but I am now feeling a little queasy and just want to close my eyes for an hour or two. I can't. I am out and about. Taking advantage of the lovely day. It is still a bit chilly in the wind, but at 8 degrees Celsius I am only too happy to hang out outside as much as I can getting some real vitamin D for a change. Tomorrow is supposed to be double digits. I might just have to ditch my winter boots for the day.

Today is Sunday. I have spent my day on a bit of a spiritual journey. I started my day with a great session of Sahaja Yoga with a group that meets on the internet using the Zoom app. It was a very cleansing session and I felt really good for having made myself get up to take part. This afternoon I went to a session discussing Karma and a bit about reincarnation. The group is part of the Eckanan. I listened and stayed open to the experience. Karma interests me. I am not so sure what to make about the idea of reincarnation. After the discussion, there was a session of singing Hu (pronounced hue). It was a bit weird, but calming.

After saying goodbye to the small group, I moved my car further downtown and then took a walk to the Starbucks for lunch. But before I went in there, I stopped in to browse the local independent bookstore - Words Worth Books. I bought a magazine and a recipe book that was on the clearance table.

Afterward I took a walk around just enjoying the sun. There are a lot of people just walking around down here today. It is kinda nice. Spring really does feel like it is coming. After Friday morning's heavy rush hour snowfall, today was a blessing.

I am now enjoying some mint tea to help settle my tummy. I'm at a local cafe I love - Cafe 1842 in the Huether Hotel. A great place to people watch and get some writing done. This is where I come on Monday nights to meet some writing friends. We chat and write together. It is a great way to start off the week.

I feel blessed to have this time to just walk and explore and write out and about. I do it quite a bit. I find getting out of the house helps me get to work. At home, there are too many distractions to get the writing done I need to do. I have 2 blogs to do - this one and a poetry blog, then I have to work on my story edits for a story I have accepted to an anthology.

As for things I'd rather not spend time doing... that would be cleaning. I know it needs to be done and I do it, but I make sure to block out time and then reward myself with something I do want to do afterward - like read or write or watch some TV.

As the weather improves I will get out walking more. That is my kind of exercise. I have no time to waste going to the gym.

Tomorrow I am expecting my autism class to be on the more chaotic side. Many of my students are time sensitive and the time change is hard on them. That added together with the full moon tomorrow and it will definitely be an 'all hands on deck' kind of day.
March 7, 2020 at 9:21pm
March 7, 2020 at 9:21pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 7th
What does wisdom mean to you? Give an example.

When I Googled the definition of wisdom, this definition came up: it "is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise".

Definitions that include the root of the word in them - wise, drive me loopy. You cold keep following the words down the rabbit hole of word-dom.

Experience, knowledge and good judgement is the essence of wisdom. What does wisdom mean to me? It is calm. It is knowing. It is not boastful or arrogant. It is not autocratic or domineering. It sits in a state of peace. Within a person, it is shared in an open way. It is not forceful. It imparts its knowledge and accepts that the listener will consider the validity of the information. Blind acceptance is not required or even expected. A wise person imparts their knowledge, knowing that resistance is possible. They do not push back on that resistance. They wait, patiently for the knowledge to sink in and they maintain good judgement if the listeners are hostile. Sometimes others refuse to accept and those with wisdom are wise to take their leave and let the chips fall where they may.

Give an example. Hmmm.

My mind considers a person like Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who taught the benefits of Sahaja Yoga. She imparted the knowledge, spoke to crowds of people and respected each person's right to believe or not. Practitioners of Sahaja Yoga and Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi herself encourage others to experiment for themselves. See if what is taught and shared, is something they are able to experience. All they need to do is have an open heart and a willingness to experiment.

I think, true wisdom is imparting the knowledge and letting others see for themselves.
March 6, 2020 at 5:42pm
March 6, 2020 at 5:42pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 6th
What product would you stockpile if you found out it would never be sold again? (If the product you choose is perishable, imagine, for the purposes of this question, that the product would remain usable/edible forever.)

Well, I have heard people are stock piling toilet paper these days.... thanks to the Corona virus. That is not a bad idea, but rather 'end of the world' kind of thing.

I have a good stock pile of paper already - I buy it in the fall when 200 sheet are 10 or 25 cents.

I have lots of pens and pencils.

Any food thing I would probably get sick of it after awhile.... though Cheetos Cheesies are up near the top of my list. So is chocolate; good quality chocolate, that is - like Reid's Milk Chocolate Mint Meltaways or Reid's Coconut Burrs. Rheo Thompson's milk chocolate mint meltaways are excellent as well. Hot chocolate would be another thing. Popcorn. I don't suppose my Product could be a Starbucks and the Reid's Candy and Nut shoppe? Probably not. Dang!!

