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#1977162 by Dragon is hiding

Heard on the news, a few years ago, that all UI cheques will be delayed, as the employees whom operator the pre-historic computers are now all retired and the younger staff has not been taught, how to operate those monster computers! The new system of UIC cheques will be up and running later than expected.

The Unemployment Insurance Office. Is where I was trained to operate their computer system, The gigantic computers, were from floor to ceiling in height and took the whole circumference of an entire room large enough to be the size of a large banquet room.

After that comment then came the following announcement:

"The new system for mailing out UIC cheques will be delayed slightly.¨

Laughed, so hard, almost fell of the sofa, when I heard that bit news,
I am one of those old employees whom has finally got to retire,
along with the pre-historic computer system!

A Volunteer Community Garden
 A Volunteer Community Garden  [E]
The beginning growth of a Volunteer Community Garden and a local city park.
by decora
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 A Volunteer Community Garden  [E]
The beginning growth of a Volunteer Community Garden and a local city park.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 A Volunteer Community Garden  [E]
The beginning growth of a Volunteer Community Garden and a local city park.
Happy 10th!!! *Balloonb* *Balloonp* *Balloonb* *Balloonp*
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/purpleiris