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Rated: E · Book · Travel · #1779685
I travel the country on business, sometimes the world. Come see where I've been.
         Talk about perks, my job has one of the best ones I can think of! I travel in the course of business, delivering classes for my employer. I am a Senior Training Specialist for Motorola Solutions, and teach classes on a wide variety of subjects centered around 2 way radio communications. I'm qualified to deliver approximately 30 different classes, but about half of those are 'Legacy' classes, and are not in demand anymore. My students are technicians, those who maintain, program, calibrate, and repair large 2-way radio systems. Some of these systems are statewide, and use TCP-IP networking to allow sites to communicate with others. Some are small, traditional type radio sites. The size doesn't matter, in each case the systems must be kept operational at all times, since many of them are Public Safety Systems. So I get to travel, sometimes frequently, 3-4 weeks in a row.... where am I this week?

         This probably won't have daily entries, but I will make entries when I get to go somewhere, and keep an updated list of coming trips. My schedule changes faster than the weather, so don't be too surprised to see me list an upcoming class, only to remark later on that it is cancelled, or delayed. Delays are fine of course, but a later date might mean that someone else gets to go instead of me,,, Well, here we go with this, let's see where it takes us.

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July 19, 2024 at 5:14pm
July 19, 2024 at 5:14pm
Bloomington Illinois

         This has been an interesting week to say the least. I've been on vacation, except I've worked every day as much as I xan. I say as much as I can because Wednesday I came down with the good ol' Stomach Flu. I least I didn't puke, but that's about the only good news. I spent almost the entire day in bed, getting up only to participate in a conference call about the September class in Boston, and to post my nightly entry in "Smile! (Groan?) You Know You Love These!. I think I slept 15 hours total, from midnight to midnight. It's a good thing I was home too, because I couldn't have taught that day. That's the past though, all is decently well now, I'm about 90% healthy in my eyes.

         I've become a walking trip hazard now it seems. Friday night I tripped on a perfectly level surface, sprawling flat on my face, almost. I managed to turn my body a little as I fell. My only injury was a skinned elbow, and dented pride. That will take some time healing too. Oh well, at least I'm still alive, huh!

         The work I did was in prepping for a class in North Dakota in two weeks with the Cavalier Air Force Station, one of the homes of the Space Force. Other than delivering the class, I'm hoping I can get a Challenge Coin, or two. More, if I can get them, and depending on how many is available if so. I also worked on tailoring the course materials for the Boston class, that's occupied most of my time. I'm in Los Angeles next week, and still plan on dining at Gra Pizza restaurant, 1524 Pizarro Street, HiFi, LA 90026 at 5 pm. It would be great if others join me. If not, then I will dine somewhere else alone, only because they only serve Pizza there and I'm not sure of the size. I will post on here Sunday afternoon before going to dinner as to whether I'm going there or not.

         My Current Schedule

July 22: Los Angeles

July 29: Schaumburg

Aug 5: Cavalier AFB

Aug 12: Los Angeles

Aug 19: International Travel

Aug 26: Frankfurt, Germany

Sept 2: International Travel

Sept 9: Boston

Sept 16: San Francisco

Sept 23: Montana (Federal Customer who maintains Hungry Horse Dam)

Sept 30: Vacation

         My Pizza invite for LA still stands, and will. I've had no one contact me, so I'll plan this. I will be at the Gra Pizza restaurant, 1524 Pizarro Street, HiFi, LA 90026 at 5 pm. Join me if you will. Please RSVP to this invite so I will know if I'm dining alone (getting one pizza), or will have friends joining me (more than 1 pizza). This goes for the July 22 week or the August 12 week. Can't forget Boston, San Francisco, Kalispell Montana. So is anyone game for Sunday? It can be a Friday night if you like.... It doesn't have to be pizza, that was something I thought would be better suited for families.

         That's it for now. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!


July 11, 2024 at 11:03pm
July 11, 2024 at 11:03pm
Fort Bragg (Liberty)/Pope AAF, North Carolina

         This has been a very good week, the class has gone about how I envisioned it should/would. It's been a little bit of a challenge since I haven't delivered this in over 10 years. I know, you're wondering how it could possibly be an easy class to deliver. Well, working on the course materials last week did help. However, I deliver a very similar class, with the main differences being that the other one (Repeater Site, if you want more info, ask, I'll answer questions) connects to a central site called the Core. The other difference is that this one has a computer loaded with a software program called Configuration Manager. If you teach a class that deals with the Provisioning Manager (loaded on a Virtual Machine at the Core), it's a cut-down version of that. I teach Fleet Mapping which covers the Provisioning Manager a lot. So, I just lean on that knowledge to deliver this class. The course materials were outdated, so that's what I did last week, heavily edited them.

