Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/l0v3rs2g3tha
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Oh boy! GP are now on sale, that's so cool!

My question is, how do I convert them back into physical money? Because I could really use that feature right now!
Recently heard something I never thought of before. Stopped me in my tracks.

"Hell is better than war because there are no innocents in hell."
I don't know why but I was just listening to The Village on repeat.

That song is so painful.
Whose song?
I've written a new story I'm rather proud of. Surprisingly, it only took me an hour.
 Wrong Place, Wrong Time  (18+)
A new reporter goes into a dangerous city at the wrong time. Word Count: 1,300
#2318961 by John Johnny Johnson
I just got 4 notifications about interactive-story updates but when I went to read them, all 4 links said "Error. Chapter doesn't exist."

Did this happen to anyone else?
I was watching Looney Toones when a weird thought crossed my mind:

Why is it that people have such a problem with gays and trans, yet no one has a problem with Bugs Bunny dressing like a woman and kissing men?
You're not the only one wondering this.
A man beating his dog on The Pink Panther bothers me.
Princess Megan Rose 22 Years - this genuinely confused me because I've seen 4 of the 5 movies and I was sure no such scene existed.

So I look it up and find you were talking about the series. Oops.
I've taken an advanced creative writing course and was given a prompt, this is the story I made.
 Midnight Cold Calling  (E)
A vampire gets cold called. Word Count: 524
#2318368 by John Johnny Johnson
If any Pokémon fans are reading this, do you think you can take part in a poll?
 Pokémon Leaf/Green  (E)
What's the name of the girl from Kanto?
#2318305 by John Johnny Johnson
I was starting a new interactive and after deleting a series of chapter to try again, the thing ctashed. Now that I can't make chapters in that particular path anymore, I'm forced to start the whole thing all over again.

Who did I anger for this to happen?
Thought I'd make this just for a bit of fun.

Type "Please" and let autocorrect finish the sentence.
Please find the attached copy skill set and I was wondering whether it would allow me for a monster effect.
Please remember to get pickles and chicken and don't forget to close the door to the basement because I'm afraid that I'm one step closer to the Red Queen.

Well, I'm off to have nightmares now *Shock2*
Neil deGrasse Tyson once said, "I can not convict a man of a crime and affect his whole life if the only evidence is eye witness testamony."

How much do you agree with this statement?
  •   1 comment
All things considered, looking at the studies, hearing conflicting reports... yeah, I agree with him.
129 Tips For A Woman To Get A Husband

Tip 76: Double-date with a gay, happily married couple. Let him see what it's like.

I actually needed to be reminded this was written in 1958!
I was watching a movie and in it, they mentioned about leaving breadcrumbs. I suddenly realised, why do we say "follow the breadcrumbs"?

In the story of Hanzel and Gretal, they leave breadcrumbs to find their way home but they get eaten by birds. They used breadcrumbs because their stepmother took away their marbles which they used to find their way home.

Wouldn't it make more sense to say "follow the marbles"?
Follo0wing breadcrumbs was a way to find rats or mice in a house. The trail of crumbs left by the rodents as they ran for their holes gave a very clear pathway to them.
s - That makes so much more sense, thank you!
I just got out of a wierd argument. I called out a Japanese video for being racist to Americans, gave my reasons, and yet I was called spineless and insecure over my nationality.

The racism I understand, it's a part of Japanese culture. What gets me is why I was attacked and ignored by other English speakers. Where's the line?
Update: My dog's eating just fine now. Apparently, she was still feeling the effects of the anaesthesia.
  •   1 comment
I'm glad she is recovering.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/l0v3rs2g3tha