Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/readingfox
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So I've been looking for a story that I used to enjoy reading, but I can't find it anywhere on this site anymore since I forgot the title. If someone in the community remembers the title let me know. It was about a woman who had loved the wife of the main character, so she takes the form of the husband (you) and puts you into the body of somebody else, one path was the dog, another was said woman who loved your wife, etc. I think the lady was a witch or something so I searched "witch" and went through all of the pages but couldn't find anything. I don't remember if it was marked under "adult" or "erotica" but it did have a lot of sex in it. Anyhow, I would appreciate any help the community can give me.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/readingfox