         This area seems to be an area that is struggling a bit. Now I haven't seen everything around here, but so far, everywhere I look I see properties badly in need of a facelift. I would guess that the people in this area have never known how good it is to have extra money in their pocket, so their property needing work is no surprise. I know how that can be! In the last 3 years, we've put close to $30,000 (maybe a little more in our house!)

         Like I said, the class has gone well, at least in my opinion. The students have learned a lot, I have maximized their hands-on exercise time (which they love), every one of them has learned something in class, even the most experienced technician. The only draw-back is that only one person can log on to the Configuration Manager at a time, so the other five sit and watch. I asked in an early email about remote access to this computer, and was told that wouldn't happen, but that the computer had a large screen which would make it easy for everyone to see. Uh huh. A 26" Screen might seem large, and it is. Except when you're 5 feet or more away from it. Still, we've made do; I've had people cycle through so everyone was able to do a few things.

         Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Ruby Tuesday          https://www.rubytuesday.com/our-menu/          I mention this place because I will not dine there again. It's not that the food wasn't wasn't tasty because it was. It's not that the service was slow or poor in checking on diners. The place was DARK, it needs a facelift, much like the surrounding area, and the staff could use a training upgrade. Everyone I saw seemed to 'walk-through their requirements. I don't recall seeing one smile.

         Waffle House          https://order.wafflehouse.com/menu/waffle-house-1170          Go ahead, laugh at the idea of enjoying dining at a Waffle House. No one smiled at Ruby Tuesday, everyone smiled here. Was it spotlessly clean? No. But if you were to look around at the kitchen of the places you dine at, it would look very similar. You just can't their kitchens, but you can at Waffle House. Yes, the menu is limited in scope. The food is good, the service excellent. I'd rather dine here any day than dine at Ruby Tuesday's again.

         My Current Schedule

July 15: Vacation (Staying home)

July 22: Los Angeles

July 29: Schaumburg

Aug 5: Cavalier AFB

Aug 12: Los Angeles

Aug 19: International Travel

Aug 26: Frankfurt, Germany

Sept 2: International Travel

Sept 9: Boston

Sept 16: San Francisco

Sept 23: Montana (Federal Customer who maintains Hungry Horse Dam)

Sept 30: Vacation

         My Pizza invite for LA still stands, and will. I've had no one contact me, so I'll plan this. I will be at the Gra Pizza restaurant, 1524 Pizarro Street, HiFi, LA 90026 at 5 pm. Join me if you will. Please RSVP to this invite so I will know if I'm dining alone (getting one pizza), or will have friends joining me (more than 1 pizza). This goes for July 22 week or the August 12 week. Can't forget Boston, San Francisco, Kalispell Montana. So is anyone game for Sunday? It can be a Friday night if you like.... It doesn't have to be pizza, that was something I thought would be better suited for families.

         That's it for now. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!


July 4, 2024 at 9:55pm
July 4, 2024 at 9:55pm
Bloomington, Illinois

         The week of 7/1 found me at home in Bloomington Illinois. This break has been great, as well as really appreciated and needed. I've taken my time getting things ready for next week in Fort Bragg.

         In the past, I wanted to deliver a class, then repeat every week. Being older now, I have learned to love these small breaks. The only thing about it is this. I sorta get in a groove traveling and delivering classes. Being off (working from home) for a week or two throws this groove out of whack and it can be a little (very little) difficult to get back in that groove. So what have I done this week? "Invalid Item

         1. Completed work on the course materials I will use next week in Fort Bragg. Why did I have to develop (actually edit) these materials? Three words. There were terrible. Not in their content, but the formatting was done using old templates, a lot of the material was outdated (last used in 2013 or so). There was no way I was going to deliver a class using materials that old. You might wonder why.... I know you've heard the old phrase, "You have one chance to make a good impression." As an instructor meeting strangers every week, I think we have three. One- Your appearance. How are you dressed, how do you carry yourself, how do you interact with people you're just meeting before class... Two - The course materials you present and share with your students, and Three - Your knowledge of those course materials, your ability to present them, and your ability to perform the hands-on exercises that are a part of the course.