What about yards of cotton fabric? I could use it to make any number of things myself. Things from toilet paper to clothing. I could dye it to reduce the boredom factor and it would not make me fat. Well, there you have it folks... yards of cotton fabric. Now I just need to learn how to sew.... or find someone who is willing to share my stash and sew for me.... I mean, for us.
I have been watching too much Project Runway.....

I am curious to see what other people thought would be good.
March 5, 2020 at 9:19pm
March 5, 2020 at 9:19pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 5th
Write about a recent success. Yours or someone else’s - your choice!

Oh, this is a more difficult prompt. I have left it late and that makes it even more of a challenge to figure something out.

I will say that I am doing the Destination: Goal Zone. I have been blogging in January and February as well as staying on top of most of my goals for each of those months. That is my success of late.

"January Goals

"February Goals

March 4, 2020 at 5:36pm
March 4, 2020 at 5:36pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 4th
Use the following words as inspiration for your entry: inquiry, curiosity, investigation, suspicion, and clandestine. (You need not use the words in your entry, but if you do, please highlight them in bold or a different color.)

Do I follow my curiosity?
Set myself up for inquiry?
See the investigation through?
Find out just what he will do?

My suspicion has awakened.
Find the truth, see it lightened
Put this idea of a clandestine affair
To rest, with no scandal or flare.
March 3, 2020 at 5:37pm
March 3, 2020 at 5:37pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 3rd
If you could be paid for doing anything you wanted full time, what would you do? When you were a child, what did you dream of doing when you grew up? Then, take some time to research “unconventional” jobs (ie. hot air balloonist, deep sea invertebrate researcher, professional table tennis master, etc) and share one that you think you would be good at or would be fun to try.

I am a simple person. I wanted to be a teacher and a writer. I try to do both of those, but both are influx. I supply teach and though I have a long term occasional position in a Autism classroom that I love, I know it is only temporary.

As a kid, I had thoughts of being a marine biology and working at the Vancouver Aquarium. I was not crazy about swimming in the wide open ocean with sharks. They are the bees of the sea. I am terrified of bees... and sharks. That put a damper on my interest, but working at an aquarium would have been great.

I am also intrigued by the people who do those travel shows. That would be exciting. Think of it writing and travelling. So cool.

These are a few of the sites I checked out. June of 2021 my Goddaughter is getting married in England, that might be the perfect opportunity to do some traveling and checking out some writing retreats across the pond. Who knows I will be able to write about my adventures and maybe even get them published.

March 3, 2020 at 3:36pm
March 3, 2020 at 3:36pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 2nd
Write about the practice of making lists. Does list-making stifle creativity, or enhance it? When working on a big project, does making a list help organize your thinking, or cause you to feel more overwhelmed? Are you a habitual list maker, and if so, what do you list?

I love this prompt. I have a wicked COLD right now and was not able to function with words last night. I am kicking myself that I blew the challenge so early in the month. I managed a couple of things, but not having made a list I forgot one thing.... and will have to restart my monthly challenge on Novlr all over again.

Lists are a God-send. They keep me on track and help me break big projects down into smaller more manageable chunks. They keep the overwhelm at bay and let me breath a little easier.

They also help me remember to get things done or I will more than likely forget to do something. If I only do the list in my head, I always forget one thing. I need to write the list down. Writing a list out helps to set it in my mind and I love checking off things as I accomplish them.

I keep a bullet journal which allows me to make lists and graphs and charts of things I deem important. I track my habits and my weight. I have 'take my blood pressure' medication on the list because I have been known to forget to do that on occasion.
March 1, 2020 at 9:33pm
March 1, 2020 at 9:33pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge

PROMPT March 1st
Yesterday was February 29th - Leap Day! The reason we have this monthly extension of our shortest month is to synchronize the Gregorian calendar with the solar year – without it we would lose six hours every year. In your entry today, write about the phenomenon of leap years and any facts you want to share. Here’s mine: People born on Leap Day are called Leaplings. Do you know any Leaplings? How did you spend the bonus hours of 2020? Did you make the most of them?

Pope Gregory XIII
In that year, Pope Gregory XIII authorized, and most Roman Catholic countries adopted, the "Gregorian" or "New Style" Calendar." As part of the change, ten days were dropped from the month of October, and the formula for determining leap years was revised,,,
This was in 1582.

So who gave the Catholics so much power?

As for knowing any Leaplings. I don't know any and I supply teach. The chances of meeting one might be as rare as having one. That's 1 in 1461.


How did I spend my day? I just enjoyed the extra day... cold as it was. Yesterday was -5 degrees Celsius and today was +5 degrees Celsius. Welcome to crazy Canadian weather.

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