         2. I cross trained my co-worker John on the course materials to be used during the Cavalier AFB delivery. I've learned that I'm one of the few instructors who tailors course materials for a delivery, Don't get me wrong here. Most of our courses, especially field courses, can use those 'cookie cutter' course materials. You know, the ones like that. They're the same class after class. And that's fine in many ways. We deliver these classes all the time (look at how often I deliver one of the Networking classes (Nine times in the first half of 2024, but there are 4 of us that deliver these classes, they may not deliver them as often as I do, still....). Trying to edit both the classroom presentations and hands-on activities would be close to impossible. We would need a team of at least 10 people to do that. Plus, they would need detailed knowledge of how the course would flow for this customer. So no, I don't see it happening. But the courses I tailor are usually for a customer whose system is almost unique. During the session with John on Tuesday, I learned of 2 or 3 weak areas he has, at least one of them disturbed me a bit. A bit of detail here that may mean nothing to you all. We use two different pieces of software in delivering a Repeater class. I know, I know, "What's a repeater?" Please don't ask this question. You'll be glassy-eyed in seconds. Anyway, he has never used one of the software in the classes he is qualified to deliver, and he should have. That made alarm bells ring in my head. John would, or could have done a passable job delivering this class to Cavalier AFB, I told our supervisor that. I also said that he, and the department would be better served if he was able to follow our traditional qualification process, and that he should sit-in a radio programming class. Not to teach it, but to become familiar with the software, familiar enough to answer questions he might have encountered at Cavalier AFB. I didn't care who delivers the class, I'm more concerned about quality. As it now turns out, I will be delivering that class. Working with John and editing the course materials occupied all my time Tuesday & Wednesday. What about Monday though? I had a Bone Marrow sample taken on Monday. I was knocked out (Fentanyl was used) for the procedure, and was in a fog after waking until about 2 PM. Plus, I had an appointment with the Allergy Doctor, as well as my family doctor. No cross-training was done Monday.

         Despite everything I said that may have sounded negative, it's been a great week so far. She's an excellent cook, but we've dined out more than you might think. Being the senior citizens we are (I'm 70, she's 74), it can be difficult to find the energy to prepare and cook a meal. She has leg & back issues, I have that Myeloma going on, and back issues as well. So where have we dined?

         Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Kathy's Home Cooking          As I said, she's a very good cook. We've enjoyed BBQ Chicken Wings with her excellent homemade Pasta Salad & Potato Salad. I also was able to enjoy some Pickled Okra I forgot we had in the pantry. Breakfast was a medium size bowl of Yogurt with Fresh Fruit & Almonds one day. Another day we had scrambled eggs with multi-colored grape tomatoes, sauteed onions & yellow Bell Peppers, with Mike Ditka Sausages (those are the best I've found recently). Do you wonder why or how I've gained weight?

         Ancho & Agave          https://www.anchoandagave.com/menus/          This is not my favorite Mexican Restaurant in town, that honor belongs to Hacienda Leon. However, we met her Sister & Brother-In-Law for dinner, this was their chosen place to meet. We really enjoyed their Hickory Bacon & Goat Cheese Guacamole. I loved their Mesquite-Smoked Chicken Enchiladas while she had their Pork Al Pastor burrito, a HUGE burrito. Yep, we had leftovers. Her Sister & Brother-In-Law both ordered Taco's from their Taco Menu. The meal was good, but the company and talk was just as good, if not better.

         My Current Schedule

July 8: Fort Bragg NC

July 15: Vacation (Staying home)

July 22: Los Angeles

July 29: Schaumburg

Aug 5: Cavalier AFB - I will be going there, not my co-worker. He had more to learn & be comfortable with than I anticipated.

Aug 12: Los Angeles

Aug 19: International Travel

Aug 26: Frankfurt, Germany

Sept 2: International Travel

Sept 9: Boston

Sept 16: San Francisco

Sept 23: Montana (Federal Customer who maintains Hungry Horse Dam)

Sept 30: Vacation

         If any of you in the LA area would like to meet up, I have an idea. I will be there in July and August, so here's my thoughts. I realize that getting away from the family can be tough, so let's meet at a Pizza place. I'll provide Pizza(s), all you need to do is show up with the family (and children). Drinks or anything besides Pizza is on you. What do you think? Is this something that could be done? The best days for me would be either Sunday, or Friday, late afternoon/evening. I'd love to meet anyone from WDC who is in the area.

         As you can see though, I get to travel to numerous locations. If you're in a area I'll be working in and would like to meet for a cuppa or dinner, let me know! I'll be happy to meet any of you.

         That's it for now. I am home for the week of July 4th before heading out again. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!


June 30, 2024 at 9:04pm
June 30, 2024 at 9:04pm
Halifax, Nova Scotia

         The week of 6/17 found me in Halifax, Nova Scotia. To be honest, I was across the Benford Basin, staying in Dartmouth. Either way, I was still in Nova Scotia again. *Smile*

         This was another Networking class, with the delivery of it a little 'shaky' the week before. This was because those in the shipping world had changed the requirements to ship something Internationally, so the support staff was scrambling to learn how to meet those requirements. All was well though, the shipment arrived just in time. What was the shipment? A large Pelican Case, about 3x3x3 containing 3 Routers and 3 Switches with all the necessary cables to support their operation in class. If that Pelican Case hadn't been shipped, the customer had provided two switches and routers for the class. I don't like using customer equipment for a class, especially since one switch and one router had already been configured for use. But, everything went our way, so all was well.

         The class itself flowed smoothly, the students were great. During breaks we'd go off topic, one of them provided me pointers on using my new Pit Boss Smoker and said to email him if I had any questions about smoking food. The problem is, I don't remember who volunteered! I'll be fine with that though, plus there are neighbors around with Meat Smoking experience. I really enjoyed this class though. Once in a while students can (and will) make a class delivery a little tough. Not this time though, everything went smoothly

         Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Ela! Greek Taverna Restaurant          https://elagreektaverna.com/dinner/          Do you enjoy Greek Food? Maybe Mediterranean Food? Then you need to dine here! This was the best meal I had all week. Yummmmm. I enjoyed three of their Appetizers. Halloumi (Pan-fried and panko-crusted cheese with sweet pickled beets and tzatziki), Spanakopita (Fresh spinach, feta, green onion, dill wrapped in filo with feta cream sauce), and Seftalia (Lamb and beef meatballs, herbs and spices with grilled pita and tzatziki). Of course I had leftovers for the next day's lunch. To top if off, I had an excellent glass of house-made lemonade. This is a place I would definitely return to.

         Sushi Nami Royale          https://sushinami.ca/dartmouth-crossing/          You might be thinking 'Sushi in Nova Scotia? C'mon Jim, get some Fish n Chips! I know, it's just that I was in the mood for Sushi. Their Volcano Roll was a bit different, the server held it near the table, flames leaping up from the Sushi Roll. It didn't hurt the flavor none, other than causing it to need a bit of cooling before I could enjoy it. I also had a nice bowl of Shoyu Ramen. Another restaurant I need to visit on a future trip, should I get to return here.

         My Current Schedule

July 8: Fort Bragg NC

July 15: Vacation (Staying home)

July 22: Los Angeles

July 29: Schaumburg

Aug 5: Cavalier AFB (I am cross training a new instructor for this class, he will most likely deliver it instead of me)

Aug 12: Los Angeles

Aug 19: International Travel

Aug 26: Frankfurt, Germany

Sept 2: International Travel

Sept 9: Boston

Sept 16: San Francisco

Sept 23: Montana (Hungry Horse Dam)

Sept 30: Vacation

         If any of you in the LA area would like to meet up, I have an idea. I will be there in July and August, so here's my thoughts. I realize that getting away from the family can be tough, so let's meet at a Pizza place. I'll provide Pizza(s), all you need to do is show up with the family (and children). Drinks or anything besides Pizza is on you. What do you think? Is this something that could be done? The best days for me would be either Sunday, or Friday, late afternoon/evening. I'd love to meet anyone from WDC who is in the area.

         That's it for now. I am home for the week of July 4th before heading out again. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!


June 22, 2024 at 9:26pm
June 22, 2024 at 9:26pm
Brentwood, Tennessee

         The week of 6/17 found me in Brewood, Tennessee again. It was an easy 2 day class, Tuesday thru Friday. Then we were told that on Wednesday 6/19, the customer would observe Juneteenth. I had to change my flights to arrive Sunday instead of Monday, and add an extra day to my stay. As a result, I spent Wednesday preparing course materials for an upcoming class in August. But it's with the Space Force In North Dakota! Except.... I will be cross training a co-worker on it the week of July 4th, and if I think he's ready, he will go in place of me. Dang the luck. It's okay though, I travel and teach enough, he can go. *Smile*

         These classes are pretty easy to teach, I wrote this course years ago because we had nothing to use in delivering a short class like this. I based on a course we deliver for another product which made it very easy to write. It was nice too, delivering the class on Monday-Tuesday with Wednesday off, then Thursday-Friday. I had a day of rest in the middle, and worked from my hotel room most of the day. It was a pretty uneventful week too.

         Nothing much has changed on my schedule. Other than going to Halifax (instead of St, John Newfoundland). The customer changed the training site location, so I'm out of luck as far as going back to St, John. It's okay, Halifax is beautiful. I'm still scheduled to fly to Germany for a week in late August, and I have two more trips to LA, two to the Puget Sound Region, and another week in San Franscisco, plus other places I can't remember. And, I'm still ready to either retire, or change jobs within Motorola. So far, Retirement is winning that race. Of course I found some nice places to dine at too.

         Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Judge Bean's BBQ          https://judgebeans.com/brentwood-judge-beans-bbq-food-menu          I was dining at a BBQ Restaurant, so why did I go Tex-Mex? While it was very good, it was also very spicy. Their Texas Sushi (Jalapeno pepper stuffed with Sausage and Cheese wrapped in a brisket) was extra spicy and became part of my breakfast the next morning, mixed with scrambled eggs. Plus, The Original Shrimp Diablo (Jalapeno pepper stuffed with shrimp and cheese then wrapped in bacon) was the same way. Even their Cowboy Beans were spicy. I definitely ordered wrong! Very good food, but I should have stuck with BBQ.

         Del Frisco's Grille          https://www.delfriscosgrille.com/location/del-friscos-grille-brentwood-tn/#menus          A couple of my students joined me for dinner. I've been here at least once before and loved it, so returning was a no-brainer. I enjoyed their Pan Roasted Branzino, with Grain Salad, Olives, Shaved Almonds, Lemon, Shallots, Golden Raisins, Arugula, Romesco. As it turned out, we all ordered Fish, each a different dish.

         That's it for now. I flew from Nashville today, and am in Halifax tonight. I have tomorrow to relax some before starting work in earnest Monday. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!


June 14, 2024 at 7:41pm
June 14, 2024 at 7:41pm
Virginia Beach, Va

         The weeks of 6/3 and 6/10 found me (us) on vacation, something different for me that's for sure. Our plans were to go to Virginia Beach for a week or so, mainly to drop off our Akita to his breeder (Faith is her name) for a couple of months so she could train him to be shown at a dog show. My wife has shown dogs in the past, but now she is too old and out of shape to do it, I have no experience with this, so it would require both of us being trained, and who would train us? Faith was more than happy to be reunited with Buddy (Our Akita) for a couple of months. So Virginia Beach was a logical destination.

         I started vacation on Monday, but we didn't leave until Thursday around noon. In retrospect, we should have left Sunday and spent time seeing other destinations and/or sites. Oh well, I can't undo what's been done, huh. The drive there was not the best on Thursday. Someone (me) had it in his wacky mind that we should drive to Peru Indiana to see a man I know (well, know is a stretch) on FB. He owns a donut shop there, and seems to write well. I was going to encourage him to join WDC. But I never considered that he would open the donut shop and arrive very early (say 5 am), so he would leave early too. We arrived a little after 4, he leaves around 10 or so. Yeah, I should have planned that much better, huh. Anyway, we spent Thursday night in Dayton Ohio. It should have taken us 5 hours to get to Dayton, but ended up taking almost 9 hours. <sigh>

         The next two days went as planned though. We spent Friday night in Cumberland Maryland, but not before having dinner at Penn Alps. This restaurant is in an area that is inhabited by people of Scandanavian & Amish descent, The restaurant has an excellent buffet that serves good, down-home country type food. We love this place, and dine there whenever we pass thru. My dinner was a Salad, a cup of their Clam Chowder, Ham, Green Beans, Butterflied Shrimp, Fried Fish, one hush-puppy and a dessert sampler (sort of). I failed to grab one of my favorite items though, Fried Clams! Saturday found us stopping in Leesburg, Va to visit a Produce Stand we found long ago. Brossman's Produce Stand. They have THE BEST Lime Pickles there. No, not Lime as in the Fruit, but Lime Pickling Powder. Here's what I found about it on a quick search. "Pickling lime is sometimes used during the pickling process to give pickles an extra crunch. It's a form of food-grade calcium hydroxide. Traditional canning recipes usually suggest soaking freshly sliced cucumbers or other vegetables in pickling lime for 10 to 24 hours before canning them." We bought 4 jars of those pickles, and gave a jar to Faith, and my daughter Jennifer who we met for lunch while there.

         We arrived in Virginia Beach Saturday afternoon/evening, and stayed at The Founders Inn. This is the hotel that hosted the Akita National Specialty Dog Show two years ago. The hotel is very nice, and is spread out around the grounds, instead of being a high rise like many hotels. We used Hilton Honors points instead of Credit Card, and the rate was very good! It was 40,000 points/night, which is what a typical Hampton Inn runs. Did you wonder about the value of those 150,000 Hilton Honors points I raffled last year during the WDC Birthday month? We used about 175,000 of those points on this trip. The only card charge was a pet fee each night. So cash out for pet fees was about $200. Still, think about how much the hotels would have run (I refuse to stay at a Motel 6 or Super 8, or even Comfort Inns anymore) if I'd paid with a credit card.

         The time in Virginia Beach was all too short, even though we stayed an extra day. We really enjoyed our time there, but dang, the traffic! Wow.... plus it was too crowded everywhere we went. I got a kick out of taking my wife to the Norfolk Naval Base. She got her first 'up close and personal' view of the aircraft carriers USS Gerald R Ford CVN 75, and the USS Harry S. Truman CVN 71. Her amazement at their size and such was amusing to say the least. Even though I retired 31 years ago, this is still 'old hat' to me, so her reaction was cute. I didn't try to get her a tour on board one though. That would take advance planning/permission, and both of these ships were not available for a tour, nor would she be able to handle the ladders/passageways, not to mention the walking across the brow to get on board. Heck I can't even get her on the USS Intrepid, a museum aircraft carrier in New York City because of the brow issue.

         The drive home was uneventful, and only 2 days in length, instead of the crazy 3 day drive getting there. We arrive home, and I was beat, just beat. This was not what I'd call a vacation, I thought those were relaxing. Still, it was a fun time though. That's all for now. Til next time, keep on writing, most of all, keep on loving those special people in your life!


June 3, 2024 at 9:15pm
June 3, 2024 at 9:15pm
Schaumburg, Illinois

         The week of 5/27 found me in Schaumburg for meetings with the rest of the team. It was really good because we had not met in person for five years! Yeah, that's a long time to not see your co-workers. Typical for this week, we meetings all week long. I didn't mind though because also in attendance were instructors who teach classes for companies we recently purchased. We also learned what their company manufactures, and some of it is scary. Let me give you an example.

         To provide that example, I must ask a question. Have you read 1984 by George Orwell? In case you didn't know it was written in 1947, and published in 1949. The scary part? We're living in the times Orwell writes about in his book. I read this almost 55 years ago, here's what I remember from it. First, the country the main character lives in is at war. I think the war is going on somewhere in Africa. The Media broadcasts contain information about the war, telling the citizens that the war is being won. Yet they are losing the war. The Media is telling the citizens what they want the citizens to hear. That sure as heck sounds like our Media in 2024. We're fed stories that they want us to hear, not the 'real news'.

         Secondly, there are cameras everywhere. These cameras are mounted on traffic light poles, telephone poles, whatever. They are placed all over the city, privacy does not exist. Again, does this sound familiar? Some of the people I met this week for a subsidiary of ours, train technicians on how to maintain these cameras. I saw a real-time video, and what they can do with their software is definitely scary. Not almost, Definitely Scary! I'd say more, but I'm not allowed to go into specifics. So, read 1984 if you haven't, or read it to refresh your mind about the story. And realize that we are living in the times of that book. A book written 76 years ago, long before the things in our world existed.

         On a 'happier' note, let's discuss my future schedule, and my plans, tentative though they may be. This will be my last full year of employment. I will retire after this year is completed. MAYBE. PROBABLY. It's up in the air, but to be honest, the travel, being away from home with barely 24 hours here on weekends (sometimes) is getting to me. I am exhausted most weekends, I spend far too much time napping and not enough time getting things done. I was given a nice Pit Boss Electric Smoker (I've been wanting to learn how to smoke meats and veggies), but have not used it yet. It's been assembled, but the door latch does not latch correctly. There's about an inch of space between it and the fastener on the housing. I might have assembled it wrong, but I don't think so. So there's that to figure out. I want to learn to 'Can' vegetables, I can't on my current schedule. I also really want to rent a French Horn and see if I can still play, see if it still has the draw on me it had 55 years ago.

         Speaking of fatigue. Even when on the road, I'm very tired at the end of a day. I go to dinner somewhere near work or hotel, then collapse in my hotel room. I spend very little time here, very little time chatting with my anyone. And to add to it all, I will be cross-training a new instructor. He has been doing very good so far. Then again, he's delivering 2 courses, courses that deal with the equipment he maintained before coming to us. I get the pleasure of cross-training him. It will be a pleasure too, because then someone besides me will be able to travel and deliver classes that only I can deliver right now. However, that means he may get to go to Cavalier AFB in place of me. I want to go mainly for one reason. This is where Space Force is! *Smile* I will spend most of the week of July 4th cross-training him to deliver that course. It will be a little bit of a stretch for him because this will be a highly tailored course, and he has quite a bit to learn to be able to deliver it. Only time will tell.

         My upcoming schedule, as of now

Week of:

6/3 and 6/10: I'm on VACATION!

June 17: Brentwood, Tennessee

June24: Halifax, Nova Scotia

July 1: Holiday week (Cross-train my co-worker)

July 8: Fort Bragg NC

July 15: Work From Home (Cross-train my co-worker if he's not delivering a class)

July 22: Los Angeles

July 29: Schaumburg Illinois

Aug 5: Cavalier AFB (NE Corner of North Dakota)

Aug 12: Los Angeles

Aug 19: International Travel

Aug 26: Frankfurt, Germany

Sept 2: International Travel/Labor Day

         That's all for now. Til next time, keep on writing, most of all, keep on loving those special people in your life!

June 1, 2024 at 11:02pm
June 1, 2024 at 11:02pm
San Francisco, Ca.

         The week of 5/20 found me in San Francisco for a class. I've spent some time in San Francisco, but it was long ago. I've been there on business 2 or 3 times now, but never in downtown San Fran. And, I wasn't this time either. I was in south San Francisco this time, just north of the airport. It was a fun, but tiring week for me. It didn't start out the best either, but it wasn't due to something I didn't do, or did. Let me explain.

         The class this week was another of those Networking classes. I have finally taught it enough recently to get the flow of it. What? I don't have the flow down yet, even after teaching it for so many years? Well, it's been modified so much that the flow has changed. Not only that, the course now contains a lot of information about the new router in the system. For some reason this, I found it difficult to really get this router into my brain properly. But I have it now. All we need to do in the training department is straighten out a couple of steps in the hands-on activities. So what happened that wasn't my fault? We ship a large Pelican Case to the customer for this class. In this case, it can be one that contains the router we manufacture, or the new router made by Juniper. Evidently the Project Manager asked for the router we manufacture, since they currently have this router and will for the next year or so. However, the customer wanted to be trained on the new Juniper router. It wasn't until we opened the Pelican Case that we discovered this. As a result we had to scramble a bit and get the correct case sent to us. My support team was fantastic and had the new Pelican Case shipped so we could use it when needed.

         I enjoyed my time there, but found it difficult to drive to dinner. You might think this is crazy, but again, there's a reason behind everything. For example, the students in my class recommended a nice Mexican Restaurant in Daly City. I found the place easily. However, or but, there were no parking places nearby. I found one, but it was about a 5-6 block walk up, or down, hills. (I mean, you know SF is not known for it's hills after all). I decided to go elsewhere. Even then I parked at least 100 yards away.... I know, I know, I have it so tough, huh. It was fine really, but it was like that all week long.

         My upcoming schedule, as of now

Week of:

June 3: Vacation!

June 10: Vacation!

June 17: Tennessee

June24: Halifax, Nova Scotia

July 1: Holiday week

July 8: Fort Bragg NC

July 15: Work From Home

July 22: Los Angeles

July 29: Schaumburg Illinois

Aug 5: Cavalier AFB

Aug 12: Los Angeles

Aug 19: International Travel

Aug 26: Frankfurt, Germany

         That's all for now. Til next time, keep on writing, most of all, keep on loving those special people in your life!

May 24, 2024 at 6:55pm
May 24, 2024 at 6:55pm
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

         This weeks of May 6 and May 13 found me in Ft Lauderdale once again. I've grown to really enjoy this area, made all the more better by my friend Ariel being there the first week., We had a good time seeing each other, he even bought dinner one night at one of my favorite restaurants, The Pirate Republic. That's not a cheap place to dine at, but since he was the 'Senior Motorolan', paying for dinner fell to him. It didn't matter really, the money came from this project, so I could paid too, but that's how things go with us.

         The classes I delivered were both Networking classes, it was good to once again get my hands on the equipment as well as deliver the classes. It had been far too long for this, so I thought it was good, the class results proved my belief. I was able to relax at night both weeks, and spent the weekend in Clearwater with my ex-Father-In-Law. You might wonder why I would spend time with an ex-In Law, so I'll tell you. He's much more to me than just an ex-in law. We were shipmates on my first submarine, and were close friends while on the boat., Of course being married to his daughter meant we stayed in touch throughout the years. It was a good weekend, other than me having a pretty rough Allergy attack Saturday. But getting Flonase in my sinus', and eye drops in my eyes quickly cleared things up. Still, I spent far too much time Saturday napping, he didn't seem to mind. One of the big reasons for spending time with him is that he lives alone now. He lost his wife to Alzheimers almost 2 years ago, so is alone now. His youngest daughter live about 3 hours away, so he gets few visitors. He will turn 89 this year, so visiting him was almost a must. It was a good visit, just tiring for us both.

         Since I will be ending my time in San Francisco today, and will write a blog entry for this week later this weekend, along with editing this one to add restaurants I dined at later. I need to sit back and relax some, but wanted to post this at least.

         My upcoming schedule, as of now

Week of:

May 20: San Francisco

May 27: Schaumburg Illinois

June 3: Vacation!

June 10: Vacation!

June 17: Tennessee

June24: St. Johns Newfoundland

July 1: Holiday week

July 8: Fort Bragg NC

July 15: Work From Home

July 22: Los Angeles

July 29: Tennessee

         That's all for now, it's about time to get going again. A short entry today as a result.. Til next time, keep on writing, most of all, keep on loving those special people in your life!

May 4, 2024 at 9:40pm
May 4, 2024 at 9:40pm
Los Angeles, California

         This past week I was once again in Los Angeles delivering a class to LAPD. This is my 4th or 5th time working with them. I had not delivered this class since 2020 and it showed. My knowledge of the subject is sound, it was the timing and flow of the class that was off. It's fine though, everything went well, and since I'll be delivering the same class in Ft. Lauderdale this upcoming week, it was a nice tune-up, so to speak. Besides, Duncan Angami, the manager of the radio shop did offer me a job, in a way. He said that if I retired from Motorola because the travel was too much, but still wanted to keep working, that there was a job with LAPD for me. I'm not sure how serious he was, but I'd not take it if offered. Why? I'm not a big-city person, I'm much more comfortable with a city the size of Bloomington/Normal (~130,000 in this city).

         I spent my evenings resting and going to bed early because I didn't really want to get adjusted to PDT because I will be on the East Coast next week. I was successful until Thursday, but that was expected. The flight home last night was bumpy, but the plane had a lot of empty seats. As a result I was able to lie down in my row and relax some. We landed at O'Hare right about midnight. I knew it would be a while to get my luggage and my van, and drive the 2 hours home. Sometimes I hate being right. I got home last night about 3 am, and will have a whopping 25 hours here before leaving tomorrow morning. Wash had to be done, I needed to unpack and repack, and rest. I napped 6 hours today, and managed to get 4 hours of sleep last night. I think I'm ready for the week,

         Since I will be in For Lauderdale for 2 weeks, I will drive to Clearwater Friday evening to see my ex Father-In-Law. He and I are close friends, and always will be He knows his daughter and I are divorced, he encouraged me to divorce her 2 years ago when I saw him. He understands, and while he doesn't know the details about our relationship, he does understand why we had to do it.

         My upcoming schedule, as of now:

Week of:

May 6: Fort Lauderdale

May13: Fort Lauderdale

May 20: San Francisco

May 27: Schaumburg Illinois

June 3: Vacation!

June 10: Vacation!

June 17: Tennessee

June24: St. Johns Newfoundland

July 1: Holiday week

July 8: Fort Bragg NC

July 15: Nebraska

July 22: Los Angeles

July 29: Tennessee

         That's all for now, it's about time to get going again. A short entry today as a result.. Til next time, keep on writing, most of all, keep on loving those special people in your life!


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